Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Hi, I have been having problems with the Norton full system scan. Windows Update automatically downloaded Vista Service Pack 1 and this seems to be where the problems started. I have Norton IS 2008 on my home pc and everything works fine, but I have the same Norton package installed on my daughter’s laptop running Windows Vista… Originally windows crashed aswell and would not load up unless under safe mode, I ran numerous restore system but to no avail. I eventually had a symantec agent take control of my laptop and he deleted Norton using the removal tool and re-installed it, this is where we parted as I knew how to do the rest of the set up. However, today having both thought that the problem had been resolved. I ran a full system scan and again it freezes on a scan of c:\windows\softwareDist (the same place everytime). I have un-checked the boxes as told to by the Symantec agennt to avoid scanning within compressed files but this doesn’t make a difference. I originally had installed the NIS 2008 add on pack but this has not been reinstalled at the moment. I also have 15.5 version. I have also downloaded a tool and ran it to repair registry files which came up when the scan crashed. I now, will not let me daughter use her laptop to access the net at all as because NIS 2008 was re-installed as a prevention measure the system has now not had a 1st full system scan, she is gutted as she uses it to do her school work on. I would appreciate any help PLEASE!!! I will keep running liveupdate as some members say that eventually resolved the issue but this is very frustrating. I cannot seem to talk again to the previous symantec agent because the code for contacting him does not work. Any help much much appreciated and it will stop my daughter being so moody. Thanks in advance, Karen. X
Hi Phil,
Thanks for helping out. I tried the procedure as you mentioned (turning off windows updates, retstarting etc.), I just ran a full system scan and still it freezes at the same place?? I have used NIS for many years and my main pc is just perfect... The problem seems to have started when Microsoft Updates downloaded windows vista service pack 1. I am now thinking about restoring the laptop back to factory settings, but my daughter doesn't want me to do that if I can help it. Is there anything else I can do to resolve this problem rather than reverting back to factory settings, even then I'm not sure it will work either. Thanks, Karen X
Hello Karen!
My suggestion is to exclude this directory from scanning, and turn on the option to scan compressed files. Instructions on how to exclude files or folders from scanning can be found here: Symantec Knowledge Base
Hi, Thanks for you advice, I will try that… I was online talking to a Norton Live help rep who took control of my pc and done all the usual stuff and after re-installing Norton for the 2nd time since this problem has started everything looked o.k, then the scan crashed again at the following place C:\Windows\setup\state. The norton help person saw that the scan had halted and a message was showing saying that Norton scan had encourted a problem and the scan was not complete, so I thought perfect now I will get the help as he has witnessed this happening too, but I was completely shocked when he typed very fast, this is sorted now, thank you and he very quickly clicked on dis-connect and within seconds he was gone… I tried to re-connect to him using the code he gave but it said that the room was not available, how helpful was that NOT!!! I am left feeling very let down by Norton. I shall put in a complaint having been left after 2.5 hrs of help just like that, but thanks for your advice anyway, I will go and try to do that now. Thanks, Karen. X
Thanks for your comment..... Funny I have just been reading your post, I think I will disable scan active programs & start up files. Not sure about deleting the files corrupted etc.... This is what I needed norton live chat rep to help me with, but he just signed off without even asking me if it was sorted, they obviously don't know what is wrong so they can't fix it........ I am strongly swayed now towards rebotting the laptop back to factory settings, do u reckon that would work to have a closure on this? It really is taking most of my time up, Thanks, Karen X
stargazerlily94 wrote:Hi,
Thanks for your comment..... Funny I have just been reading your post, I think I will disable scan active programs & start up files. Not sure about deleting the files corrupted etc.... This is what I needed norton live chat rep to help me with, but he just signed off without even asking me if it was sorted, they obviously don't know what is wrong so they can't fix it........ I am strongly swayed now towards rebotting the laptop back to factory settings, do u reckon that would work to have a closure on this? It really is taking most of my time up, Thanks, Karen X
Disabling Active program and start-up scan puts your PC risk, in my opinion. Restoring to factory defaults is a bit extreme. But if you decide that is the way you wish to go I can only suggest you make a full system backup first...
Hi again,
Thanks. I'm really out of options to get a resolution now. Hardly any useful helpful from Norton which has surprised me. Just ran a scan unchecking the boxes scan active programs & start up files and it still crashed, now at C:\windows\setup\state
U say it puts your pc at risk by unchecking these 2 boxes? Isn't this what you did to try and resolve your issue?
Someone said about manually disabling the problem file, not sure what to type in though? Windows?
Any help from anyone, much appreciated. I have been on this thing now since 7am this morning and it is driving me mad.
Thanks, Karen X
Hi Karen,
This is the same issue for which I am collecting logs off of a seperate thread. Given your specific situation and the need to complete a full scan in order for the university to allow the system onto their network, I'm going to recommend that you download and run Norton Security Scan. I have used this with other similarly affected customers and it has been able to successfully complete a full system scan.
One thing to note is that this tool is "blind" in that it does not have the ability to identify whether you have any security software installed and so will make a, in this case, unwarranted recommendation.
I've sent you a PM with details if you'd like to help us with some log gathering.
stargazerlily94 wrote:U say it puts your pc at risk by unchecking these 2 boxes? Isn't this what you did to try and resolve your issue?
Someone said about manually disabling the problem file, not sure what to type in though? Windows?
Hi, I only unchecked the options until I had identified and resolved my issue. I know HOW I fixed my problem but I don't know WHY it worked. Hopefully Symantec can shed some light on that one...
I personally wouldn't exclude any folders. I think you should give Symantec a couple of days to sort out the issue. If you're not very technical it would be unwise to not to follow their reccomendations. It is possible that although we were getting the same error the solution for fixing you PC may vary considerable to mine.
Hi Matt,
O.K, I have run the norton security scan as you mentioned and it has successfully completed a full system scan. Although on my norton it still says that I have not run a full system scan. Running the security scan has been successful. Would I be right in thinking that until the problem has been sorted that I can continue to run this. I am not sure what the norton system scan is, although it has been successful. I am sure that shortly Norton will alert me that a scan is required to fully protect my p.c. Further information regarding this would be much appreciated. Thanks again, Karen.
Hi Karen,
I'm confident that Norton Security Scan's completion indicates that you are threat free. You are, however, correct in your assumption that Norton will soon alert you that a full scan is past due and an NSS completed scan will not register with Norton Internet Security as a completed scan.
We have not identified the root cause, although with the logs we now have, we are starting to see some patterns. If you can get the us a log that would be a great help. I will keep you and the threads posted on our progress.
Thanks Matt, Any future progress/downloads etc will be a great help. In the meantime I will try and get a log sorted if I can work out how to do that as I am new to this stuff and having a young child and a very playful puppy in the house time is difficult. Thanks, Karen. X
Hi Karen,
As Matt said,he will get back to you with a solution for this. Meanwhile can you try with the following steps.
As discussed in the previous threads, I suggest you to disable the scan in active program files and compressed files. When the file is active ,that is when it is in use it will be difficult to scan as it may affect the applications. Now if a compressed file in damaged,Norton modules will not be able to decompress it and then run a scan.So disabling them will help you to complete the scan.
Now I suggest you to delete the temporary files .(Start>run> type %temp% in the Run dialogue box and then hit the enter kry).
Delete as many files as you can.
Then delete the prefetch files (Start>Run>type prefetch in the Run dialogue box and then hit the enter key).
Delete all the files.
Then delete the internet temporary files in the same way(keyword is temp ).
Then try to run a scan.
If it still persists, can you tell me the file at which it freeze and the operating system you are using?
Also, is the Norton Security scan detect any viruses?, if yes,did it remove them?
Hi, Vineeth,
O.K, I deleted all those files you mentioned and I have just ran a full system scan unchecking the compressed files. The scan stopped and crashed at a different place this time, it seems to be different sometimes but then others it is the same. This time it crashed at
...\x86_microsoft-windows-help-deskpr.resources (there were loads of numbers after that but it disappeared before I could write that down). I will try it again and see if I can get the numbers.
I am using Windows Vista Home Premium. The scan doesn't complete so with regards to viruses it doesn't find any up to the point of the crash. I have run the Norton Scan as told to do by Matt and it comes back as a green tick so everything is fine there.
Karen X
Hi again Vineeth,
I have just run a full system scan again and this time I have made a note of the full place that the scan stopped. The details are below:
Not sure what this means. The scan before this one crashed at the following place:
Thanx, Karen
I am not sure what that file for
Can you try excluding that file and then try running a scan?? Step follows...
Open Norton product>Click on Norton Internet Security tab>under settings>Click on Norton Internet Security options>in the new window,on the left pane, click on Exclusions>Click on New and then browse for that file
Thanx for all the help.
The full system scan is now working perfectly and seems to be faster than normal!!!!!!!!! Probably just my imagination.
Love, Karen X
what was the solution ?