Usually about the time a subscription runs out, I can find a low or no cost way (with rebates) to update to the new version. Got an e-mail saying I could update free to NIS 2010. My original subscription expiration date remains the same. So the way I see it, when that expires next June, my only option will be to renew my subscription, for which there are usually no discounts or rebates. Uninstalling 2010 and reinstalling from a disk I suspect might not work since Norton has a way of leaving evidence behind of prior installations. So I’m debating whether or not to install NIS 2010 now.
I guess my point is frugality. I got NIS 2009 for eithe $20 after upgrade rebates and imagine the same offer would be available if I wait for 2010 until my subscription expires. Whereas if I install 2010 now, it will cost me $60 when my subscription expires in order to renew it.
Usually about the time a subscription runs out, I can find a low or no cost way (with rebates) to update to the new version. Got an e-mail saying I could update free to NIS 2010. My original subscription expiration date remains the same. So the way I see it, when that expires next June, my only option will be to renew my subscription, for which there are usually no discounts or rebates. Uninstalling 2010 and reinstalling from a disk I suspect might not work since Norton has a way of leaving evidence behind of prior installations. So I’m debating whether or not to install NIS 2010 now.
sorry...take two on the previous message
I guess my point is frugality. I got NIS 2009 for $20 after rebates and imagine the same offer would be available if I wait for 2010 until my subscription expires. Whereas if I install 2010 now, it will cost me $60 when my subscription expires in order to renew it.
afosawips Hi,
When you see and use NIS 2010 I think you'll be so delighted that all ideas about costs next June will completely disappear from your mind.
As far as I understand it, you can trial NIS 2010 on another computer, or your own, before you upgrade.
I believe that Norton offer discounts to their existing customers but there's also no reason not to buy from a cheaper source, if you can find one, and wish to do so.
NIS 2010 is really amazing.
When your NIS 2010 is about to expire, just go and buy another NIS and use the product key that comes with it to renew your NIS when it is about to expire. Just go out and buy the product with the rebate like you did.
Joestay is correct. You can update to NIS 2010 now, which will be running under your current subscription. Then find your best deal on the retail boxed version of NIS 2010. When your existing subscription is about to expire, simply use the product key from your purchased product to reactivate your subscription. No uninstall/reinstall required. Just be sure to wait until it is time to renew before using the new key, as it will replace the existing subscription and you will lose any days remaining on the old one if you renew early. Update now, buy the retail version at your convenience, renew with the new product key at the last minute.
Thanks for the replies, and especially how to renew without paying $60 online to Symantec.
If you watch eBay, you will find some great prices there. I got NIS 2008 for $14 USD and upgraded to 2009 and then to 2010, both for free as I still have almost 120 days left on my subscription.
Till that time next year, norton 2011 will b on verge and u ll get discounts from even symantec on renewal of 2010 so don’t wry
Definitely install 2010 now if you want to althugh like any new version you may want to wait a few weeks more to let everything settle down.
See this message down below Re: WIll it cost me more in the long run if I install the free NIS 2010 to which I would add that if you see an attractive price anytime now for 2009 (I've seen one store with it at $9.99 after one rebate and the Symantec mail in updaters rebate which you qualify for as a user of a Norton product).
But do not use that 2009 or its key until your present subscription is about to run out since if it is unused it will renew your current installation whether it is still 2009 or updated to 2010 (unless they change their present policy on this but they know people do it and don't seem to object).
Just make sure that the version you buy matches what you have -- don't buy a 1PC version if you now have a 3 PC version and, although I don't know about this for sure, I'd suggest you don't buy the netbook version if you are running on a normal PC although to the best of my knowledge the only difference is that one is on an optical disk and the other on a thumbdrive .....