Google Chrome Support

Hey Norton - Thanks for listening and including Chrome support for NIS 2012 (5/5/11 post).  When Chrome support completes beta testing will it be included as an product update for current subscriptions of Norton 360?

so, it has been  over a year since some one sugsted you make 360 and identity safe compatible with Google Chome. Whre does this stand? I have never liked fire fox and IE 9 sucks. I have been using chrome because it seems to be quicker and crash less.

I also want to add myself as one that would like Google Chrome support. I support Norton and have for quite some time with my $$ in renewal fees.  Please support my request.




Chrome is supported by the 2012 Norton products. Norton 360 will have the compatibility plugins in version 6.

My bad - as I should hav e been more specific. 360 is what I have and I noticed the beta was for Internet Security. I then guess the beta wont work for 360 and I will need to wait for Version 6? When is it due out?



Usually Norton 360 comes out in Spring, so I would say Norton 360 version 6 will come out only in early 2012. Or maybe the plugin will available to version 5 customers as well via an update package, but we do not know anything about it yet...

First post requesting Google Chrome support was March, 2010, and now its nearly July, 2011, and still no Google Chrome support.  See to me its taking entirely too long to get Chrome support for things like NIS and 360.  Took a long time to get Firefox 4 support as well.  Why are you more responsive to your customers and changes in the market place?

Norton toolbar

Identity Safe

It would be great to have Norton Identity Safe work with Chrome. Also, please add it to Norton Mobile Security.

Norton 2012 Betas support Phishing Protection, Safe Search and Password Management for Chrome 10 and above.