I just downloaded Norton 360 Deluxe to my new Win11 PC laptop.
I cannot see if the Norton VPN is on via the WiFi icon in the tray as with other PC's. IN the Norton Main Menu is sez I am connected but I cannot verify. Plus in the Win11 VPN menu there is no option to insert Norton VPN. It just sez Win VPN.
Also...When I select Contact the "Contact screen" comes on for maybe 500ms then disappears. So I cannot try to "Chat".
Also number of licenses is incorrect.
I am very new to Windows11 so it is probably me. But very frustrating.
It is just VERY frustrating that I have been given case numbers and my phone number is on my Account...and Norton can see that there has been NO chat or support activity, yet they dont call and ask!
Not how I would run a billion dollar business...or maybe in this day and age it is!
Problem also is when I do a screenshot, it does NOT save the "hover Norton images" to a the file extension , txt,pdf.zip file. That doesn't make sense to me if a png file is what is saved.
OK..I got a screen shot that Norton is active. From "Home" page VPN sez "On". Problem also is when I do a screenshot, it does NOT save the "hover Norton images" to a the file extension , txt,pdf.zip file. That doesn't make sense to me if a png file is what is saved.
The only confirmation I receive I get that the Norton VPN is active is in the "Home Menu". I see that Win11 has some sort of its own VPN and has a menu to check if there is another VPN but that menu in Win11 only shows the Win11 VPN. I see no evidence that there is a Windows 11 VPN. I see NO norton "tunnel" as with other PC's.
I am clicking on the "Help" icon on the Home Menu. The chat apears for a millisecond then disappears and leaves me with with "generic" selection screen but no contact info. It stalls when I select a problem option.
Both menus show all licenses in use yet I had a similiar problem last week, have a case # and they fixed the # of license issue but it is back.
If you hover your cursor over the Norton 360 icon in the system tray, does it no longer give any indication of the Norton VPN being active? This is still happening on my Win 10 system. I cannot get Win 11, so it may be a change in the way Windows 11 displays the network connection. Windows 11 users here should be able to verify this for you.
As far as the Windows VPN settings, that is for a corporate level VPN that needs to be manually set up. Norton makes all the necessary settings in Windows to provide their VPN service.
To contact Norton, not sure where you were clicking Contact, but you can always get Norton Support at www.norton.com/contactcs If using the chat feature, as soon as you are able to enter information, enter "agent please" to get out of the chat bot and connected with a human.
Are you seeing the number of devices in your 360 product or in your Norton Account Devices page? If the devices page, that is notorious for being incorrect. The correct information can be found by opening your Norton Account and hover the cursor over the user icon at the top right, then click on Manage My Subscriptions. Find your current subscription and click on Manage Licenses. That will always have the correct information.