I can't access any Norton websites on my laptop

Hello community,


I am hoping someone will be able to solve this problem for me.  I was given a friend's laptop, and I have no problem going to any websites on the net except for Norton related ones.  I can't access Symantec websites either.  I'm using my desktop computer to post this b/c I can't access this site either on my laptop.  I would really appreciate it if someone knows what is going on with my laptop.


Thanks, Jane

Thanks for your quick reply SendOfJive. 


I wasn't able to access the malware site either, and when I checked the conflicker eyechart, it shows "possibly Infected by Conficker A/B variant.  I've never heard of this, so is it a virus or worm, and how can I get rid of it if I can't download Norton?

Does the laptop not have Norton installed??



It had expired, and it was when I was trying to renew it that I discovered this problem.

Are you able to get to Windows Update or Microsoft Update (In Internet Explorer:  Tools > Windows Update)?  If the machine is infected with Conficker, it is probably missing a good number of security patches but, more importantly, Windows Update should also install and run the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool, which can remove Conficker.  Give it a try.

Try this tool Conficker/Downloadup removal from Symantec (http://www.symantec.com/security_response/writeup.jsp?docid=2008-112203-2408-99&tabid=3) and this tool from Sophos AntiVirus http://www.sophos.com/support/knowledgebase/article/51169.html

Hello community,


I am hoping someone will be able to solve this problem for me.  I was given a friend's laptop, and I have no problem going to any websites on the net except for Norton related ones.  I can't access Symantec websites either.  I'm using my desktop computer to post this b/c I can't access this site either on my laptop.  I would really appreciate it if someone knows what is going on with my laptop.


Thanks, Jane

Hi jane 123,


Do you have another computer that you can use to access these websites, so that you could download programs and use a USB drive to get them over to the laptop? 

I've uploaded the tools to my Google docs account, which you can hopefully access without logging in


(Sophros tool)

(Symantec tool called "d.exe")


These tools are current as of October 22, 2010.  They will not be updated.  These tools are not created by me, merely mirrored for the convience of those infected with Conficker/Downloadup.32.  For the latest tools, please visit the links in the above post.

I just tried to update windows, and I get a message saying "Windows Update cannot currently check for updates, because the service is not running.  You may need to restart  your computer".


I restarted the computer, and I'm still getting the same message.  Should I still continue with the other suggestions that were posted after yours?  Or is there a solution to the windows update problem that I should address before trying the other steps?


I really appreciate all the help everyone is giving me - thank you so much!



Yes, I'm using my other computer to use this forum - I can't even get on this site on my laptop. 

Can you access google with the other computer? How about paste bin? http://tiny.cc/tywin77. I’m using tiny url because the paste bin link is really long and confusing to remember.

Visit http://tiny.cc/tywin77 and download the tools from the urls there. Its the exact same message as the previous post. There tools are provided to use as is.

Thank you Tywin7.  I was able to transfer the files to a memory stick, but I have never used a memory stick before so I'm not sure of the steps I need to do next.  Would you have the time to list them for me?  Thank you.

Is Automatic Update enabled in the Windows Security Center?  If not, configure Automatic Updates to "Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them" and reboot.  If updates are missing on the PC, you should get a popup shortly after restarting the PC about updates being ready to install.  Follow the steps given in the prompt to install them.


In the meantime, if you want to try Tywin7's suggestions, you can.

Double click the downloaded files and run it. The files should run automatically. P.s. if you are able to visit the tiny url link on the infected computer, try that first. I want to minimize the risk of a cross infection.

Yes, I can access Google and the pastebin website.  Is this the same download as the one I just put on my memory stick? Then I can just download it from that site instead of using the memory stick, right?

This message answers the questions I just asked you on your earlier post, so no need to explain this to me.  Thanks!!

The google file is the same as the one listed on the Symantec's website as of today. Symantec and sophos may update the tools in the future and the one mirrored will be obsolete.  THe mirrors are not dynamically updated.  This means if Symantec/Sophos update their tools, the one mirrored will not.


Plus, you better scan the flash drive again to make sure on virus are residing there.


To use the tools, please run them one at a time.


Edited to insert more information.

I changed the windows update configuration like you suggested, and the update failed.  I checked to see what update it is, and it's the security update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3.  I'm going to try the memory stick next.  I thought I could do a direct download from pastebin, but the download button was to download the text, not the fix.