Norton Insight

Recently I download the Norton Internet Security 2009.  I right away ran a full system scan.  While doing that looking around at the N.I.S main panel

I saw "Norton Insight" so I thought I would check it out.  I've read about it , and it looks great.  I went in it and checked some safe levels of something things and it said safe.  Do I have to do that for all of my files?  Or is just I have to if I want to now.  I've also read that after a full system scan it automatically does that.  I'm not sure though.  So what I am asking is is it worth doing the new Norton Insight and should I carefully select the files I want to select that don't have to be scanned.  And will they come up automatically right after my full system scan is done?


Thankyou in advance,



P.S.: I'm done my scan now , and on the Norton Insight it has no new trusted files. Only the 4 that I clicked on in the pass and clicked "Check Trust".  I've seen videos of this model and then have like 94% trusted items.  Did they really have to go through all of those items and do "Check Trust". :smileyindifferent:



Message Edited by MitchsWorld on 04-01-2009 03:58 PM

HI Weatherman,


May I know details on your Operating System? Can you share/post a screenshot from Norton Insight window for this problem? Also provide the details of the files that does not have any information listed under Norton Insight.





You might want to check your display drivers to be sure they are current. It is also possible that the theme you've chosen is causing some colors to display incorrectly.

Keep us posted

I have a windows 7 pc.  No files have community usage information shown, and most do not have resource usage shown either.  All trusted files have their trust shown, but anything other than trusted has no reputation in the list.  When I click on a file for more details, norton insight has all of that specific file's information, but when I run Norton insight, the list does not have the file information displayed.  How do I attach a screenshot?  The supported file formats for attachments do not include pictures.

I just checked my drivers and they are current.  I did not change my display settings, and the previous version of Norton did not have this problem.  I ran Norton support and no problems were found.

Please refer to the following forum thread to post a screenshot.




After I ran a norton full system insight scan, the results appear, but community and resource usage are not shown in the list.  Trust level is only shown for those files listed as trusted, all others are left blank.  However, when I click on a file name for details, all information (trust level, community usage, resource usage, and reliability) is there on that specific file's insight page.Norton Insight.jpg

Can you try to uninstall/reinstall using Norton Removal Tool?


Let me know if the problem persists after reinstall.




I did a clean reinstall, but the problem is still present.

Hi, Paula!


I generally stick with MBAM Free...but I have seen others in the Forums regularly recommend SuperAntiSpyware Free:


As with MBAM, users should not upgrade to the paid version, to prevent conflicts between the two real-time scanners.




Thanks DistEd2 ! :smileyhappy:


I'll check it out!


Anybody else? and........anybody got any ideas about the Norton Insight question please?





Hi, Paula. When you click on Norton Insight, it will first scan all running processes.


If you select All Files from the drop down menu arrow alongside all running processes, you can select All Files for a more comprehensive scan.


You will then have more Trusted Files, that Norton KNOWS to be safe.

Thanks F4E


that's easy enough! :smileyhappy:

Trusted files are allowed to run with minimal oversight and can be skipped during scans.  "Untrusted" simply means that Norton has not yet established the trustworthiness of a file, and therefore the file will be subject to normal scrutiny.  There is no reason to be concerned.

Hi SendOfJive
Phew! Thanks a lot for the reasuurence I really need to stop looking into things like this! As long as I scan clean and the Norton has a green tick everything is fine! Need to get that into my head LOL!

Thanks a lot for the help!
Take care! :slight_smile:

Yep, if there is anything that needs Norton's attention, Norton will take care of it on it's own.  If there is any action a user needs to take, Norton will let you know.

I couldn’t agree anymore!
Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

Thank you for answering my question

Norton Insight shows files that have high Norton Community usage and known good and known bad files in the Norton network.  Known Bad Files in the Norton Network -> not Bad Files on your machine.

Norton Insight whitelists files or apps based on reputation and shows the trust level of your files and the percentage of trusted files on your computer. The higher the percentage of trusted files, the quicker scans run, since your Norton product excludes trusted files from scans.

Norton Insight shows files that have high Norton Community usage and known good and known bad files in the Norton network. File Insight gives more detail including the file's signature, install date, resource usage, and source. If your Norton product gives a poor trust rating to a file that you believe is safe, you can, though not recommended, set your Norton product to trust the file. 

  • Use Norton Insight to improve scan performance
    Use Norton Insight to view trusted files on your computer that are excluded from scans. By excluding trusted files from scans, Norton reduces the time it takes to run a scan.

It depends on what files you have untrusted/unproven.

I have a couple listed as Bad or Unproven, and listed as very few users. This is probably because they are related to some Server monitoring software I have installed to keep tabs on my Home Server. So it is a very small market and there would not be that many users for it.