1809 installed after a manual check for updates. No problems so far but I did have to re-enable System Restore / System Protection.
Norton finally fixed WiFi Privacy for Windows 1089. Go to your personal download page and re-installed. That's it.
One other thing noted that I found on Neowin. Make sure you watch what you are doing with disk cleanups on version 1809. The downloads folder is now a location marked for cleaning.
MS has identified and (hopefully) fixed the issue and has released an updated 1809 version to Windows Insiders.
Patch installed. Deleted files still deleted. Norton WiFi Privacy will still not make final "redirecting" connection. Now it's up to Norton to patch WFP.
Just got the patch Tuesday updates on my Dell laptop. 1809 installed on it previously without issues. All looks good so far.
The 1809 patch is available with a manual update check. Will download and hope for the best.
Got the Gateway system up and running after multiple startup repairs. Also found my system image on my external Seagate backup corrupted as well due to the failed upgrade. Deleted all Norton backups and created a new BU set. Created a fresh system image onto the Seagate backup drive as well. Here is my boilerplate for the 1809 October update. DO NOT under any circumstances install this update even when MS states at some point they have it right. Save yourselves the headaches.
1- Since my update install failed, all my documents and other files remained intact. Other sites have reported users losing data, specifically documents and related folders being deleted when the update succeeded. On all my other computers where the update installed I didn't have any data loss. Guessing I just got lucky.
2- As Krusty reported in his opening post system restore was also affected in that all previous restore points were deleted. On ALL my systems this was the case except the Gateway. The restore points on that system remained but were found corrupted and system restore would not restore the system.
3- Downloading the media creation tool and making a fresh 1803 bootable USB drive was the fix for me. Although I do not have a clear idea what it corrected the system did come online again.
Today is patch Tuesday so I am hoping MS has something that will remove the busted update from the Gateway or correct the issue where its stating a restart is required. According to AskWoody 1809 has three flavors floating around as of this evening. The flavor being offered in today's updates is discussed here.
Update: Last evening, I checked the Gateway system and ensured restore points were not wiped. There were several dating back to September. I initiated a system restore to 9/28/2018, after about 2 hours I received a BSOD with the error 0xC000021A. Working out that issue this morning and hope to not lose data. Gotta love MS eh?
You can do that, or download an ISO file from the MS site which is currently V 1803 if you wish to revert.
Just download the ISO file and select Mount in the set up menu when you click open on the file, or you can copy to a USB using Rufus or burn to a disk.
MS MAY issue a fix come Patch Tuesday !
I'll wait; thanks! WU 1809 permanently disabled by System Restore from the Control Panel and removed all previous restore points. It appears the only way I can go back to WU 1803 is via Recovery Options under View Update History, Go Back to the Previous Versions of Windows 10.
From past experience I've had to remove and reinstall my Norton products once having done a system restore. All else has functioned as smoothly as before. If you wish to wait until I have my Gateway restored and report back here anything I see regarding issues please do so. I will be more than happy to share my findings.
Terry, knowing that 1809 has reportedly removed files, do you know if a pre-1809 system restore will allow the computer OS to run without any problems? Thanks
Jim, I am leaving my Gateway system "as is" for the time being. Its running good just cannot remove the 1809 update, so it will most likely be a system restore back to when it wasn't installed. Should take care of things for the short term. MS REALLY needs to get its head out of its *** with WU in general.
Terry - SA
I have 1809 on 2 systems but I was not offered it on my 3rd systems yesterday. I did not know it was pulled until this morning. I had tried reseting WU and other testing. I then tried the Update Assistant but it failed during install and left a bunch of crap behind.
I have Macrium images and I am restoring all 3 systems to 1803 Build 17134.320 and will wait a Month or two.
Thanks MS.
That thread is below. If the update is re-released my concern is will the new release download over the previous as there will obviously be changes. That may/may not undo whatever fix is presented for those who presently have the update installed.
SoulAsylum: Norton has indicated in another thread that they are aware of the problem and are working on a fix for WiFi Privacy for those of us who have already installed Windows 1809. Thanks for all the information. I'm glad MS has pulled the 1809 Windows Update.
StPeteMark. Microsoft pulled the entire Windows 10 version 1809 release. ISO's included. Its a coding issue on their part not a Norton issue. September was an update fiasco for Windows 10 due to the continuing lack of internal QA on the part of Microsoft. They depend far too much on the insider program for their testing. That being said the systems that I DO have 1809 on are not experiencing issues, save the one AMD system where the update fails to complete and it cannot be removed.
Thanks! It's also blocking Norton's WiFi Privacy program from connecting at log-in. I'll guess I'll wait for either Norton's fix or Window's update, rather than going back to Window's previous version.
Update: There was a writeup yesterday (which I neglected to post here) where MS was blocking the 1809 update to certain Intel Core CPU's, specifically the 6th gen through the current generation. Not giving a reason for that, one can deduct the microcode for the CPU is the most likely culprit. I also got the update on one of my AMD powered machines which shows installed, awaiting restart. No restart will complete the install.
Today it appears Microsoft has pulled the update entirely. Please read here.