Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Is anyone else having this Issue: Ever since I installed N.I.S. 2009, when I am on Hotmail Web Page, after a few Re-freshes or clicks on “Inbox”, Windows Internet Explorer Stop Responding and comes up with the “Send Error Report”? This is extremely annoying! Why is this doing this? I am considering going back to N.I.S. 2008, which is something I do not want to do…
Red, back in beta days, there was a false positive going around that made NIS kill IE7. Since you use Firefox, is there any chance that this is a holdover from back then?
mijcar wrote:Red, back in beta days, there was a false positive going around that made NIS kill IE7. Since you use Firefox, is there any chance that this is a holdover from back then?
Yeah, I noticed that, and, supposedly, it was Fixed...
Hi Floating_Red,
Can you post the details of the error report, or a screenshot of the detailed error report? Thanks!
Tony_Weiss wrote:Hi Floating_Red,
Can you post the details of the error report, or a screenshot of the detailed error report? Thanks!
The next time it happens, I will.
I think the Issue may also be related a script in an advert which causes Adobe to run slowly and, if it continues to run, may cause my computer to become un-responsive.
I am having a similar problem also. This is on my laptop. NIS 2009 Vista 32bit nothing else special. After installing NIS 2009 about once or twice a day (sometimes more) while surfing the net. Internet explorer 7 the page will freeze . It just freezes. Not any particular page, just random. I can check the usage monitor and there is not any real usage going on. I can start a new Internet explorer and it will work fine, but the one that is frozen, stays frozen, I have to do a control alt delete to bring up the task manager to kill the frozen internet explorer. The task manager shows that internet explorer is still working. It does not say "not responding" . Strange.
I have uninstalled NIS 2009 and reinstalled the NIS 2008 for a couple days now and have not had any problems.
Here is the error I get only after I kill the frozen internet explorer.
A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
Problem signature
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: iexplore.exe
Application Version: 7.0.6001.18000
Application Timestamp: 47918f11
Hang Signature: 22bb
Hang Type: 4
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Hang Signature 1: 21df519556a42570759d914d8d9c4869
Additional Hang Signature 2: 5bae
Additional Hang Signature 3: 6fe881ef49e050f7fffd3e8b86e7eb2f
Additional Hang Signature 4: c939
Additional Hang Signature 5: 8e90128507e861f7ee3f65a82b0e93aa
Additional Hang Signature 6: 8f7b
Additional Hang Signature 7: 67599c4ebfe02581aa5a9343d9510e45
Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: 203176195
Hope this helps
Floating Red...
I've been saying there's a problem with NIS 09 and IE7 all week.
I've made quite a few posts ... But no one seems to take me seriously
There is a similar problem with NIS 09 and Opening - Firefox
Take A Look Here...
You Said...
I think the Issue may also be related a script in an advert
Totally Agree
The problem seems much worse on... Web Pages that have a lot of Adverts or Graphics.
I agree with every single thing you said
You Said...
I am having a similar problem also. This is on my laptop. NIS 2009 Vista 32bit nothing else special. After installing NIS 2009 about once or twice a day (sometimes more) while surfing the net. Internet explorer 7 the page will freeze . It just freezes. Not any particular page, just random. I can check the usage monitor and there is not any real usage going on. I can start a new Internet explorer and it will work fine, but the one that is frozen, stays frozen, I have to do a control alt delete to bring up the task manager to kill the frozen internet explorer. The task manager shows that internet explorer is still working. It does not say "not responding" . Strange.
Every bit of what you wrote... Exactly The Same As My Experience
Even the bit about Task Manager
Have You Noticed...
When IE7 Freezes ... But Task Manager Say.. Nothing Wrong! " Running "
If You Then...
Try clicking Exit or Home in - IE7
Open Task Manager - Again!
Task Manager Will Now Report... " IE7 Has Stopped Responding "
To Everyone...
There are many Threads and Posts on this forum - Regarding The Problem Of....
1/ NIS 09 and IE7
2/ NIS 09 and Firefox
3/ NIS 09 and Other Programs
They are all the same problem
Just No One Has Bothered To... Join Up The Dots!
Even This One...
http://community.norton.com/norton/board/message?board.id=nis_feedback&thread.id=17779I Think Could Be Related
This is strange to me because my IE7 used to hang occasionally before I upgraded from NIS2008 to 2009. It hasn't happened since.
I never go to the Hotmail page though. I'll go there and see what happens.
Incidentally, if you want a free web based email service that is compatible with PoP3 and IMAP, check out GMX. I use it and it's great.
Hi, sOulbAit and Zana,
What happens is: sometimes, when I am on Windows' Hotmail, I.E. 7 Freezes and then the wee "Error Reporting" thing comes up.
However, Microsoft have recently Updated their Hotmail Web Page so will see how it goes.
Hi Floating_Red:
I dont think it ever froze on the Hotmail page. It was usually on just random pages while surfing.
Thanks for the response.
Hi there.
This is an interesting thread - I've been getting IE7 freezing sometimes too but it only seems to have started happening in the last couple of weeks. No page in particular either and I have to close it down using task manager. Are any of you using Norton Safeweb? Not sure if it's NIS2009 itself or Safeweb. But as I said only seems to have started happening in the last couple of weeks and I've been using both NIS2009 and Safeweb since they were released with no problems.
Hello, is there a solution to this yet? As soon as I installed the new Norton 2009, my Internet Explorer (version 6) started Not Responding when I start it up, and it takes several minutes to get the End Task commands to take effect. My "workaround" is to open IE6, then, if I close it as soon as comes up, I can sometimes avoid the lockup. After that first lockup, IE opens fine for the rest of my session. Then, the first time I open IE the next day, it happens again. I am on a laptop with XP SP2 on a wireless home network.
ade0410 wrote:Hi there.
This is an interesting thread - I've been getting IE7 freezing sometimes too but it only seems to have started happening in the last couple of weeks. No page in particular either and I have to close it down using task manager. Are any of you using Norton Safeweb? Not sure if it's NIS2009 itself or Safeweb. But as I said only seems to have started happening in the last couple of weeks and I've been using both NIS2009 and Safeweb since they were released with no problems.
Norton Safe Web is currently still in Beta so it might be an idea for you to un-install Norton Safe Web and see how it Runs.
showe wrote:Hello, is there a solution to this yet? As soon as I installed the new Norton 2009, my Internet Explorer (version 6) started Not Responding when I start it up, and it takes several minutes to get the End Task commands to take effect. My "workaround" is to open IE6, then, if I close it as soon as comes up, I can sometimes avoid the lockup. After that first lockup, IE opens fine for the rest of my session. Then, the first time I open IE the next day, it happens again. I am on a laptop with XP SP2 on a wireless home network.
I would advise Upgrading to I.E. 07: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/downloads/ie/getitnow.mspx.
Also, please do this to make sure you are getting Microsoft Updates for your computer: http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate/v6/default.aspx.
If anyone else is having a problem where...
1/ You Leave Your Computer Idle.
2/ NIS 09 Does A Job - e.g. Quick Scan - or - Norton Insight Scan.
3/ You Go Back To Your Computer... And Try To Open - Firefox
4/ Firefox Takes Anything From 5 to 20 minutes To - Open
I Think I've Found A Simple Workaround
All you have to do...
Before you try opening - Firefox ... Open and Close your User Folder first
In Vista...
Start - Your Name
Now when you click to open - Firefox ... It should open within 2 seconds
XP - Users...
You could try opening and closing your My Documents folder instead
I know it's a bit of a faff
But it sure beats the hell out of sitting for 20 minutes
Hi showe
You really should take Floating Reds advice .. And update to - IE7
IE6 .. Is way out of date
IE7 .. Is what people should be using - Now!
IE8 .. Is on it's way!
Even people that use FireFox ...
Should still update their IE6 to IE7 if it's IE6 that they have on their computers.
As even just having IE6 on a computer - Is still a... Security Risk!
It's No Big Deal... Updating To - IE7
Nothing to be scared of
My first computer - XP ... Came with - IE6
I think I'd only had the computer a month... When I updated to - IE7
Being My First Computer...
I never thought anything of it.
I just did it!
That was in - 2006
Just go to - Windows Update
And I think IE7 is listed as a Recommended update
Do Not Install - IE8
As IE8 is still in - Beta
Meaning.. It's still going through the testing and changing stage.
Vista comes with - IE7
But I guess we'll all soon be updating to IE8 ... When it comes out of - Beta
Thanks for all your help, that appears to have worked.
Hello Showe,
Can you use the Solution button on the post that soved your issues? Thanks!
Just for the record incase anyone else reads this that has my issue...I did upgrade to ie7 and dont have any other stuff
on it runing (add ons) and if I run anti phishing with ie7 it repeatedly crashes the browser on many many sites.
I resorted to not using it. Runs fine w/ it off. incidentally I have identity protect off to incase it makes a diff.