Is the Norton backup an Image (mirror) or just a files backup?
Hi cameron5,
If you go to Manage Backup and select the destination as Online Storage, you will be able to find how many files/folders backed up. There you can find the option to Delete Previously Backed up files. You can select individual files/folders and remove whichever you don't want.
There’s no way to simply clear all?
No, you won’t be able to do that from your end. Only way you can remove the backedup files is through the Norton 360 program. Otherwise, send an email to Tony_Weiss with your Norton Account information, kindly check his profile for the email address. I am sure that Tony can help you in cleaning up your Online Storage Space(delete all files).
Hi Medtrans34:
You need to post your message on the 360 forum. This forum is to discuss the actual forums themselves. Click on Norton Community, top left, and go down to 360. People will assist you there.
Hello medtrans34,
May I ask what version of 360 you are using?
I was thinking that I used to get bugged and have a red x with V2 as I did not wish to use the backup for a couple of months after installing N360 V2. I think just after I set it up and initialised the backup feature it did not bother me anymore. If it is the case you can tell norton to stop trying to automatically backup files and set it to manual. Again if this is the case this should stop the notifications as well.
If this is your situation please let us know and whomever gets to the message first will probably give the step by step directions for your version of 360.
Take care,
Hi Medtrans34,
I would suggest you to run a backup to any of your internal drives(C:, D:) by manually selecting 1 or 2 files/folders. You can change the backup destination and select files/folders in Backup Settings to any of your local drives or external drives and then run a backup. If you don't want to run backup currently, simply disable Backup. Click on Backup and Restore in the main window, click View Details and there you can find the option to Disable Backup.You can enable it and use it whenever you need. This will prevent Norton Backup alert from appearing every time you restart the computer.
Doesn’t really disable it but you can change the backup to a Manual type in the settings in Backup > When . Then you have control of the running of Backup.
If you still want to disable the backup feature in Norton 360 3.0, you can follow the steps given below:
1. Start Norton 360.
2. Click Settings.
3. Under Quick Controls, uncheck Backup.
4. Click Close.
I'm a new user of Norton 360 so this is probably a really easy problem to solve.
When I go to N360 Backup and click on a file I now get an error message saying: This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Associations control panel.
Any ideas on how to do this would be appreciated.
Its ok i've been able to get it sorted !!
SWG wrote:Its ok i've been able to get it sorted !!
Thanks for the update.
You can add the Newfolder to the Default backup set (Right click on the folder->Norton 360->Add to Backup->Defaultset).
Save the Backup set and Run the Backup with the destination as External Hard drive. Now the New folder alone will be backed up to your External Drive as the other files are already backed up
Hope this info helps you
To add little more to Papauz : Make sure that both the products (installed in Laptop and Desktop) are connected to the same Norton account. If that's the case then move on to the Restore Files -> Restore From UI for your download. Do refresh the screen once if you are not seeing any Online Backup sets
ich habe das Norton 360. Und wollte mal fragen, nach Ablauf des Abos, kann ich dann nur das Backup weiter nutzen, ohne Norton neu zu abonnieren? Sonst ist mein Backup doch sinnlos oder?
I have Norton Security Suite Version: and am setting up the automatic backup . I want to make sure that all the proper folders are backed up. If I leave the backup source as my documents I don't know if everything in my documents is backed up or just the items with the check boxes under file types.
I think I should just uncheck all the backup sources and select all the folders under Jim
Saved games
Will this work ? Should Appdata be included in my backup ?
Hi failingk,
You need to first log in to Identity Safe in order to see and have access to all of the settings options in Web Settings for that component.
Some of the documents I back up don't display the tick icon in my "Documents" folder; I've listed them in the files to back up on the Norton site and they are there right enough, but the tick doesn't show. Why is this and how can I be sure they really are backed up by Norton? What's worse is, sometimes the tick icon is there and then it disappears without my having changed anything. I puzzled and perplexed. Can anyone help please?