Antispam Toolbar missing after Norton updated

After Norton updated last night, there is no longer a Norton Antispam Toolbar in Outlook, making it impossible to mark emails as spam

Detailed description:

Product & version number: 24.10.9535 build

OS details: Windows 11 Home fully updated

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In MS Office version of Outlook it anti-span has been removed - see:-

I too am having the same problem. Was this feature purposely removed in 24.10.9535 (build 24.10.9535.880)?

Same problem. No help from support

@kevinm1957 @Timo @VSchuDa


spamfighter is for windows 10, I am on Windows 11 as I said. This is not of any use whatsoever. I paid for a product that included spam protection in Outlook and now you take it away and offer some workaround???


i agree, also the constant driver updater they are pushing. my driver are newer than the ones they want to charge me to install

Hello @kevinm1957

You paid for license to use software.
Norton owns the software and reserves all rights.

Community member did not take “it” away.
Community member offer an alternative.

Learn more about Email Protection [here]

so now I have to pay for another product??? mailwasher free only covers one email address; I would have to pay $50 to use this tool. I would like what I paid for back please, yeah I paid for a license that include a spam filter for outlook

Norton Community does not have access to your Norton account, subscription nor payment profile.

Norton support via Social Support | Chat | Phone [here]

10 tips on how to help reduce spam [here]

Without purchasing another product, how do I flag an email that made it to my inbox as spam?

what email service? webmail or client?

No antispam cannot keep up to date. Microsoft used to cover it for Office Outlook but stopped years ago. Likewise Norton has just done, just impossible to offer a 100% up to date filter. These other offerings will not be able to do so either. The best anti-spam is free, you, as the user, Do have the very rare email that is not from a known sender, these are always checkable from the senders address shown at the top of the email. The old Spam filter used to slow down the receipt of emails whilst it checked against the on-line data base.

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