Ghost 15 still being Sold

I purchased Ghost 15 two days ago from Fry's Electronics and come to this forum and see that it was discontinued and wasn't going to be sold retail after March 2013. WTH.  I'm trying to install a new main hard drive and after copying the old c: drive to the new drive my Windows 7 desktop won't load.  Is the answer in the replacement to Ghost 15 or can someone here help me?

I purchased Ghost 15 two days ago from Fry's Electronics and come to this forum and see that it was discontinued and wasn't going to be sold retail after March 2013. WTH.  I'm trying to install a new main hard drive and after copying the old c: drive to the new drive my Windows 7 desktop won't load.  Is the answer in the replacement to Ghost 15 or can someone here help me?

1.Copy Hard Drive

2. Choose the new drive for destination.

3.  Checked "Set Drive Active in Advanced, clicked Copy MBR

4.  Clicked "Primary Partition then next


Drive copied then swiched connectors.  Got a dos window that asked operating system to initializ and chose Windows 7/Windows Vista/ wtc.  got to the windows screen signed in then got a message that it was preparing my desk top then just a blue screen.  I can cntl/alt/delete and turn off but nothing on the destop.


Thanks in advance and yes, I'm sure I did something wrong.

Sorry guys for the spelling/typos but appreciate the help.  If my explanation needs more detail let me know.  Big fingers you know.

Don't feel bad. The userguide is appalling. It's been leading people astray for nearly 10 years.


Drive copied then swiched connectors. 


That is one mistake. You can't let the new HD see the old HD on its first boot.


Did you create a partition on the new HD before you started Copy Drive?


It can be fixed.

No, The new drive is 1 TB when I initialized it I allowed the defautl of about 930GB. I disconnected the old drive before trying to boot up the new drive.  My old drive had one partition for recovery of about 200 MB but other wise the system had two hard drives of 320 GB each.  I just copied the C drive.

OK. Scratch that error.


I'm still unclear whether you created a partition or partitions on the 1 TB HD before Copy Drive?


In your old OS which I assume you are now using, which is the Active partition in Disk Management. The 200 MB partition or Win7?

The 200MB partition on the old drive is called System Recovery.  I didn't create a partition on the new drive. From the "New Simple Volume" pane in the Disk Management  program it defaulted to Simple Volume size of 930 GB.  I assumed this was the partition.  BTW that's why I was given the rank Newbie.

Which is the Active partition?

Just checked it says c:

290 GB c: system, boot, page file, active, crash dump



From the "New Simple Volume" pane in the Disk Management  program it defaulted to Simple Volume size of 930 GB


That is a partition and that caused your failure. The new OS hasn't taken the C: drive letter so you need to do the following..


Boot from the Ghost 15 CD   
Open Command Shell Window
Type "regedit" (without the "") and press Enter
Click File, Load Hive
Click the drop down arrow in "Look in"
You will see your Windows partition has a non C: drive letter. Lets say the drive letter is F:
Browse to F:\Windows\System32\config
Select SYSTEM and click Open
In Key Name type ABC
Click the + next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in the left pane
Click the + next to ABC in the left pane
Select MountedDevices in the ABC group
Press Delete on the keyboard
Select ABC in the left hand pane
Click File, Unload Hive
Close Registry Editor and the Command Window
Exit Ghost 15 and remove the CD
Boot into Windows

Do I do this all in the new drive or old drive?

On the new HD. Make sure the old HD is not connected to anything.

Will do.  Thanks and I'll let you know how it comes out.  BTW, the best and quickest IT help/support/forum response I ever received.

Cominsk wrote:

Will do.  Thanks and I'll let you know how it comes out.  BTW, the best and quickest IT help/support/forum response I ever received.

Thank you !

Just remember that most of us are volunteers here and some of us even do other things, like jobs, eat, sleep, ect..

We do our best but do be patient when the responses aren't instant.

Stay well and surf safe

Hey Brian,


If Cominsk did not run Live Update to get SP1, isn't there a bug that messes up the boot files?



I recall pre SP1 caused BCD issues. The BCD is OK here. This is a drive letter issue caused by Copying into a partition with a drive letter.



Did it work?