Since the recent update to Windows 10 on my Laptop I am continually getting notifications to turn on Norton 360 which in fact is in operation on boot up. Can anyone explain why this is happening as it never occurred before. I tried to attach a screensho of the notifications I am getting on every boot up but this facility doesn't seem to work.
Since this problem occurred I have had problems with my Windows 10 Home Edition 64-bit OS which necessitated a reinstall. This seems to have corrected any mismatch between The OS and Norton 360 and after several logins over the past couple of days the problem seems to have been resolved.
Our engineering team analysed the logs you had shared with us. They noticed that the Windows Defender Firewall (mpssvc) service was not running. Norton Firewall expects this service to be up and running. Please install all pending Windows updates and ensure that the Windows Defender Firewall is running.
This should resolve this issue. If the issue persists, please let us know. Thank you.
Hoping, Norton staffer will chime in.
Any error message/code?
And Norton Autofix = no help? (Norton 360 Classic view -> Help -> Get Support)
Any other security solutions installed?
And Windows Defender Firewall - Services (Local) is Running | Automatic?
Just removed Norton 360 using the removal tool without saving my settings then installed it from scratch. The Firewall Settings now available but when closed down and then booted up back to being greyed out. Very strange behaviour.
Eric Athroll:
I also uninstalled Norton360 and then reinstalled it but it hasn't solved the problem but I do notice that in settings>Firewall everything is greyed out. It was fine after the reinstall but after closing down and later booting up again it is greyed out once more.
Suddenly - within the past 5 days - Norton Firewall is turned off when I startup my laptop. When I open Firewall in Settings, the options are locked and I cannot activate the Reset or Turn On functions. No idea why this suddenly started - prior, Firewall was automatically enabled.
I also uninstalled Norton360 and then reinstalled it but it hasn't solved the problem but I do notice that in settings>Firewall everything is greyed out. It was fine after the reinstall but after closing down and later booting up again it is greyed out once more.
Curious, greyed out On or greyed out Off?
Presuming "greyed out" is your Norton install.
Did you use Norton Remove and Reinstall Tool -> Advanced Options -> Remove Only
Did you Uninstall and remove all user data?
R U Windows Admin user account?
You need to log in to your computer with an Administrator user account to change the product settings.
For Standard user accounts, some of the settings may appear disabled (grayed out).
Windows fast start is not switched on and Boot Time is set to normal.
I also uninstalled Norton360 and then reinstalled it but it hasn't solved the problem but I do notice that in settings>Firewall everything is greyed out. It was fine after the reinstall but after closing down and later booting up again it is greyed out once more.
Before the latest Windows 10 update a few days ago windows security had always shown Norton360 as the anti-virus/firewall application. In this latest update to Windows it is not shown.