Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
It is actually Version 2
I actually was going to say it is Version
Hi micstone,
Are you putting a new disc in each time and receiving these results or are you trying to reuse the same disk? Are you using a rewritable media? Are you perhaps using the wrong type of disk (this would be more applicable to older systems)?
I'm sorry nobody has been able to address your issue thus far. Have you tried calling in to tech support? Are you able to burn a disk using another application?
The more info you are able to provide the easier it will be for us to assist you.
Yes I have tried tech not much help they say you are having isssues but yet if that were the case my moms wouldn’t work. I am using HP-CD-Rs and they work on everything else even these my mom uses on her backup. I can use these on everything else including documents.
The first thing that came to mind when I read that is, maybe N360 is having trouble because CD-R disks are write-once media. I checked in our online documentation and it says that CD-R disks are supported for local backup but I have not tried that personally. Is your drive a rewritable drive? Do you have any rewritable disks that you could try and see if it had better success? The fact that the error message says that there is already data on the drive leads me to believe that it is attempting to write the data out in a couple of different steps and failing.
Yes my drive is rewriteable. I just tried my moms discs that she uses and says the same thing. It isays running but nothing on the status bar, but yet on my moms you see her status bar storing files and not mine.
PMJI But over where I do hardware support on Compuserve we normally recommend against using RW disks for data storage and say to use +R or -R but that is largely for data life.
Normally I back up to a hard drive partition/folder and then burn the backup to a CD/DVD using normal burning software like Roxio or Nero that I have installed.
How does N360 burn to CD? Does it have a module built in or does it use one in Windows or rely on whatever happens to be on the PC?
I'm in XP/NIS at the moment and my N360 is on my VISTA drive so I can't check.
The reason I back up to a disc is because I am out of storage. All you do is go into backup settings and change it to online to d drive. But that is where I am having problems.
I think being out of storage may be your issue. With online backup, the files are all prepared and then uploaded so in order to back up 100GB online you would need approximately 100 GB of free space locally (actually something less due to compression) prior to completing the backup. It may be that something similar is required in order to back up using local backup.
Were you able to try a smaller backup set to see if that would complete?
I will see if I can do some research and determine what kind of local disk space is required for local backups |
I just tried it again and same thing. Support and I tried a few files and it did as it is still doing. I didn’t have anything online except 2 files to try something but I removed those and tried on a disc and same thing. The funny thing my mom has the exact same program in her computer that I downloaded for her and her backup to a disc works perfectly as I saw her files getting stored and mine aren’t.
How much disk space do you have on your main disk partition? How big are the files that you are trying to back up? Are there any differences between the machine that works and the machine that doesn't? Same model?
You could try reinstalling N360. Could just be that something in the N360 configuration got messed up.
In any case we're sort of at the limit of my knowledge
Are you talking about the memory of my computer? If so it is 77%. If not then where are you talking about? I only tried 1 file which is 5.0 MB and it did the same thing. I have a Dell dimension 2400 desktop and my moms is a Dell Inspirion 1200 laptop that has the same exact program in it. I reinstalled it several times. I will try once more keep my fingers crossed.
Yes, the available space on your hard disk. When N360 runs a backup I'm pretty sure it builds all of the files locally in the working directory and then distributes them out either to your local storage or to the online storage (I am speculating on the local storage, but that's how it works with online storage). If you don't have enough hard disk space then it will be unable to complete the backup process which is why I asked.
Have you tried using the Norton Removal Tool to completely remove N360 before reinstalling? I've heard people recommend that with some positive results if uninstalling isn't removing the files properly.
micstone wrote:
Are you talking about the memory of my computer? If so it is 77%. If not then where are you talking about? [ ... ]
PMJI But to avoid confusion: Scott is presently asking about how much free space you have on your main hard drive since he believes that N360 creates the backup file there before saving it to wherever you choose. (This is true for my CD/DVD burner too unless I tell it specifically not to which can lead to burn failures)
Earlier you said your hard drive was full and that was why you saved to disk (You mean CD/DVD I believe)
<< The reason I back up to a disc is because I am out of storage. All you do is go into backup settings and change it to online to d drive. But that is where I am having problems. >>
You present answer of 77% sounds like it is the memory you see in the VISTA Gadget or if you open Task Manager -- is that correct or do you mean 77% of the hard drive and if so is it 77% full or 77% free space? If you are talking about the hard drive can you give a figure for free space in MB or GB -- open My Computer/Computer and right mouse click on the hard drive. That will give you a pie chart for the drive and the quantity used and the quantity free.
This is what Scott is asking about if I understand correctly.
Yes, thank you for clarifying, huwyngr. Sorry if my post is unclear.
It goes back further than that so don’t feel guilty <g>
OK then yes the memory is 77% it was originally 83% that is because I installed a new program in my computer.
micstone wrote:
OK then yes the memory is 77% it was originally 83% that is because I installed a new program in my computer.
I'm still confused -- to avoid misunderstandings and wrong advice can you please distinguish between:
Memory -- the RAM installed, say 1, 2, 3 GB, where if you are using VISTA you can have a Gadget like a speedometer showing CPU and Memory usage (mine is under 50% on 2GB with VISTA Ultimate) that is usually expressed in percentages
Hard Drive space -- the storage space on your drive as shown up if you go to the (My) Computer / C: drive / Properties which shows Used Space and Free Space in KB and GB. This does not show percentages.
The question from Scott is directed to how much free space you have on your hard drive (and do you have more than one -- I think not since you mention D: as if it is the optical drive), Please say how many GB the hard drive has usedand how much is free.
OK used space is 16.1GB and free is 54.7GB