FOr some reason version 2011 no longer allows me to scroll through my identity safe lists using my middle mouse wheel. My old version 2010 did! I have a lot of logins so having to press those cheesy black up and down arrows takes too much time. Why did you remove this 'feature'.
So just to clarify:
When I click on "Identity Safe" icon and my list of logins appear, I can no longer scroll that list using a mousewheel like v2010.
Why?? Please bring it back in a future update, unless I'm doing something wrong and someone can tell me how to get it to work again.
Since you have installed a new program, have you checked your mouse driver and properties to make sure nothing has changed with that? What version of NIS 2011 are you running?
What version of Windows do you have and is it 32 or 64 bit?
Did you run live update and reboot after upgrading to NIS 2011?
You are referring to the ID safe icon in the browser's Norton toolbar, is this correct? I have noted that this does not scroll using the mousewheel as well. I had not really used it that way with NIS 2010 so I don't even recall if I could do this with 2010. From Settings > Web Settings > Identity Safe > Manage Logins, the mousewheel works to scroll through the list.
Curious, do you have NIS ID safe set to automatically input your login information when you navigate to a website in which you have an account? Or do you do this by hand or what? Just curious because I rarely found it necessary to scroll through the list manually since the auto-fill has always worked so well.
I can't try this since I don't ue trhe Identity Safe but I've encountered some situations where the mouse wheel scroll only worked if you held the pointer over the vertical scroll bar and not if you held it over the text ....
Actually on the browser ID safe toolbar, there is no vertical scroll bar no matter how many logins are stored. In the NIS web settings page, there is a vertical scrollbar as you would expect to see.
All you get on the toolbar is a little up and down arrow key which you have to keep clicking repeatedly. The list does not scroll even if you hover the mouse directly over the arrow key. Sometimes you can get it to keep scrolling if you place the mouse in just the right spot (not even directly over the arrow key!) but it only scrolls a few lines and then you have to keep moving the mouse to get it to scroll again.
I can see it is very cumbersome and not user friendly. My main question is whether the OP uses auto-fill or chooses to manually select a login from the list.
If this scroll was available in NIS 2010 and now it is not working in 2011 I would be inclined to think it is a bug as I don't think Symantec would have removed something this basic on purpose.
I can't personally attest to whether it worked in 2010 since I very rarely need to "scroll" through my list of logins.
If this scroll was available in NIS 2010 and now it is not working in 2011 I would be inclined to think it is a bug as I don't think Symantec would have removed something this basic on purpose.
Well, as I slept since my 2011 the best of my feeble recollection. Upon 2011 install. I do recall thinking this drop down long list thingy is new. I recall thinking Norton has made some changes to Identity Safe w 2011. I recall thinking I don't like this drop down long list thingy. I naively accepted the changes as a design update, not bug. May be a bug. If a bug. Seems odd that it took this long to be reported. Granted, I did accept 2011 Identity Safe as is. I have a slew of Logins. So, my list spans two drop downs. I just clic till I get the one I want. If this is a bug. Where is the scroll bar. I'm thinking design change. Hope, I'm wrong. Scrolling would be easier. I can not stipulate that 2010 scrolled (I slept since 2010). I will assertively suggest that 2011 IdenSafe is definitely different. I am happy and grateful that IdentSafe is part of NIS. The one bug I had w IdentSafe 2010 (reported to Symantec) is fixed w 2011.
I can't personally attest to whether it worked in 2010 since I very rarely need to "scroll" through my list of logins
I'll tell you what..... Ssh....don't tell anyone! I'll report it as a bug and if they come back and say it is not then we can add to Norton Ideas. Sounds like a plan. Mums the word. Loose lips sinks ships.
Seriously though, I would consider this pretty basic functionality. That little arrow thingy is just too cumbersome.
Your preaching to the choir. Let em' fix it. If we all say it's a bug....they'll never know.
After re-imaging and reverting back to NIS 2010, I can confirm geewcee’s recollection.
In NIS 2010, I am able to scroll through the drop down list of ID Safe Logins with the mouse wheel. There is also a vertical slider on the right side of the drop down login list.
It seems more convenient than the current top / bottom arrows in NIS 2011.
Hi guys, I didnt expect this many replies so soon!
Ok so I use my Identity safe toolbar as a shortcut to my favourites, hence why I have so many. I use a 30 inch monitor at 2560x1600 res and still need to scroll through my ID toolbar list for a site I want.
It definately does scroll with the mouse wheel in 2010 as I have another machine next to me with it still on.
So I guess if it isnt part of 2011 (although lord knows why they got rid of the function) then it needs to be a feature request. Do I need to re-post in there?