Hello, my Windows XP HP PC will not start up. Freezes once it gets to the 'Windows is starting up...' screen. Same results in all safe modes, and also 'last known good config' mode too. I made a bootable recovery cd and did a scan using it. It found 'bloodhound.malpe' virus. The repair failed. The norton web site suggested I try the repair again. Now when I run the bootable recovery tool and select 'Recovery Scan', it doesn't even scan, it just locks up. I even made a new recovery cd today and found the same results.
Any suggestions, other than wiping it clean & starting over?
One other thing... I guess power eraser won't help me, right? Since I can't get the PC booted up....
Until you can boot to safe mode there's nothing currently installed on that computer that you can use to help you clean it up. Do you have access to a clean computer [I guess you do, since you are posting here ] If you can make a disc with the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool on a clean system you might be able to get in with that. If that doesn't work let us know and there are other options.
" I made a bootable recovery cd and did a scan using it. It found 'bloodhound.malpe' virus. The repair failed. The norton web site suggested I try the repair again. Now when I run the bootable recovery tool "
You can run a scan using NPE from NBRT itself. When you boot into NBRT, you would be presented with 2 options: Norton Power Eraser Recovery Scan and Norton Advanced Recovery Scan. Choose the Norton Power Eraser Recovery Scan option to run a scan using NPE.
You can run a scan using NPE from NBRT itself. When you boot into NBRT, you would be presented with 2 options: Norton Power Eraser Recovery Scan and Norton Advanced Recovery Scan. Choose the Norton Power Eraser Recovery Scan option to run a scan using NPE.
Thanks for the advice - however, when I booted using NBRT, the Power Eraser option was grayed out (not clickable). The only option available was to run the virus scan, which I completed, and that's when I found the bloodhound virus... but the repair failed.
I made another bootable recovery disk and tried that, but the Power Eraser option was still grayed out.
I'm wondering about another option: I have one of those Sabrent hard drive adapter kits which will connect my hard drive to another computer via USB. If I run power eraser on my good computer, will it scan the drive which I connected via USB?
The option to use NPE is disabled because a wired network and internet connection is absent. Can you please try connecting the machine to a wired network connection?
If you are already doing so, you can add the drivers of your network device to the tool during the creation process. Once you choose to create the tool on a CD/USB key, you would find "Add drivers" option. Kindly use that to add the drivers pertaining to your network device. Please note that only 32 bit version of the drivers are supported. After you've added the same, please proceed to complete creation of the tool.
After booting into NBRT, you should be able to see the NPE option enabled.
- My PC has two hard drives, a C drive (which contains the operating system stuff), and a J drive (documents, music, photos...). My PC will start and operate pretty normally if I disconnect the data cable from the J drive prior to booting up. With the J drive plugged in, it freezes at the 'Windows is starting up' pane every time. So something's up with the J drive. I tried plugging the J drive data cable back in after booting up, but the PC will not recognize the drive for some reason. I also tried hooking my USB adaptor up to the J drive and plugged it in to my laptop, but the laptop won't recognize that anything's plugged in. Strange.
- I found the location of my network adapter driver (using device manager), but when I go to make a bootable recovery disk and browse for the driver, it's not there. The driver's obviously installed and working, because internet explorer works fine. So I still can't run the power eraser, because it's grayed out. (Well, I can run power eraser with the PC running, but only on the C drive, due to the issue with the computer not recognizing the J drive).
- One more thing: norton 360 doesn't work. I get a couple of error numbers when running it (don't have them handy right now). I tried to uninstall but that locks up too.
Any advice / recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Can you please try booting into the machine with the drive J unplugged? Once done, please run LiveUpdate until no more updates are available and try running a full system scan. This will eliminate concern of viruses, if any. If you run into any issues, try using NPE. However, please exercise caution while using NPE.
I believe the J drive is an external hard disk? Can you please try downloading the drivers from the manufacturer's website? If the drive was getting recognised properly previously and not getting recognised now, it could possibly be a drive problem.
To add the drivers while creating the NBRT tool, you can use the copy of drivers that came with your PC. You might find a CD/DVD containing the drivers pertaining to your PC model shipped along with your PC.
Thanks - I'll try that but I won't be near my computer until this weekend. However, I bet when I try to run liveupdate or NPE, I'll get an error message. Norton 360 doesn't appear to be working correctly.
The J drive is not external, it's an internal hard drive that I installed in the expansion slot a few years ago. Haven't had any problems at all with it until now.
I'll give it a shot and will provide details this weekend.
i had the same issue norton has a premium service tech package if u can not get help on here they have a 1 time set up fee of $59.. after that $20. monly or family for $29. it really been helping me out i no tim lopez helped me n other on here thank you tim
Success! I did as you directed - started the computer with the 'J' drive disconnected, ran live update (which failed), followed the directions (uninstall Norton 360, restart, reinstall Norton 360), ran live update again, ran a scan. Then once Norton 360 had scanned the system & removed 3 items, I plugged the 'J' drive back in. Norton 360 soon noticed that a piece of hardware wasn't working properly & told me to restart. The restart initiated a disk check, the 'J' drive was repaired and now everything's good.
Thanks for your help. Big relief that I didn't lose any data.