Norton360 Ver22.24.Xのインストーラーはダウンロードできないのですか?

以前はダウンローダーで「バージョン.exe」がダウンロード出来ましたが、現在は「norton_360_online_setup.exe」がダウンロードされ、Norton360 Ver24.8.Xがインストールされるようです。再インストールなどでVer22.24.Xのインストーラーを持っている人は良いですが、無い人は同じバージョンに入れ直しができません。
Norton360 Ver24.8.X(インストールしてしまった時はVer24.7)でしたが、UIがわかりづらい、バックアップを無効にできない、などでマシンを復元し元に戻しました。

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You’re one of the chosen few to receive v24.x

Maybe, try installer:

and from my Norton account

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you proberly got the new 24 beta to test you proberly cant go back to the old version i can send you the old if you whant it but it is hard to go back to the old version if you get the new version i got the new norton utilities i had the old version but i whas on of the few ther could use the old ore the new version i chose the new becurse the new whas better to clean the pc then the old it whas the only thing the old version whas bad to
it new more but the clening whas not good that is why they fix that in the new version first

↑「ノートン 360 スタンダード/デラックス/LifeLock 製品」をクリックしてください。Ver.22.Xのインストーラがダウンロードできます。



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Du you has the 24 i could like to try it

日本だけなのか私だけなのか、わかりませんが、「マイノートン」からダウンロードしてインストールしたら、Ver. 24.Xになってしまったと思います。全くユーザーの意図しないことでした。Ver. 24.Xで不具合が出ても、Ver. 22.Xに戻す情報をノートンは明確に案内しておらず、私は困惑しました。それでここのトピックが出てきたのでしょう。

I don’t know if this is just a Japanese thing or just me, but when I downloaded and installed it from “My Norton”, it ended up being Ver. 24.X. This was completely unintended by the user. Even when a problem occurred with Ver. 24.X, Norton did not clearly inform me of how to revert to Ver. 22.X, which left me confused. That’s probably why this topic came up.

I got the 22 whant the old version just remove the produckt using norton Removal tool and then you can installe the 22 again if you got the 24 you cant just go back the only way is if wee has a old version of Norton 360 the 22 to send to you



Here’s what I want to say to Norton:

● Don’t force general users to install the new version (Ver.24.X), which still has bugs, without their consent or information. We are not guinea pigs.

● When downloading and installing, allow users to choose between the stable version (Ver.22.X) or the new version (Ver.24.X).

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Dont worry im not a normal user i got beta of many produckts i also install it on a tablet to make it safe so i am not gunner try it on my home pc maybe a virtuelle pc to make it safe just need the files i think ther is only two produckts i dont has beta of and that is changing soon proberly monday ore thursday next week




It take times to opdate thing and yes it is a home page ther inform of the new version it make the produckt more like a produckt wher it dont open
It in more then one window not like it is doing it now