Will Ghost migrate XP Hdd drive to SSD?

I am contemplating buying an SSD and copy of Ghost to migrate my 512gb Hdd laptop running XP to a 512gb SSD.

I have seen a few dialogs on this forum with regard to other Windows versions. It seems there can be multiple problems, including booting issues, sector sizes and so on.


Is this within Ghost capabilities? 

Is there a step by step tutorial anywhere?

Do I need to make the SSD partitions reseble the Hdd partitions, as in total size, bloct/sector etc?


I have only a general undertsanding of how Hdd's storage is organized,

and no idea how SSD's organization may differ.

Otherwise, proficient computer user/programmer.


A 512 gb SSD is stretching my budget, I cannot afford to throw it away if it doesn't work.... :-)


Thanks for any pointers.



Can you post a screenshot of Disk Management?


How old is the laptop?

Its ten or so years, sony vaio vgn-sz1


Attached is the disk management screen, but it does not have an ssd attached.- scratch that, it wont accept any file format Paint makes. I don't have a way to upload this.

It shows disk 0 with 2 partitions 6 gb and 459 gb


I'm trying to verify it will work before purchasing.


I expect I will need to veryfy electrical compatibility too,

but this seemed more likely to "not work".



Is the internal HD SATA? If so, SATA I or II?


Can you upload your screenshot to Photobucket, etc?

To insert a picture in a post...

Save as a png or jpg file.

Use the "imageuploader.gif" icon right above where to type a message.

Browse to the picture file and uload it..

You will see the picture immediately. The rest of us have to wait for a mod to approve it.



It did seem a bit odd the Attachements below refused an image. Actually it still seems a bit odd.


I tried to veryfy if it accepts sata or ide, and both drivers appear, so i am not sure. It may work with either.

I assume the newer sata are back compatible. But I will certainly verify before spending $400 on a big ssd drive.

You really don't need such a big SSD.

Your only using a little over 50GB including the recovery partition.



I'm with Dave. If it was my laptop I'd buy a 128 GB SSD. That is assuming the current HD is SATA. If the current HD is IDE, forget SSD.


We can talk you through the steps.

You can get a SATA2 128GB SSD for around $90-$140


Your system will not be SATA 3, but you still need to make sure it is SATA .

I was looking here but I could not find the model number you listed:





I'm well aware how full the disk currently is.

It does not follow I have given any information on what my storage requirements are.

Not helpful to assume I don't know them myself.

It is sata. 

The full model is vgn-sz140.

A remarkable amount of response has been given without answering the question,

Is Ghost designed to do this task?

Is there a tutorial, either online or with ghost documentation?

I understand Ghost does backup for replacement with a plug compatible drive.

Its not clear if it can handle changing drive types.

mrbi11 wrote:

Is Ghost designed to do this task?

YES. Sorry if we weren't specific.


But to give advice we need to ask these questions about partition size, etc. There is no point giving someone advice and then seeing them do something that makes the whole project fail. We've seen that too often.



mrbi11 wrote:


I'm well aware how full the disk currently is.

It does not follow I have given any information on what my storage requirements are.

Not helpful to assume I don't know them myself.

I won't assume anything and will not bother you with any suggestions anymore.
I was just trying to help.

Best of luck,
