Status: Failed to Complete
Presumably a Norton problem?
Status: Failed to Complete
Presumably a Norton problem?
I've got the same problem. Started with a failure to complete live update, then it wanted me to download and install a new version which I did, then a patch. Still left with the fail "NORTON 2013 Reputation Revocation List" failed to complete.
The new version I'm running is
Will try again in an hour or so, sometimes these things work themselves out over a short period of time? Hope so!
Ran LIve Update just now and had exactly the same result -- 2013 reputation list failed to complete.
Same problem here, pulse updates loaded and then the Reputation Revocation List failed. Further information provided through the Norton site just took me to LiveUpdate stuff which was completely useless.
Lets hope it tidies itself up or that our friends at Norton resolve it!
Same problem here. Didn't happen yesterday (I'm rebuilding my network and upstairs PC didn't have this problem).
Great too hear that I'm not the only one having this issue. Revocation list simply can't be updated and I've tried two times with an interval of 10 minutes. It most be a minor server issue. I'll try again later today if I remember or just forget it and do a manual update at this time tomorrow as I normally do.
Suspect that the Live-Update files may be corrupted on our machines.
My Windows 8 laptop installation works fine
My wife's desktop with Windows 7 has also worked fine
I am still stuck with the error on my desktop (windows 7)
Any ideas how to "Flush" the damaged files, if this is the problem?
Have same problem with Norton 2012.
yes has same problem and wanted to chat online with nortons after waitng for 45 minues gave up
I tried running update manually tried rebooting i guess I just wait and see if it corrected by tomorrow and then if not contact nortons
Same here. Dowloaded a rather large aupdat 48.68MB and now Reputation Revocation failed to complete/install.
I'm also having the same issue with the failure to load/update the 2013 revocation list
Along with this problem with Live Update, I noticed that there are 4 registry keys related to Norton that I cannot clear using CCLEANER. Never had this before. Could be related somehow?
If anybody talks to Norton, please update us on the forum. I assume that Norton Technicians check this forum periodically for issues?
Hi All,
FWIW, this appears to be a server glitch @ Symantec - doing anythng to your systems IMHO is overkill.
There is no telling how long it will take for Symantec to solve this, but I would recommend just sitting back and waiting until it is corrected - as I said I plan on doing nothing (expect rechecking for the completion periodically).
I have reported this to Norton.
Same issue
I just ran into the same issue. Is there a problem at Norton?
I've got it on my laptop which is running Windows 8 and may have it on the desktop but haven't tried that one yet (running Windows 7). Assume it is some kind of glitch like happened months ago when I first got Norton and wondered what to do but it was resolved within a few hours. Hope this time it will be resolved as well. I know last night everything was fine and I just ran the quick scan with no problems so it's just with the live update.
LiveUpdate successfully applied 1 out of 2 update(s) Norton 2013 Reputation Revocation List Status: Failed to complete
Norton Pulse Updates success, 1 of 2 completed.
This is the first time for me to have this issue. any answers as to how to fix it.?
tommyboy52 wrote:Along with this problem with Live Update, I noticed that there are 4 registry keys related to Norton that I cannot clear using CCLEANER. Never had this before. Could be related somehow?
If anybody talks to Norton, please update us on the forum. I assume that Norton Technicians check this forum periodically for issues?
The keys that you mention are not related to the problem to download and apply the update of Norton revocation list.
Ccleaner can't delete these keys from the registry since Norton Tampere Protection prevents him, since these keys have been generated by Norton.
You can leave these keys in the registry as they should not sort any problem to the software.
I have the same problem with this update on a Windows 8 with NIS 2012.
The fault is probably due to some problem with the Symantec server that is generally resolved within a few hours, or at most within a day.
We should just try to run LiveUpdate in the next few hours to see if the problem has been resolved.
Same problem..Never had this before. Is it my system, or Norton, Help!