Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer (v11) stop working with Norton 360 installed



I have Norton 360 installed under Windows 8.1. It worked OK until a few days ago.


Windows Explorer now hangs whenever I try to do anything. At the same time, I could not run Norton 360.


If I double click it on the desktop it does nothing. If I right click on the desktop icon, it hangs for a while, but still does nothing. If I pin it to the taskbar and click it, it does nothing. If I right click on the taskbar version, and select any option, it does nothing. No errors.


I’ve uninstalled Norton 360 (using your Norton Removal Tool, and re-installed it. It now won’t activate (sometimes error 8505, 129, sometimes 8505, 100)


Also, Windows Explorer now works again, but I can no longer run Internet Explorer. After 20 minutes, just running my homepage (Google) just sits there saying ‘Waiting for’, I abandoned it. Tried several times.


I clicked on the Support button, and it just hangs saying ‘Waiting for’, presumably because Norton have screwed up my Internet Explorer.


I have uninstalled it again, using Windows uninstaller, because I couldn’t access Internet Explorer for the Norton Removal Tool.


So at the moment I am unprotected and my thoughts are to press the ‘request refund’ button and go back to McAfees.




Thanks for your prompt reply.


I'll look into the system restore in the morning. It is by Control Panel that I uninstalled N360.


I feel it is a Norton issue rather than a Windows issue though, because everything works with N360 uninstalled (Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer), but doesn't work with N360 installed.


hanks again,



I feel it is a Norton issue rather than a Windows issue though, because everything works with N360 uninstalled (Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer), but doesn't work with N360 installed."





If you are confident that Windows run properly, then use the second part of my suggestion, Uninstall N360 via CP, reboot, run NRT, reboot again and finally download & install a fresh copy of N360 from your Norton Account.

I'm assuming that you haven't any other AV's on the pc, especially with real-time components enabled, is that correct??

Post back if everything went ok.





I have Norton 360 installed under Windows 8.1. It worked OK until a few days ago.


Windows Explorer now hangs whenever I try to do anything. At the same time, I could not run Norton 360.


If I double click it on the desktop it does nothing. If I right click on the desktop icon, it hangs for a while, but still does nothing. If I pin it to the taskbar and click it, it does nothing. If I right click on the taskbar version, and select any option, it does nothing. No errors.


I’ve uninstalled Norton 360 (using your Norton Removal Tool, and re-installed it. It now won’t activate (sometimes error 8505, 129, sometimes 8505, 100)


Also, Windows Explorer now works again, but I can no longer run Internet Explorer. After 20 minutes, just running my homepage (Google) just sits there saying ‘Waiting for’, I abandoned it. Tried several times.


I clicked on the Support button, and it just hangs saying ‘Waiting for’, presumably because Norton have screwed up my Internet Explorer.


I have uninstalled it again, using Windows uninstaller, because I couldn’t access Internet Explorer for the Norton Removal Tool.


So at the moment I am unprotected and my thoughts are to press the ‘request refund’ button and go back to McAfees.




OK, did exactly the same again, and this time it activated (which failed first attempt. And IE seems to work OK as well.


Still not sure why first uninstall/reinstall failed but everthing appears now in order.


Thanks again for your prompt help.
