Windows 7 64bit Ultimate Action Center No Virus Protection

I randomly get this error and it is getting so annoying to me.


I tried the solution in the forum:

1. Click the Start button, and then click All Programs > Accessories > Run.

2. In the Run dialog box, type the following text:

regsvr32 /u WMIUTILS.DLL

3. Click OK.

4. Restart the computer.

5. Click the Start button, and then click All Programs > Accessories > Run.

6. In the Run dialog box, type the following text:


7. Click OK.

8. Restart the computer.


Yet it does not work, also I already talked to Norton Help Desk and basically they removed it with the Removal tool and reinstall the software.



Now I am back to square one.

I found a solution to my problem after 2 hours of looking I found a answer on Microsoft Social answers:

  Method 3:

    Make sure these services are set to automatic

1.   Windows Security Center

2.   Windows Management Instrumentation

3.   SBSD Security Center Service

     Steps to follow

i.        Click Start and type services.msc in the search box

ii.      Search for the services

iii.     Right click on the service

iv.     If the service is stopped then Start the service

v.       To start the service right click and select Properties

vi.     And in the Start-up type select Automatic


I changed them from delay start to just Automatic.


Hopefully this will work until microsoft puts out a fix for it. I was just about to do this very drastic solution from this website:


Luckily I did not need to do it.