Hanging issue with ccSvcHst during shutdown procedure WinXP

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

You should update to NIS 2009 if you currently have NIS 2008. Update is free if you have valid key for 2008. Download the trialware and use your key to activate.

It is NIS 2009


XP pro Sp3  


I was a beta tester, I and have only had it happen in this version above. I didn't have the same problem arise in previous beta builds. (other problems instead LOL that Symantec fixed).




Sorry about that Quads, I know I had that issue with 2008 - bad of me to assume.


Did you follow the guidelines in the 2009 announcement regarding Beta Testers?



Yes I did, and also manually searched and delete any remaining registry entries etc.  I do fix PC's, so not a complete novice, well I don't think so when I have to fix other peoples major problems with thier system. Incluuding completely overloaded PC with viruses and Spyware. and have all the anti-static gear.


I remember I had to manually remove a Beta build that way, due to unable to uninstall that build.


This is the only major problem (if called major).  When the PC is on and I am doing all the usually daily work, I have NO interferance from NIS, like sometimes Realtime software can do.


Much better than previous years,


I apologise for not stating NIS 2009, I should have as this forum is for other versions to.


I just used this forum to see if someone else has this problem. 





I am having this problem also.



Can you refer to this and see if it solves the problem, thanks.


EDIT: If you don't wish to go through all of the steps provided, just try Step 1 and it should fix the problem.

Message Edited by johna on 09-15-2008 12:24 AM

Thanks johna


Will try later on when I have time on my hands





What where your previous security set ups? Did you install on top of a previous NIS 2008? Because in some cases this will give bugs

No previous build of Norton installed. Also no installation on top of any security software.    Any remaining files, reg entries were manually removed (deleted). As stated in a previous message further above. "Yes I did, and also manually searched and delete any remaining registry entries etc....................... "


I was a beta tester,   so did have the previous build .120 and earlier.    




Does the "not responding" dialog close by itself or is it stuck?


Windows only gives apps a couple seconds to shut down. We try very hard to immediately stop what we are doing and close, but if ccSvcHst is busy working sometimes it will hit that time out window. When it does you will see that "not responding" dialog. If it is stuck it is definitely a bug, but if it is just slow there could be a number of issues.

Hi Garret



1.  The "not responding" problem doesn't happen all the time.  It is intermittent in it's nature.

2. When it does occur, most of the time the "Not Responding " dialog box on PC shut down does manage to go through the process bar and close itself without 'user' intervention (help). and the PC continues to shut down without any problems.




3. Every now and then the dialog box goes through trying to terminate "ccSvcHst" but it can't and the "End Now" button appears. If you have walked away from the PC, when coming back you wonder why the PC is still running.  Now it requires the user to click the end now button before the PC continues to shut down, otherwise the Shut down procedure doesn't continue.


Hope this helps



Hi Quads


Did you try the workaround I suggested earlier, would be interested to know if it fixed the problem.



Hi Johna


I have tried step 1. "AutoEndTasks" and changed that value, it works.  At least I can walk away from the PC after starting the stutdown process and the PC won't just hang there waiting for me to press "End now" for the continuation. it waits 1 sec and then continues for me.


I won't do the other steps at this point as I still want to see if Norton 2009 has the "not responding" issue over time, so I still want that dailog box to appear as before.


Thanks so much



I also have done the first step and it has fixed the problem. Thanks for the help.

Hi Quads

I have had this happen as well on and off,occasionally another box comes up ccAPPs as well not responding?Does it come from maybe Norton doing a background scan that has not finished so it has to shut it off because we tried to shutdown halfway thru it?I'm only a novice but I found if i do a quick scan before I shut down I dont seem to have a problem.I have XP SP3 and still on the current version of NIS 2008.

Cheers Mo

Hi Mo.


The fact that we are using different versions of Norton, you are 2008, I am 2009.  The problem could be for different reasons. As previously stated by  another member further up, It is common in 2008.


When the background tasks (scan) are running I have a dialog box down in the right hand corner stating that the background tasks are running.  Once I move the  mouse cursor the background tasks stops.  So when clicking "start" and "Turn off Computer" the "shutdown" the background tasks have already stopped. (the dialog box has well and truly disappeared).


I can't find "ccAPP" on my PC. 





Hi Qauds

The ccApp was off the top of my head I know the letters were similar but may be slightly wrong,as I said it occurs only sometimes and to me does not affect anything other than a slow shutdown.I feel like a kindy (five year old just incase no one knows the slang)talking amongst adults when trying to say what's happening on my pc.Thanks for the explanation.

Cheers Mo:smileywink:

Hi Mo


Have you tried just step 1. in this message.




Step 1 Changes the registry value within Windows so if an application hangs (freezes) instead of the user having to manually press the "end now" button, Windows will shut the process down for you.






Hi Quads

I had a look at the link but most of it went over my head,And I have heard you do not mess with the registry if you don't know what you are doing.And I well and truly fall into that category:smileyhappy:Because it only happens rarely I suppose I will leave well enough alone for the moment.Appreciate your offers of help.

Regards Mo