No response for months after Case escalation : 10's of unprotected pc's

Hi, I have been a Norton customer for over 10 years. I was happy and satisfied with the service until this year, which suddenly 10’s of computers started complaining about not being able to connect to LiveConnect. It then turned into a GeoLock problem, which I don’t understand why this happened with the subscriptions after so many years.

Long story short, I had Chat conversations many many people and the only thing I am told is to wait as the case is escalated. The Chat people even sold me renewals for higher prices compared to what the web site was offering (I confirmed believing that it would have no GeoLock), but then they told me that what I purchased was GeoLocked subscriptions. I really feel robbed. I have been waiting to receive a call for over 2 months, and the Chat people does not care that our 10’s of computers are not protected.

Is there any way i can submit the request or reach to management ?

We’ll try to call attention: No promises. No timeline.


Maybe, postal mail your issues to:

NortonLifeLock Inc.
60 E Rio Salado Pkwy STE 1000
Tempe, AZ 85281

Caveat: no notion whether Tempe, AZ address will help

United States: 60 E Rio Salado Pkwy STE 1000 Tempe, AZ 85203
Czech Republic: Enterprise Office Center Pikrtova 1737/1A 140 00 Prague 4

I did search within the website but couldn’t find any email address or form that I can use. I am not sure how long it would get an envelope to reach them from this part of the world.

You mention being caught by the Geolock functions of the 360 app. Are your “10’s of PC’s” spread over different countries?

If the new subscriptions that chat agents offered were purchased within 60 days, you can request a refund from support. Norton Support

We have directed many users to Support to request their subscription be switched from a Geolocked one to a non-locked subscription. Maybe contacting Support again will get you an agent that knows how to resolve your issue.

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Apart from a few laptops, all our 90+ clients are desktop computers located within our campus. I am sure none has left the campus, let alone the country. I have specifically stated this detail to all Chat agents (at least 5 or 6 of them) but it didn’t help.

After purchasing (GeoLocked) renewals this afternoon, I requested the agent to cancel them and let me purchase non-GeoLocked verions, but I was refused. S/he insisted that the Case has been escalate and I should wait.

I then asked if the subscriptions can be upgraded from GeoLocked to non-GeoLocked, but again I got refused and was told to wait for the response from Team Level-3 (whatever this means). To be honest, I don’t trust the agents and Norton any more. A few weeks ago it was another agent making this offer to me. The last agent also said 8 of our 10 subscriptions (for 10 PC’s each) are GeoLocked, but also refused to state which ones they are.

Norton has changed a lot recently.

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Thanks peterweb, your suggestion worked. I am shocked how easy it was to just say “I want a refund” and have what I need. It took me 5-10 mins to just cancel the subscriptions and then purchase non-GeoLocked ones, for the same price. And I am disappointed that all the previous Chat agents preferred to just ignore what my problem is. I still do not have any proof that the subscriptions are non-GeoLocked, and feel the risk that one day in the future the Norton Chat agents will tell me again that they are locked. Let’s see what happenes.

The only problem at the moment is, Norton says “Unable to connect to LiveUpdate” and the “Check now” button is disabled, but it keeps updating the virus etc definitions in the background.

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are you running NextDNS or 3rd party VPN?

may be related:

We are not using any VPN, but have a few redundant PiHole’s, which we have not made any configuration changes for a long time. Also, some of the computers are not using PiHoles, but are affected by the issue exactly the same way with the rest of the computers.

And interestingly, somehow the issue seems to be gone since last night.for all the computers we have deployed so far (48 of them). We are still deploying the applications on the computers and this will take a few more business days. We are still not sure if the problem is solved as the issue was gone like this a few days ago but only for a few hours. Then it returned.

We’ll wait and see.