The norton add-in for outlook desktop is missing in v24. Also there are no settings for email client integration?
Thanks for the info. Now that you posted that paragraph, I see it in the “New Norton 360 app” page. Missed that.
You sent the same reply to me when I raised this issue. ( but I cannot find my original post! The is not the issue. These emails don’t contain viruses. They tell me that I have won something or I have so many free casino spins. They try to induce me to click onto there attachment and then ask me for bank details or other personal information. Basically, they are after my money… The Norton menu allowed me to designate the email as spam and block the sender.
Norton removed the Anti-Spam functionality.
I didn’t expect to have to buy Spam Fighter! The Norton Anti-Spam function came as part of Norton 360. So why remove it? I will just use the Outlook facility to block senders.
Norton really has messed up what was a great product.
Hello @DaveJ
SPAMfighter Standard is 100% free for home users
I’m sorry. I’ve been a Norton customer for something around 20 or more years now. HOW does a deluxe Norton product not filter out spam? Are you for real?
I agree I also have been with Norton for over 20 years and If they are not going to provide the protection of antispam any more I don’t need to keep my subscription.
I completely agree. Also have had Norton for many years and the spam filter was a major useful feature. Norton is getting worse and worse plus so many attempts to get us to sign up for crap we don’t need. I may get rid of Norton!
my webmail filters spam
my ad/content blocker blocks webmail ads
maybe, Norton wants you to think Norton Private Email & Norton Safe Email
my webmail filters spam
my ad/content blocker blocks webmail ads
maybe, Norton wants you to think Norton Private Email & Norton Safe Email
maybe, Norton wants you to think Norton Private Email & Norton Safe Email
maybe, Norton wants you to think Norton Private Email & Norton Safe Email
Having used your link and read about blocking senders, it seems the Sky spam blocking system is working. These emails appear in my Bulk folder in Outlook. If I go into Yahoo Mail, which is what Sky uses for emails on their website, they are already in the Spam folder. Will clearing the Spam folder in Yahoo Mail delete them in Outlook?. I have IMAP for Outlook.