Windows 7 > Norton Internet Security reports that it is turned off

When I restarted my computer about 5 minutes ago, I got a message from the action center in Windows 7. It stated, "Norton Internet Security reports that it is turned off". I clicked the Turn On button in the action center but the message still remains. I then opened Norton to check if everything was turned on, and it is. I don't know whats going on, but help would be gladly appreciated.


Action Center Message;



Norton Internet Security;




Sometimes Windows Security Center stop recognizing the antivirus products. This what you should try:
1. Go to Control Panel -> Administrative tools
2. Open Services
3. Find Windows Managament Instrumentation on the list, ans stop this service (right click on it)
4. Find the Security Center service, and stop is as well.
5. Go to c:\windows\system32\wbem\repository ans delete this subdirectory ONLY
6. Close everything and reboot your PC (maybe you need to boot twice).

This will rebuild the deleted folder and the database. Once restarted, Windows Security Center should show the correct info and the security product should now be recoginized.

Let us know the results.

HI alex0002008,


Welcome to the Norton Community.


Could you also tell us your version of NIS? You can find this from Support > About. Does your Windows 7 have SP 1? To determine this go to start menu and type winver in the search box and hit Return.


An About Windows box will display which will tell you if SP 1 is installed. See image below:


Best wishes.




Windows 7, Service pack 1.

NIS is version


I did everything that the first guru said and it just made it worse. Now windows defender is deactived, windows firewall is deactived, and it says I dont have an antivirus at all.




Trouble-shooting a problem is like that sometimes.  There can be a number of reasons for what you are seeing.  Finding the correct one takes a bit of time and trial and error.  Stay with it.


Is there a chance that your machine is infected?

There is a very low chance of my laptop being infected, as I just scanned my PC recently and have kept up to date with a antivirus signatures ect.

alex0002008 wrote:

Windows 7, Service pack 1.

NIS is version


I did everything that the first guru said and it just made it worse. Now windows defender is deactived, windows firewall is deactived, and it says I dont have an antivirus at all.




HI alex0002008,


Windows Defender and Windows Firewall is supposed to be OFF since you have NIS. If these were active along with NIS you would have conflicts which would make matters worse.


Do you have any other security software installed on your computer besides NIS?


If you have no other security software installed and you are confident you do not have malware then I would recommend that you uninstall and reinstall NIS with the help of the Norton Remove and Replace tool. If you DO have any other security software besides NIS please let us know the details before proceeding.


Please proceed as follows:


If you use Identity Safe you should back up this data first. Please see this link for details on how to do this.


Please download the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool from here. This link provides instructions for use of the Remove and Reinstall tool as well as the link to the tool itself. This tool will automatically download the latest version of NIS for you, uninstall NIS with the use of the Norton removal tool and reinstall NIS.


However, if you have any other Norton or Symantec software the Norton Removal and Reinstall tool will remove but not reinstall them, so please do let us know if this applies to you and we can help you with those as well.


Though it is highly unlikely that you will need this since the tool handles it automatically, you should make note of the product key for NIS which you can find in your Norton Account.


After NIS is reinstalled please run Live Update repeatedly (rebooting as requested) until it reports there are no more updates.


Hope this helps and please do let us know how it goes.


Best wishes.


HI alex0002008,


If you would like a second opinion so to speak, you can scan your computer with the free version of MalwareBytes which is an on-demand scanner only with no real-time protection. Be sure to get the FREE version only.


Please download, install, update and run the free version of MalwareBytes following the procedure outlined below. Any other recommendations will follow after you have a chance to provide any other details requested.


Please go to


Download the free version of MalwareBytes only, do not get the paid version as it will interfere with your Norton product. Click the "Download" button, not the "Buy Now" button. Please ensure that the "Update MalwareBytes" and "Launch MalwareBytes" options are checked during installation.

Then scan your computer using the full scan option. When scanning is completed, please click on "Show Results". Make sure that all detected threats are checked and click on "Remove Selected".


Best wishes.


Those programs were always off. I have no other antivirus programs other than Norton and no other tools installed from Norton. I have a question though... will reinstalling Norton ask for the key again? I have 1 more key usage will this consume it? I'm positive I have no malware.

HI alex0002008,


The Norton Remove and Reintall tool will save your product key as well as your ID safe information, however we always recommend to make note of your product key and back up your ID safe just as a precaution.


When NIS is reinstalled it will recognize you are reinstalling it on the same computer and will not take away any remaining activations you have. In the unlikely event that this does happen, Customer Service will take care of it for you. If you do contact them for any reason be aware that CHAT is the best option.


Please do let us know how it goes.


Best wishes.


Thank-you Allen for the help, case closed.

alex0002008 wrote:

Thank-you Allen for the help, case closed.

Hi alex0002008,


Thanks very much for the update. I take it the remove and reinstall went well.


And you are most welcome. :smileyhappy:


Best wishes.
