Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
One of the PCs has a fresh build, the other 2 not so much. On On of the other 2 however, I ran scans with Kaspersky, McAffee command line scanner, Spybot, Spysweeper, and BitDefender online scanner (which all worked fine by the way), and found 0 threats (which I realize doesn't mean everything). But this issue deons't appear to be malware related (at least not on 2 of them)
Also, there doesn't seem to be any hardware that is the same on all 3 machines (these are 3 different customers by the way and from 2 different staes). Hard Drives, Memory Speed, CPUs, optical drives, video cards have all been tested good and are not similar to each other's machine.
Thanks Again,
Which Zone Alarm Product? What version of Zone Alarm? What real time security products are being used on these machines besides NAV? There are other threads and ZA and NAV do not play nice together.
<< One machine is a Compaq Desktop running Windwos XP Home with SP3, installation was attempted with a CD. (Previously installed Norton 2008) >>
You might want to check that this is not one of the HP AMD machines that used an INTEL image to install Windows -- this did cause problems with SP3 and programs including Norton if I remember correctly.
There is a fix for this if that is the cause in this case.
Although we are seeing some odd situations reported I'm confident that it is more than just Norton "again" so don't lose confidence. Their support here is first class.
jrp1875 wrote:One of the PCs has a fresh build, the other 2 not so much. On On of the other 2 however, I ran scans with Kaspersky, McAffee command line scanner, Spybot, Spysweeper, and BitDefender online scanner (which all worked fine by the way), and found 0 threats (which I realize doesn't mean everything). But this issue deons't appear to be malware related (at least not on 2 of them)
Also, there doesn't seem to be any hardware that is the same on all 3 machines (these are 3 different customers by the way and from 2 different staes). Hard Drives, Memory Speed, CPUs, optical drives, video cards have all been tested good and are not similar to each other's machine.
Thanks Again,
You will want to make sure that you uninstall each of those products using Revo Uninstaller afterwards. So, if seems not to be malware related...at least 08 done its job.
Do the systems have SpySweeper on them? I saw that you used it but I don't know if they actually had SpySweeper installed. If they do, that's the problem. See this Spysweeper thread.
Do the systems have an ATI X800 type of video card? If so, see this X800 thread.
Edit: added ATI issue.
Dieselman743 wrote:
Which Zone Alarm Product? What version of Zone Alarm? What real time security products are being used on these machines besides NAV? There are other threads and ZA and NAV do not play nice together.Message Edited by Dieselman743 on 10-14-2008 04:53 PM
Zone Alarm is NOT being used in any of the machines. I am well aware of that issue and it was the first thing I looked for.
Let me start by stating that this issue I am having is not caused by Zone Alarm or a Video Driver.
I am a technician working on 3 different computers where the installation of Norton Anti-Virus 2009 is locking up their machines.
One machine is a Compaq Desktop running Windwos XP Home with SP3, installation was attempted with a CD. (Previously installed Norton 2008)
One machine is Dell Laptop running Windows XP Pro with SP2, installation was attmepted via a downloaded file (from Symantec) (Previouslyinstalled Norton 2008)
One machine is a Gateway Laptop running Windows XP MCE with SP2, installation was attempted with a CD. (Never had Norton 2008)
I have already done full un-installs of Norton on all 3 machines and attempted re-installs with all 3 machines. I tried using the Windows un-installation on each, didn't work. Tried Norton Removal Tool on all 3, didn't work. Tried a program called Clean Wipe, didn't work. Also tried Revo Uninsatller, didn't work. One attempt, I tried the Revo Uninstaller, then the Norton Removal Tool, then Clean Wipe, and a re-install still didn't work.
I have yet to find any answers or methods to fix this issue that I haven't already tried. These machines have been here for a week and I still have nothing to tell the customers. I also have a scheduled on-site for Thursay to resolve this same issue, and 2 more customers bringing in their machines tomorow for us to work on their machines.
The only thing that works for any of the machines is to go into safe mode, and use msconfig to disable Norton 2009 and ALL of its services. After that, the mahcines work fine.
We are a re-seller of Norton products and will have to stop selling and supporting this product if no answers can be made available soon. Thanks to anyone who can help.
Also, we have checked with outer repair centers in the area, and they have found no answers yet. Thanks again.
Also, the freeze up is not a "slow down" (or if it is, it lasts over 24 hours)
Tech0utsider wrote:You will want to make sure that you uninstall each of those products using Revo Uninstaller afterwards. So, if seems not to be malware related...at least 08 done its job.
Norton 08 certainly did do its job. I'm sure we actualy lost business because of it:)
The thing I don't understand is if this is not a Norton isuue, why 08 worked fine, and 09 doesn't. We still have plenty of copies of 08 that we will sell to customers. I'm gonna check out the Spysweeper threads and see if they have a solution. If it doesn't, we'll just reccoemnd 08 for as long as possible.
I will post back with my final solution (I hate it when people don't do that) or any other helpful info.
Thanks to all for the help
Found the solution.
The problems on the machines I am working on is related to Spysweeper. During previous installations of Norton (08. 07, etc), Spysweeper would ask to block or allow Norton's installation. For some reason, installing Norton 09 causes Spysweeper to automaticaly disrupt its installation, causing freeze ups. Here is what I did to resolve the issue:
1. Boot to safe mode
2. Start - Run "msconfig"
3. uncheck Spysweeper's entry in Services AND Startup.
4. Reboot to Normal Mode
5. Uninstall Norton 2009 using Norton's Removal Tool (ClwanWipe and Revo Uninstaller Not needed)
6. Reboot
7. Re-install Norton 2009
8. Reboot
9. Start - Run "msconfig"
10. DO NOT Re-enable Spysweeper entires in Startup AND Services
11. Reboot
12. Enjoy
Thanks for all your help and pointing me in the right directionl
Edit: Re-enabling Spysweeper in Services resulted in freeze ups 15 minutes after my initial post.
Thought I had the Solution, but here is the new Solution:
Choose Norton 09 OR Spysweeper UNTIL one or the other has fixed this problem.
The systems work well with either product, just not both.
We will be informing our customers of this and instruct them to use the product with the longer subscription time left and find an alternative for the other.
Will post back when "real" solution appears from Webroot OR Symantec
I am having a simular problem.
Win XP, sp2, 3gig ram, 3.2ghz p4
NAV 2008 was fine. I saw the 'free' upgrade and installed 2009 per the instructions.
Now, my system freezes, I get error messages that I can't close and they keep looping (sometimes over 50 of them)
Internet explorer keeps locking up, and I am mostly unable to click error messages when this occurs.
One thing that was unusual is that the 2009 NAV seemed to have difficulty loading my license and I had to go to my account to get it. It does seem that possibly the 2008 did not uninstall properly, but it does not show anywhere I have looked.
It is very frustrating. I tried to do the 'one button support' but it locked up during the analysis, there was a pop up telling me that the system was being accessed and to click 'accept'. I was unable to click this and soon had a list of 50 of these messages stacked up. I did notice a message something like 'EXDUMP.EXE' in task manager. I had to re-boot to recover. I am very frustrated!
Any ideas before I back out of this upgrade?
Did you completely uninstall NAV 2008 first? Are you running any other security products?
The only situation that really works is to disable Spysweeper, uninstall Norton 2009, install Norton 2008, and re-enable Spysweeper.
For now, the 2 just aren't compatible.
Thanks for all the help.
Edit: The 09 key will work to install 08
I disagree with that. NAV 2009 has spyware protection which is top notch. Spy Sweeper is a thing of the past and not needed anymore if you using NAV 2009. No reason to run excessive layers of protection such as running NAV 2008 and Spy Sweeper.
Whereas I beleive that Norton is #1 in A/V protection (by far), I think their anti-spyware is not as good as Spysweeper (at least over the last 3 years. Where I work, we still see machines come in for malware infections while their machie run Norton A/V by itself. We have only seen 1 come in that had fully updated and active versions of BOTH Spysweeper and Norton A/V. I'll have more results in a few months as we see machines come in with Norton 2009 by itself, but for now, I must reserve judgement.
Clearly though, Norton 09 and Spysweeper don't play well together (as Norton 08, 07, and 06 did) (and still do with current Spysweeper)
So the short answer is you MAY not need both, but if you WANT both, you better use Norton 08.
Dieselman743 wrote:
I disagree with that. NAV 2009 has spyware protection which is top notch. Spy Sweeper is a thing of the past and not needed anymore if you using NAV 2009. No reason to run excessive layers of protection such as running NAV 2008 and Spy Sweeper.
Ok I see your point but just go to AV Comparitves and AV tests.org and you will see the results of NAV 2009. I have never been infected in about 6 years now and surf everything. Porn,warez you name it. I also use Firefox and never use IE. Educated people about safe surfing is also the option. No av or anti spyware can protect click happy people. I highly recommend telling usrs to switch to Firefox with Ad Blocker plus extension. How people get infected I will never understand. My infection last year was from a known good site using Windowblinds. They infection wasnt caused by me being click happy. The first role in safe surfing should always be common sense. I surfed for a very long time with no av and no as and still never got infected.
Dieselman743 wrote:
Ok I see your point but just go to AV Comparitves and AV tests.org and you will see the results of NAV 2009. I have never been infected in about 6 years now and surf everything. Porn,warez you name it. I also use Firefox and never use IE. Educated people about safe surfing is also the option. No av or anti spyware can protect click happy people. I highly recommend telling usrs to switch to Firefox with Ad Blocker plus extension. How people get infected I will never understand. My infection last year was from a known good site using Windowblinds. They infection wasnt caused by me being click happy. The first role in safe surfing should always be common sense. I surfed for a very long time with no av and no as and still never got infected.
We do tell people about firefox with adblock plus. We also reccomend StopScript, but not everyone follows our advice. Most of the infections we see come from teenagers using the computers when their parents aren't watching and people over the age of 75 who just don't know any better and don't want to learn.
Thanks again
Well those customers with teenagers you can set up a LUA or simply use Returnil. Catch a virus or malware. Simply reboot and its gone.
Ny Cousin also has teenagers. So I set him up with Sandboxie. I forced IE and FF is always run under a Sandbox. Then I customized CCleaner to empy out the Sandbox. Works great. Never infected in over a year and before it was like once a month.