I do not like new Norton, especialy NO Edits to Network Rules at all!

If this isn’t solved I QUIT after a years with Norton. I’m done.
Why to bother with Software firewall if you can’t edit global rules?

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maybe, try Automatic Network Control → Windows Settings Mode
maybe, try Additional settings → Public network exceptions

fwiw ~
Learn more about Smart Firewall [here]
Configure Smart Firewall settings [here]

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@MajorOst Indeed, the default rules are not editable. With the exception of those labeled ICMP. The screenshot below is for version 24.xx new release. You may be able to work around that by following the steps below. In the right arrow shown, click More. The drop down menu will give you the choice to create a new rule. Personally I have not attempted this yet due to just getting the new 24.xx install which I cannot revert to the previous version anymore. Please let us know if this suggestion helps.


Your suggestion doesen’t work for me - new rules can’t overcome default ones. the rules placement - available in previouse release, did not work eighter.

Thanks for the post back. The suggestion I posted is the only one I can find that is available.


I don’t have V24 yet but based on the screen shot above it looks pretty simple to me. There is a toggle on the left side of the rule to turn it on or off. So if you don’t like a rule turn it off. Then go in and create a new rule to replace it if need be. What am I missing?

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Elvis99. Those toggle slides are not movable with the exception of the ones labeled ICMP on version 24.xxx .

There are many things I don’t like about the new version beginning with no option to stay with the older version. The new version automatically installed and when it did, it wiped out all of my custom firewall traffic rules so I had to go in and manually create those again. Absolutely annoying. I share your frustration at our total inability to edit the network rules. The only option (which may or may not work) to override the default rule by creating a new rule. My understanding is that traffic rules are enforced based on the order it appears on the traffic rules list. Maybe by moving your custom rule to the top, it will override the default.

You can still create custom rules - it’s finding it! Select Settings; Smart firewall; Program Control; – Once there you, find the “app” and hover your cursor over it and use the three dots to select “add app rule”. OR, if you don’t see the “app” you want, find “MORE” from the Program Control menu on the right to “allow new app”, and then create the custom rule.You can also go to the Traffic Rules tab to create network Traffic Rules under “more” to “Create New Rule”.