Norton 24.8.9372 says I'm offline

Today I updated to Norton 24.8.9372 form Norton
Now I can’t update virus definitions because Norton shows me that I’m offline but I’m definitely not offline. Just now I write this text.
What can I do?

Me Too
I’m trying to get v24.x familiar.
Where/When does not report your offline?
When you run LiveUpdate?
And you’ve restarted machine?
Secure VPN off?
Restore default settings?
Are you wired / wireless?
Does Smart Firewall > Network report connected to? WiFi strength?

If I will do a LiveUpdate it says I’m offline. I started the computer new a few times. VPN is off. I have wired LAN and no reaction of the firewall.

Hello @Udo

Sorry, I’ve just received 24.8 and other than Settings > Troubleshooting > Reset to default & Repair Norton. No idea…

and by no reaction of the firewall…you mean?

Settings > Features > Smart Firewall
Smart Firewall > General > Restore default settings
Smart Firewall > Network > Connected to…
Smart Firewall > Traffic Rules

fwiw ~

fwiw ~
Virus definitions are 240911-0
Norton application version 24.8.9372 - build 24.8.9372.870

fwiw ~ I’m thinking of running nortonremover because my Norton account > My Devices page does not report device with 24.8.

Note: # of licenses used is correct…just My Devices page does not report device with 24.8. I’m wondering if that’s why 24.8 Cloud Backup does not offer in the My Backups tab…Back Up this PC.

Remember the 24.8 is stil new ther is comming patch all the time in the next mounth ore two
It is possible perfekte

I hope i get the 24.8 soon but in the end of this mounth it is possible 24.9 a major update and it fix many bugs ore a miner update whit many updates in

I think it’s still beta even though it’s already distributed through the Norton account.
Norton 24.x cannot be used in this condition.
I downgraded to and will have a look on the new version in 2 or 3 months.

Thanks for your support.

Norton needs an active public beta channel

I dowloaded it form my Norton-Account and I was never in any beta-channel.

Me Too

What is the name to the 24.x name to the gamer edition

It´s not a beta… it´s the new “normal”. :slightly_smiling_face:

Not for me. I uninstalled the crap and use another software.

I had the same problem this morning. For some reason, an update bug I’d think. It turned out that the product suddenly thought that my private Wi-Fi network was an open public network. I clicked on the provided link to set it to private and things were back to normal.

Public is a higher level of security.

I know that of course. The point is that after a very long time of recognizing that my network was private, not public, suddenly it inappropriately no longer did with nothing about the network having been changed.

You’re v24.x? Norton changed engines.

[quote=“bjm, post:2, topic:240601, full:true”]

LiveUpdate を実行するとき
スマートファイアウォール>ネットワークは接続を報告しますか?WiFiの強度は? あまりトラベルないんで、売れるらせしいです、横田さん+鍋島むむむむむむむむむむさささささささささささささささささささささささささささささささささささささ

以前から、おもっていますが、Norton passwordマネージャーを設定ONにしたら、どのサイトでも、アカウント作成しているさいのサイトは、貝みたいな確認マークの上に、Nortonパスワードマネージャーの貝みたいなマークと重複してログインほとんどのサイトができなにくなます、何かいい解決策はないものでしょうか??

Hello @Disciplec
There is a new AVAST Beta coming that solves the Firewall problem.