Wifi pineapple?

Is there any way to know if wifi pineapple is attached to my network with Norton?

Hello Jimmy. Although I am not a MAC user, I can verify that Norton protects against MITM attacks with the Windows version. Not sure if the MAC version does or doesn’t provide the same level of protection.

A pineapple access point most likely will be used in a public setting. Where, most times than not there are WiFi access points that do not require a password to log in and use. I would NEVER EVER use public WiFi for any reason. Especially on a mobile device for those reasons.

On your home network, you should be able to review your ARP table contents within your router. If there is a device listed there you are not sure of add it to your blocked listing in those router settings. I would also NOT make your SSID visible to others. Anyone needing access to your network, family etc should ask and get that information from you to add your network credentials manually. Conversely, you can also setup a “Guest Network” which will isolate other devices on your network from those connected to the guest network.

There are small differences between MITM attacks and Pineapple SSID penetration. Here is an article for some useful ways to guard against them both.


wow. My Norton doesn’t have all those settings. My Norton VPN will not connect. I have to go to my computer system settings and connect manually from the vpn settings. I took a screen shot to show you. It use to connect saying that the connection I was connecting to was a public network; I didn’t even recognize the LAN it says I was connecting to.

As you can see my Norton VPN says I am NOT connected, but my computer security settings VPN says that I am, ???

Before my update on my Macintosh I would always get this notice; but I no longer do.
I don’t even know what LAN16CDA4 is??

In your searchable WiFi network list does LAN16CDA4 appear? If so is it listed as an open WiFi network and are you connected to it? If these are all yes, disconnect from it and reboot.

Edited; Here is something you may want to check as well:


No, it doesn’t appear on my wifi drop down list. I’ve never seen it before until I downloaded the new Norton.

Having a screenshot of an entry in your Norton history would tell us a lot more. I’m at a lose unfortunately.


I’m not tech savvy. lol. What is an entry of Norton? Thank you for your time.

I did a scan on my network. I’m not sure what this very last device is. It’s suppose to be my vivant alarm. But it says it is NOT connected to the internet. Even though it works.

Thanks. The number that is visible is customer support for Vivint. If you are unaware of who Vivint is DO NOT call that number. Other information suggests ADT as well.

My suggestion is.

Temporarily disable your alarm. IF, you are using the factory passwords provided for your router those need to be changed. Disabling the broadcast of your WiFi SSID will help your network not being visible to snoops as well. While in your router settings, look at the connected devices in its settings. REMOVE this device and reboot the router. Recheck to see if it reappears while its off, not powered on. If that occurs there is an issue we need to look at closer. Thanks for the screenshot.


Your first reply with your screen capture showing your Norton settings: I don’t have any of those features on my Mac Norton. Are these settings for PC software only? thanks again.

While I greatly appreciate your response from Oct 22, I am unable to follow all those instructions. I have a wife who is adamant about her wifi. Believe me, I would rather wrestle a bear than deal with her and her TV schedules. Nevertheless, I really appreciate your time and response. I’ll screen capture in case I have an opportunity in the near future to pursue these intrusions. Thanks again.

Yes those are PC settings shown, I HOPED there would be enough similarity that we could figure out something in that regard. Looking forward to your screenshots when available.