Issue abstract:
Missing any notifications or log entries from Download Insight after big Norton update 2024.
Detailed description:
No notifications or entries in security log seen after internet download from possibly critical files for Download Insight with big update Norton 360 2024, despite of activated option.
In earlier versions, Download Insight was showing at every possibly risky internet file download a message to confirm this download or not. In these versions before the big update 2024, Download Insight from Norton 360 was even configurable to show messages in every case of a download, risky or not.
Product & version number:
Norton 360 Premium, 24.11.9615 (Build 24.11.9615.887)
OS details:
Windows 7 Pro 22H2
What is the error message you are seeing?
No error message, notification and no log entries, see above
If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:
No error message, notification and no log entries (see above) to add a screenshot here
v24 Download Intelligence → Detects and analyzes suspicious files when you attempt to run or download then from the internet.
v24 Browser Protection and Auto-Protect seems to (with my testing) be doing the heavy lifting. My v24 Security History seldom reports Download Intelligence event.
Please review for example: here and here
Note: v24 - Download Intelligence detects and analyzes suspicious files
2 remarks from my side:
I don’t know if I understand you correctly about the naming.
Checked with my Norton 360 Premium (still 24.11.9615):
‘Download Intelligence’ is from English, ‘Download-Insight’ from German version. I will try to add corresponding screenshots from toggling my Norton 360 between English to German separately.
I contacted Norton Support in the meantime and reproduced the behavior by Internet download any .exe file followed by opening it for installation.
The whole behavior was seen during a RemoteDesktop session from a Support Agent.
‘Download-Insight’ resp. ‘Download Intelligence’ was activated but no activities were visible (marked in red in screenshot above).
The Support Agent confirmed that this behavior (no activities visible at all) is wrong and escalated this issue further on to Norton Specialists.
Additionally, the available DebugLogs were taken.
I would inform here if I hear something about this case (only reference is my case number ).
Norton 360 v22 - English documentation refers to Download Intelligence and Download Insighthere and here
Hi @bjm
Thanks for your replies including screenshots. It’s exactly that what I meant regarding my first remark ‘naming’ but wasn’t able to say without screenshots
So, I’m waiting for Norton Support for a reply to the issue itself.