there is 6 major bugs in the 24.2 and norton nows it i can help you can i get a picture i am the only one who nows of all the bugs and i can possible help you and report it to norton and make it better the more i now the more i can report and inform them to fix the bugs but it is not small bugs but has you tryet to repiar reinstall norton utilities the auto clean and then system junk bugs is the 2 biggest there are they can send out a big major 24.3 this year and a big major 24.4 next year ore the big 25.1 and the reasen it has to be big major is that they has add more new thing in the update then normal minimum 3 new thing not 2 ore 1 ass normal ass im sorry to the update but how they do it i dont now but if they can do it fast they send the 24.3 and then 24.4 if not fast the 25.1 next year ore maybe the first is has 2 new thing and then maybe 4 i just dont now how they fix it but it is not good bugs level 3 higest level
point 3 dont work expect that in a update the other has also bugs but the last has the biggest bug if it is there then expect it they now it they is working on it and if i whas you expect it fix in the 24.3 but i dont now what they add in the 24.3 but i think this bug is number 1 ore 2 the auto clean is the next
the 24.3 is the biggets update to the intire produckt the bigget update ever i dont now what is in it but 5-7 new thing and possible twice in bugfix so you gunner love the produckt after the 24.3 it is a super update so it can maybe get delay