Windows 7 64bit and media center extenders for Xbox

  Ok, I have checked here on the fourms. I have Checked Microsofts site and the Xbox site to no luck. Every time I try to add my Xbox 360 media extenders to Media Center it tells me that there is a problem with my Norton's Firewall settings. Ok. The only thing I have found at any site is that if i turn off the "smart firewall" it will work just fine. And, yes, it does. Problem is I don't think I should have to disable the smart firewall every time I go to use the extenders. So, I would assume that there is something in the firewall settings that needs to be changed. Has anyone came up with a fix for this problem? I am getting a little tired of this. And if there is a fix. Please Please explain it in simple english for the stupid. Maybe I have already seen a fix posted but it was not in a language I cound understand for this. I am not stupid but this is sorta out of what I know about.

  Thank you for your time.

I have a very similar problem except disabling the firewall doesn;t help. I have to remove 360 v4 entirely.


I was able to fix the issue by manually going through the program fiels and chaging the 2 media centre entries to ALLOW. Hoever, after a reboot it went back to AUTO and blocked it.


My problem is teh the extenders (actually x360's) connect and get you the initial screen but are unable to navigate from there.


Like you, I dont understand why the firewall is block a standard function of windows. Seems stupid to me.