The description of WS.Reputation.1 is dubious at best. Quarantining a file just because 'Norton' doesn't have enough information on it is heavy-handed and annoying. Please change this to a warning only. Anyone without the time or patience to check up on it will see WS.Reputation.1 and trust that Norton has protected them from something dastardly. And most of the time they'd be wrong.
I Beta test. A lot. Norton 360 flagged a beta installer as a 'virus', or so I thought. Being a bit more computer savvy than average, I was pretty sure this was wrong, so I checked up on WS.Reputation.1. If I was Charlie Brown I would have yelled ARRRGH! Being ex-military I had a slightly more colorful version in mind, but kept it to myself to spare my lovely wife and children.
So I figured I'd help out a lot of people and click the link to tell Norton that this file is good. Halfway through the page, it says uploading the 'suspect' (cough) file is ReQuIrEd. Required? I'm under NDA. I can't even tell people I'm beta testing this thing, and you want me to Upload the FILE??? Tell me just how I'm supposed to do that?
Needless to say, colorful language took on a bit more vivid hues, and I'm afraid some of it may have actually escaped under pressure.
Come on, guys. We have enough to be afraid of in this life without a boatload of false positives. And the seemingly official WS.Reputation.1 virus classification is doubly misleading. Remove the rhetoric and tell us what's really going on, and unless you're a LOT more sure its a virus/malware/whatever, Let Us Decide. Or is the whole WS.Reputation.1, thing a ploy to drum up business?
Chris W.
A Very Annoyed Customer