Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Hello, when pubishing a beta version in public, during the registration, Could you please add ‘China’ into the ‘Select country of your location’ list, Thank you very much
I really like the Security Inspector NIS 2008 had; too bad it's not in NIS 2009.
Also, for those of us with computers that are rarely online, a one button 'offline' mode would be good- turns off all internet communication tasks, doesn't worry about updates, minimizes background processes, etc. Then, before we go back online, we just hit 'online.'
I know silent mode is similar, but it looks likes there is a timed limit.
Also, this is more a criticism of NIS 2009, but there should be an 'Ignore' option for turning off IM monitoring; many of us don't have IM on our computers and NIS 2009 requires it to be enabled unless you want a 'Fix Now' status.
Thanks for asking for our input!
Hi all
My name is Lana and I am the new Norton Internet Security Product Manager. As all of you Beta participants have seen, we have really come through with a great product for 2009. Yet even as we put the final touches on 2009, we have starting planning for 2010, and I would really like to hear from you -- the fantastic members of this community -- if there is something you are just dying to see in the product.
Let's keep this thread as the central place for suggestions.
Having seen what this group is capable of, I am really looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Hi BajaBoojum,
The ignore feature for IM monitoring is available in Norton Internet Security 2009. Simply double click the desktop icon for Norton Internet Security 2009 to open the Norton Internet Security main UI. Go to the Email/Message Scanning line item and hover over the info button, signified by the "i"icon. This will bring up a small dialog with the ignore button. By clicking ignore, you can ignore IM monitoring.
Good to know -- I don't use IM either.
Any other hidden easter eggs? Like that Instant Off sugggested above and in the beta forum? Those of us asking for it have had or can envisage situations where the only safe thing to do is to pull the cable out of the wall while we work out the way to deal with an attack situation. Most systems of all kinds -- nuclear power stations downwards -- have a panic button!
<< ... and I am the new Norton Internet Security Product Manager. >>
Not sure whether we congratulate or commiserate! <g>
It's good to know that the next generation starts now! Plenty of time for us to nourish some ideas.
Good to see. Plans are allready be made
CountryGuy wrote:[ ... ]
Also, better tools to track how the other family PCs are doing. In my case, my daughter takes her laptop with her to school. Being able to be alerted (via email or otherwise) to any issues would be great.
Beyond that, perhaps licensing with Secunia (or developing a similar in-house database) to track software that is missing patches on the local machines.
[ ... ]
I like that idea along with more detailed information and control of settings in the Network Map area although I'm glad that went off the front page.
I'm not too certain about the "missing patches" side -- it can be misleading. I just had Belarc, while checking for some licensing information, that I was missing an important Microsoft update .... but when I checked it out by following its link to the KB article that said not to install it if we did not use that feature, which I did not even have installed.
I'm "agin" seeing another Norton SystemWorks develop mainly because the nature of operating systems and hardware are changing so rapidly and many utilities are either no longer useful or are positively dangerous.
I would like to have more control myself and have Norton make less changes for me.
This counts for anti virus aswell as the firewall aswell as the IDS
I would like NIS2010 could have this feature:It can uninstall itself whithout any other tools.Or,NRT should go with the NIS installer.,That ,if you chose to uninstall NIS,NRT runs default.
Welcome Lana. I have just recently installed NIS2008 and SystemWorks 2008 Basic, so I am still getting the feel of things all over again. I previously had Norton 360 for a year and I counted the days down till I could go back to NIS and SystemWorks. Norton 360 was too background oriented, not task driven, and not powerful enough. The registry checker was weak. The SystemWorks08 kept finding things in the registry to fix for a whole week. All of which was dating almost a year old. 360 would never optimize. I have Optimized with SystemWorks since then and the two computers are blazing the tracks again. And the biggest is the Norton Cleanup. Drop to my knees and kiss the feet of SystemWorks08. I can run it and delete ALL TRASH, ALL INTERNET TRASH, and only the cookies that I don't want to keep. LOVE IT.
I set the One Button to run every Friday when we leave to have our family supper. Fifteen minutes later the Antivirus comes on and runs. By the time we get home the computers have finished scanning and telling us that One Button fixed the following and Antivirus say that we are clean. Beautiful. Or if the computer is acting funny or there was a funny website or email, then we can just click and run a Virus scan. Love it. Now on older versions of the firewall we could go in and preset settings on programs before running them (an automated scanning tool). I miss that. On our computers we have Windows Update set to download updates then tell us that updates are ready. First we like to make a note on the updates in a notebook that we keep with recent software installs and updates. (Just incase something should hiccup). Second, there is times that we cannot and do not want the computer to shut down and restart. Is is nice in NIS08 that I could select Ignore on Windows Automatic Update. It would be even better if Norton was making sure that I did have that very important update to still check and let me know that I need to check and update. Now on the Norton Updater 08, I am liking it a little bit better. In either NIS08 panel or SystemWorks08 panel when I click Run Live Update, it tells me a little bit more of what is doing and it at least (thank you) gives me a list when finished of what was updated. However, I love the old method of Live Update. That is why I have LUALL shortcut pasted on my desktop. And I run it in interactive mode. Norton 360 didn't give you a clue what it was doing or what it updated. I had to use the LUALL on it. Now I would love to see the old Norton LiveUpdate Lighthouse icon show up in the bottom right task bar next to the time when ever LiveUpdate is automatically checking in the background. I agree with the automatic internet lock down button. Norton use to have something like that. I think it was and should be at least a right click option on the yellow box with green check mark or on the protection icon on the bottom right of the task bar.
I thought Norton 360 was both SystemWorks and NIS all wrapped up into one but I was wrong. I know that at a very few places that you can find a bundle of SystemWorks and NIS, But I would love it if the two were bundled together was more of a standard. Furthermore I would love if the two panels joined together and was loaded together. When I pull one panel up all I have to do is click a tab and there is the options, tools, everything for the other. Also on the internet explorer tool bar (Phishing / Authentic), I love it but I wish that it didn't take up so much real estate. I would love to be able to move it to be on the same line as the "File, Edit..." or the "Back, Forward, Stop,...". I have tried this in the past but when I tried to lock the toolbars down it jumps back to being a whole bar by itself. Furthermore on USB memory stick or memory chips, I would love to see Norton STRONGLY prescanning the devices and any running software loaded from the stick or chip. Not just Antivirus settings but something like a firewall protection. Possibly an icon or information box to tell me of the protection.
That is all my mind is allowing me to think and rattle off on. ( It is time to go to bed) Thank You again for letting me ramble on and on. Norton SystemWorks and Norton NIS the perfect match!!!
I have to say, I miss this Feature and wish symantec would make this Feature available again; how can you say, after support of Ad-Blocking and Pop-Up Blocking in another Post which I ahve just read, that users do not want/use this Feature as there are some of us that do still want this Feature back.
I would just like to point out that my system does run slower without this Feature as Ads have to be Loaded up first un-like when the Ad-Blocking Feature was installed, ads did not have the chance to Load up; I thought this was an excellent Feature and was sad to see this go.
I think you [symantec] should re-introduce this Feature sometime in the near future, e.g. N.I.S. 2010.
Norton Ad-Blocking and Pop-Up Blocking
**AGREE** i want NIS 2010 also put back those **Ad-Blocking and Pop-Up Blocking** feature PLEASE THANKSss lot !!!!
I strongly recommand that NIS/NAV/Norton 360 can shut down the computer automatically after completing the full scan for virus
I test the NIS 2009 beta all last month.
Now I suggest maybe NIS 2010 can add more Norton AntiBot features and SandBox feature, and System Restore.
It let NIS 2010 can defend the new threats which Syamntec virus definitions can't detect attack and change user's pc.
(Protect user PC, let threats become no damage althought it can't be detected.)
And then Auto-submit the threats to Symantec.
Then I hope you can get some threats sample from Pc Tools that Syamntec just bought the company.
And do better in the leaktest, PC Tools also got good scores in the test.
Then I hope Symantec can get the new threats sample more quickly (especially China or Taiwan, many new threats from there), if user submit some threats, it can be become virus definition in three days.
(Maybe Symantec can use Auto-SandBox in the Symantec machine.)
Then I hope NIS 2010 can defend the new threats from USB-Flash-Drive, it's a new way that the threats infected other PC or USB-FLASH-DRIVE and memory card.
(I know Nasa space station also infected the kind of USB FLASH DRIVE threats recently.)
And I also hope NIS 2010 added Norton Safewab and Norton UAC in it.
Trying to kill Norton Internet Security 2008 is an absolute horror story. Why would you want to do this? Well, some new program installs and some tech support operations require that no anti-virus, firewalls or similar programs be running in the background. While it seems that the 2009 beta is easier to control, there is no one-button shut down for a complete operation kill or for a specified duration.
Excellent. This makes Symantec a company that truly cares about communicating with clients.
And I have some suggestions, they might sound stupid or too complex for a few people but maybe you guys can get some inspiration from the ideas too.
- If NIS 2010 could have a internet browser that would let me know if a website that I am visiting is safe or not and if the downloads I am making are safe and to let me vote through the NIS internet explorer so that other users could be aware of the status of websites through their own NIS.
- To have annonymous web-surfing with Norton servers.
- Many of the users of NIS have too little knowledge about viruses and about what to do when one's computer gets infected so it would be great to have like a pop-up window with advises on how to delete it (I think this appears in the website of Norton but, it might be easier to find this if NIS puts it right in front of our face) when viruses or any kind of harmful threat appears.
- NIS would be great if users could make a backup of their registries and to check if their registries.
- (I do not know if NIS detects Autoruns but) it would be cool that NIS could detect them.
- Make NIS able to distinct attacks through games and not to block all the online games.
- It would be great to encrypt files in my computer with NIS.
- It would be good to have NIS telling us if the information that we send is being safely send and if the receptor is safe too.
- Design a protocol in which the port through you send information is encrypted and not the message so we can experience a faster internet surfing. [This a suggestion of my friend, Edgar, I did not totally understood his suggestion but I suppose that the employees at Symantec would understand so I am posting it].
- NIS should try to use a moderate amount of RAM (only do this if the NIS stills gives a great defense performance, but if this lowers the performance then forget this :) )
- Make a more user-friendly and easy interface to manage NIS.
- NIS could have a FTP with some security options so when we want to upload stuff to our personal website, then we could use NIS FTP, (I would feel safer if I know I am using something that a security company developed).
And I think that's it. I cannot think in other ideas at the moment. But, if I hear or think in more ideas for you guys, then I will post again.
I hope I helped. :)
- Dovblink2
huwyngr wrote:I like that idea along with more detailed information and control of settings in the Network Map area although I'm glad that went off the front page.I'm not too certain about the "missing patches" side -- it can be misleading. I just had Belarc, while checking for some licensing information, that I was missing an important Microsoft update .... but when I checked it out by following its link to the KB article that said not to install it if we did not use that feature, which I did not even have installed.
I'm "agin" seeing another Norton SystemWorks develop mainly because the nature of operating systems and hardware are changing so rapidly and many utilities are either no longer useful or are positively dangerous.
Yep, I said it was touchy in my original post , but checking for software version vulnerabilities could be a very useful feature if done correctly. Maybe just for browser-based component vulnerabilities, like Flash, since that's more of a vector for infection?
I know Symantec had acquired PC Tools, so I think maybe NIS 2010 can add some features from PC tools.
For example, I hope Symantec can add ThreatFire (a kind of HIPS, and it's get good appraisal from users.) into NIS 2010.
(Some users think it's better than Norton AntiBot in HIPS.)
And then, I hope Symantec can use PC tool ThreatExpert to help Symantec Machine and NIS 2010 catch and analyze new threats sample.
Please take a look of the pages.
ThreatExpert Submission