Interesting predictions from Woody's site this morning (U.S. time). I hope his crystal ball's tuned into 47° 40' 27" North / 122° 7' 13" West (Redmond)
The first 6 changes Microsoft will make to Windows 10
The ones that I'm watching most are #3 and #6:
Windows 10 prediction No. 3: Microsoft will figure out how to let everyone block updates (at least drivers) before they're installed
The current situation is silly. Obviously nobody thought this one through. The only alternative on offer is convoluted, unwieldy, and basically broken. Microsoft clearly needs to give everyone -- whether they're attached to a server, whether they're running Pro or Home -- a way to block bad driver updates. Whether it gives us a more general blocking ability depends a lot on how the patches go over the next few months.
Windows 10 prediction No. 6: Microsoft will go back to patching on a regular schedule
Enterprise customers will go nuts if they have to field patches coming at unpredictable times on unpredictable dates. Whether the patches will come out on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, arrive weekly or every two weeks, or whenever, admins at the places I know are already skittish about Windows 10 patching, and the unpredictability doesn't help matters one bit. A little bit of advance notice wouldn't hurt, either.
I may be on an island on this pov , but I prefer the "Patch Tuesday" approach because excluding out of band updates, you know when the monthly patches are going to be deployed and one can do some research on WU's before they choose to install them.
These 2 prediction results along with verifying how Win 10 interfaces with legacy MoBo's vs UEFI's, with the PC's firmware (keys, COA's, etc, imbedded in BIOS) are the things I'm watching for the next few months before deciding on the free upgrade.