Flashing window on desktop and other issues

I have tried the troubleshooting tips;  booting in safe mode, running the tool to stop the behavior, rebooting into normal mode and it still persists.  So I went to the next step and used the removal/reinstall tool and then updated Norton until there were no more updates and still I get a flashing window on my desktop that appears periodically.,

Really dissapointed in the product at this point, as the only way it will add email address to the blocked list when marked as spam is if I set it to ask everytime.

Also, the tool for exporting passwords from chrome does not work and never produces a file to import.

Good find. Thanks for letting us know. 

Thanks for the post-back.


Finally resolved this issue, Norton Support could not figure it out; but I found this article: 


Downloaded and ran the Autorun64.exe and it found four Norton entries, including \NortonCleanupTask that were invalid (no file found), I deleted them all and everything is good since

so I contacted support, they remoted in and did nothing.  They ended the remote session without even telling me why?  Case 78101745.

Are you speaking of Norton Support or Microsoft?  As SoulAsylum noted Norton is not going to support a beta OS. So nothing we can do here for you. This is a MS issue.

You will just have to wait for the next insider build to see if it fixes what you are seeing. Or install the official released public version of Windows 11.


so I contacted support, they remoted in and did nothing.  They ended the remote session without even telling me why?  Case 78101745.

Thanks for the link to the tool, I will try that.  I did report it in the feedback hub, but my experience with Microsoft suggests they will ignore it on the basis of "it's Norton's problem"

Just because you do not get feedback from your submissions does not mean they are ignored.  Microsoft would take all feedback because no one want to put out a new OS version with a known problem without acknowledging it. 

Thanks for the link to the tool, I will try that.  I did report it in the feedback hub, but my experience with Microsoft suggests they will ignore it on the basis of "it's Norton's problem"

I will run the tool and submit to Norton; I already have a case for it but no resolution so far.

Microsoft will take the reports dead serious if they're reported. The feedback hub is incorporated into Windows and easy to use, I'm sure you are aware of how: 



When in the Windows 10 Insider program I used two things religiously for testing and reporting. Windows Task Scheduler to view what triggers are being done under the hood and by what. IF there were things there that shouldn't be triggering or doing so as often as being seen, I made screenshots. I then would use the System Event Viewer to attempt to match up time frames that would match the triggers in Task Scheduler. Opening them to garner what ever information that was there, fault bucket info, error codes, etc. There is a way to report, Microsoft may have newer tools for doing so with Windows 11 that myself and others are not aware of. I use Windows 11 but am not in the insider program for that OS at this point. We will assist in ANY way we possibly can here on the forums. Please keep us in the loop. 

Another great tool that Norton provides is the MATS tool. Its a direct download for the tool, please see the link below. Save the tool in a location where you can easily locate it after download. Click and run the tool following screen prompts. You can also use that to report to Norton as well as providing those logs to Microsoft which will allow both to be on the same page. Norton and Microsoft WILL see and read your feedback.




Yes, I realize that I am on a Beta version.  But there is no way to report the issue to Microsoft, and as a 20+ yr experienced network & desktop technician; I know they will just state the obviously true statement that Norton needs to make the product work with Windows.  I will just wait, the version I am on will go live and then everyone will have this problem and Norton can address it then instead of being ahead of the game.

Kevin are you aware that Windows 11 version 22H2 Build 22631.1830 is an insider build ( BETA ) ?


That being the case, Norton DOES NOT guarantee their products will work properly with pre-release builds of Windows. Although some may never see issues appear, as was my case during the Windows 10 Insider program prior to general release, others may see serious issues. My opinion is your issue lies with the insider Windows install.


Updated the driver, but still the same issue.

Windows 11 Home: verions 22H2 Build 22631.1830, Intel UHD Graphics: and it is the latest version, but has no rollback option when I view it or I would have tried that.  I did find an update for it though and will let you know if that fixes the issue

What is your build of Windows 11? And which Intel UHD chipset is used? There are two, updated driver for your UHD/Iris Xe video. Get it here;



Please let us know if this creates any different results with the issue.


My GeForce is disabled, it is only for 3 D rendering and I don't use it.  My system uses the Intel UHD only.

And if the current version of Norton is not the issue, why do earlier versions work with no issues?

All: I see some serious confusion in the thread. The manufacturer specs show Intel UHD Graphics as standard. There are 4 others listed under discrete per Dell. One of these adapters SHOULD be disabled on the system, having both running side-by-side will cause serious issues. My question is which is set in BIOS as the default? Norton may not actually be the issue here in the sense that the system it is installed on is giving its core functions false flags as to what is actually being used.

Edited: I use an older Dell Mini-tower 7040 which has UHD Graphics and a GeForce discrete card. I have the UHD Graphics disabled on the system and the GeForce card default. No issues. If BOTH are enabled I get NO VIDEO on boot. 




I still suggest the next step is to contact Norton Support. They may be able to better diagnose what is happening.


I even went so far as to disable NVIDIA GeForce drivers (ver: to ensure they were not the issue since they use GPU (hardware acceleration), but even after reboot the issue was still there.  But again, I have no problems with any of my drivers or settings until it updates to the current version, so I have no idea what is causing this.

My only thought is that Norton runs some task every few minutes and it is causing this issue as it is not running silently.

I have tried all of that, and it was several hours before Norton updated to the latest version and there was no flashing window during that time.  As soon as Norton updated, it started the flashing window within 5 minutes of the update.

The window is barely open for half a second and I have not been able to get a screenshot of it.  Just not enough time to react and get the shot.

Thinking back, were you always streaming some video when this pops up? Or does it show with other apps running?

When you used the Removal and Reinstall Tool, did you use the Advanced Options > Remove Only? 

If you try this again using that option, do not run LiveUpdate right away. Let the system run for a while to see if the flashing window comes up before the latest version.  

I don't know how long this window stays on screen, but maybe you can try to hit PrtSc to get a screenshot. That way you might be able to see any text in the box.