Norton 360 Live update

Hi Guys

Why when I go on my Norton 360 and go to the panel on the far left (Security) and click it, it says definitions updated 1 hour ago? to my knowledge I thought that when pulse updates are installed they reset it from saying whatever time it was last installed ( I am also aware that pulse updates do not come up in the logs) and it will continue to count up again. Also when it said last updated 1 hour ago I ran the live update and got 3 updates. Is this normal behaviour from Norton 360? because it's just weird to me that when I run the live updates myself I get them but it doesn't get them automaticly?


I'm using Windows 8 and I think it's 64 bit!


Thanks a lot! :smileyhappy:

Perhaps there haven't been an pulse updates in that period.  I wouldn't worry.


As long as your icon in the System Tray has the green tick ....


Norton icon.PNG

Hello Krusty13
Yes the tick is always green! but I was just curious because when I run it manually I find the updates but I’ll take your advice and just Ignore it!

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Hi AudiA1,


After you encounter the last update 1 hour ago and run the Manual LiveUpdate and receive updates does you N 360 then show the last update as just being completed (assuing there were definitions updates included)?


I do not p0aymuch attentin at all to my update history as I figure Norton wil do me right and keep me up to date without my worrying about it as long as I show the green tick, so I really couldn;t tell you what is normal - but I do know that mine juts shwos an update 3 minutes ago and there is no entry in the Recent nor Full History and nothing in LiveUpdate History????

Hi yank
When I noticed the last time it was done was an hour ago I updated it and then it started doing the pulse updates again because they weren’t coming up in the history.
Also today it did do a automatic update because I checked in the history so I know that it is working. But I was just wondering why sometimes it doesn’t do it for an hour and when I do it, it gives me a update it’s just weird to me!

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Hi, AudiA1.


Your situation does sound a bit unusual, but not unheard of.  There have been times where you would get no updates of any kind for an entire evening.  I wouldn't worry too much if it's an occasional occurrence.  However, if you observe this continually--for several days--then please report back. :smileyhappy:

Hello Inquirer
It’s been happening quite often but I will do as you say and observe it for several more days to see how it plays out.

Thanks a lot for the help :slight_smile:

Hi, AudiA1.


Quick question: Maybe you've already mentioned this (I'm just too lazy to go back and re-read your previous posts), but when this happens, is your computer left idle or in hibernation/sleep mode?

Hi inquirer
No it is not. When this happens I’m normally just browsing the internet!

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Hm.  That's a bit weird.  I just checked and my Norton indicated that it received an update 1 minute ago.  So automatic LiveUpdate is working on my machine. 


Well, keep making your observations.  Maybe it has something to do with the time of day.

Yes when I next turn on my machine I will take notes of what the live update does. Just for a note now I usely go on my machine around 2 3 or 4 PM and come off the machine around 7 or 8PM. These are English time I’m sure of this gives any indication maybe with the servers or something? But none the less I’ll record what it’s doing this week and get back to you!

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

I'll be here.  :smileyhappy:

Hello Inquirer
Thanks a lot for sticking here for me! But should I be badly worried about this cause I kind of am! And am I still protected to go my usual websites that I visit like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube?

Thanks a lot I’ll get back to you when I turn on my computer :slight_smile:

Try this, AudiA1:


The next time you use your computer, refrain from watching any videos (both online and offline) for an hour and see whether this problem persists.  Watching videos will activate Norton's "Silent Mode", which in turn will suppress most background activities--possibly even LiveUpdates.

Hi Inquirer
I will try this tip as I am just about to turn on my computer. But to my knowledge I thought that Norton only goes into silent mode if you put the videos in full screen? Any way I will turn my computer on and use it and see how the updates perform

Thanks a lot I appreciate this! :slight_smile:

This message has been moved to a thread of its own.

Hi Inquirer
These are the activitys of the live update for today!

Turned computer on around 3:50PM Updates completed 3:59PM with 5 installed

First automatic update at 4:17PM 3 updates installed

Green text on 4th panel got to an hour ran a manual update at 5:26PM and it installed 2 updates Pulse update and Reputation Revocation List

5:36PM got a update because the green text reset

5:37PM I ran live update again to see if it would pick anything up and licked up another Reputation Revocation list.

5:47PM Automatic update ran and must of got a pulse update because nothing in log, after this I ran a manual update and got Web Protection.

5:52PM automatic update green text rest and counted from 0 ran manual update got no updates available

5:56PM automatic update the green text reset to 0

6:05PM automatic update green text reset ran a manual update as well no updates available

6:11PM automatic update green text reset ran a manual update and no updates available

6:21PM automatic update checked for updates I then ran a manual update and got a pulse update green text

6:31PM automatic live update green text reset ran a manual live update after and got nothing

7:26PM 55 mins without a live update ran it manually and got the pulse update

7:37PM ran a manual update to end the night on the computer and got a pulse update

Total computer time: 3 hours 41 mins
Just a little more information
Yesterday 7 updates installed manually at 2:23Pm
2 Automatic at 2:41PM

Just too add the green text I’m talking about is when you do a live update it says how long ago it was done put this here incase of confusion. Would you say this is normal behavior? And just too add when it wasn’t giving me the updates automaticly if I ran it manually it would download them.

Thanks a lot and sorry for a lot of info! :slight_smile:

N360 will check for Pulse Updates every five minutes and will download when available, but that doesn't mean there will be any Pulse Updates each time N360 checks.


You can watch N360 checking for Pulse Updates by opening N360 > Performance > Norton Tasks.  Watch as N360 checks for Pulse Updates.  You will see the line turn yellow / orange each time.





Hello Krusty13
So is the above normal that I went an hour without the update? Because when it goes to the hour I’m not sure if it checks anymore thank you for the information and I will check this when I next go on my computer!

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

You can watch it check for updates as above.