Hi everyone,
Below are issues that have been reported for Norton Internet Security 19.1. Our team is currently reviewing these issues. If you are experiencing any of these problems, please add your information to the threads linked with the issue. Please do not create a new thread for the issue; keeping them all together makes it easier to identify and resolve an issue. Thanks for your help.
Chromium builds are being detected as risks (link) (link)
Reputation Scan reports as "Cannot Connect to the Internet" when scanning files with no reputation (link) (link)
After upgrading to NIS 2012, some tasks in Task Scheduler appear to be left over from NIS 2011 (link)
The window flip when clicking Performance does not occur when system is set to high DPI (link)
Entries created by Identity Safe fill wrong info into site fields (link)
LibreOffice is being detected and quarantined by NIS 2012 (link)
Download Insight is not scanning Diablo III Beta executable (link)
Identity Safe password not limited to 20 characters when user attempts to Move Data Online (link)
High CPU usage may occur during Quick Scan (link) (link) (link)
High CPU usage may occur when opening the Settings User Interface (link)
High CPU usage may occur when downloading certain types of files (link)