Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
On My computer it has fixed some problems... but not all with the latest PerfectDisk release.
I am now able to do a boot time defrag of my C drive. The problem is that I have 2 harddrives in my computer, each with more than one partition. All of the other partitions get the error "driver conflict" and PerfectDisk is unable to 'open' the drives to defrag them.
I also used to be able to defrag the systems files on the different partitions (not the partion with the OS) while running windows, but now I can't do either.
I of course tried different things: turning off 'auto-protect' for NIS 2009, and some other things, but the only thing that 'cured' it was to uninstall NIS 2009 (not even disabling the NIS Service fixed it). At least I no longer get a BSOD, and I can defrag my C drive.... but there are still some issues.
Raxco has confirmed that the fix for this issue is in the update they posted last Thursday (9/11/08). PerfectDisk 2008 build 9.00.64.
Hi Scott:
To me it seems to be 'partially' fixed. I have NIS 2009 on 3 different computers (x1 XP pro, x1 XP Media Edition, and x1 XP Home edition) and all three still have the same problem I mentioned above:
1. Yes, Perfect Disk will now do a boot time defrag of the c drive (all three computers have their OS installed on the c drive).
2. PerfectDisk will NOT do a boot time defrag of any partitions other than the C drive (or on a second hard drive in one computer).
Normally, a boot time defrag would only need to be done on the OS partition because normally you can open PerfectDisk , click on the partion you want to do a system files defrag on, and click 'systems files." With NIS 09 running I get a pop up stating that its not able to close the handles and the computer must be restarted to do a boot defrag (which of course won't work).
Matthew Friend
- all systems (XP Pro, XP Media Edition, and XP Home) have sp3 and all microsoft updates applied.
- PerfectDisk (both PerfectDisk VMWare edition and Pro edtion) exhibit the same problem,and both are "fixed" and work correctly if NIS 2009 is uninstalled.
Thanks for the info, Matthew. We have also sent this info to Raxco so that they can look into the problem further. I’ll post again if I receive any updates.
Thanks Scott.
I did a little further testing today: I rolled one of my computers over to the original Vista SP1 image. I have the same problems as stated earlier with the XP computers with partitions, etc.
Test computer:
-Vista Home Premium SP1
-PerfectDisk VMWare lastest patch (64)
-All Windows updates applied.
-NIS 2009 with all updates
Please contact Raxco support at http://www.raxco.com/support/nt_email.cfm and we'll see if we can figure out what is going on.
- Greg/Raxco Software
Microsoft MVP 2003-2007
Windows File Systems
Disclaimer: I work for Raxco Software, the maker of PerfectDisk - a commercial defrag utility, as a systems engineer in the support department.
[edit: Replaced email address with link to support form on PerfectDisks domain in compliance with the Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service.]
Hi Greg:
I finally remembered to submit info to support at Raxco.
I had conducted one more test (along with the x4 versions/computers I tested on earlier).
I took one computer that has two hard drives. I wiped and reformated both drives and rolled an XP image onto it. I did NOT partition the drives. PerfectDisk will defrag the first (OS.. C Drive) but errors and will not defrag the 2nd drive. I also attached the PDboot log file for support to look at.
Since i can't attach files here, here is a little from the boot log as to the errors:
>Defrag32 File Log:**********************************
DefragFs: build16. NT Version: Major=0x5, Minor=0x1, Build=0xa28, CSD=Service Pack 3 (free).
DefragFs: Built Aug 25 2008, 09:57:39.
DefragFs: BOOT start. Date: 9/25/2008, Time: 17:08:59.62 GMT.
DefragFs: Received Illegal Open, failing with error 0xc00000a2.
Name: '\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\EENGINE\EPERSIST.DAT'.
DesiredAccess: 0x12019f.
Disposition: 0x1.
Options: 0x60.
Origin is system process -- probably ExWorkerItem
DefragFs: Received Illegal Open, failing with error 0xc00000a2.
Name: '\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\EENGINE\ERASERUTILREBOOTDRV.SYS'.
DesiredAccess: 0x110180.
Disposition: 0x1.
Options: 0x20.
Origin is system process -- probably ExWorkerItem
DefragFs: Received Illegal Open, failing with error 0xc00000a2.
Name: '\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\EENGINE\EPERSIST.DAT'.
DesiredAccess: 0x12019f.
Disposition: 0x1.
Options: 0x60.
Origin is system process -- probably ExWorkerItem
DefragFs: Received Illegal Open, failing with error 0xc00000a2.
Name: '\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\NIS\1000000.07D\Cat.DB'.
DesiredAccess: 0x12019f.
Disposition: 0x3.
Options: 0x60.
Origin is system process -- probably ExWorkerItem
PDBoot: No active pagefile on drive.
PDBoot: Boot-time defrag status: Completed
PDBoot: Volume is not dirty
PDBoot: Failed to open volume using DefragFS (32,642).
PDBoot: \DosDevices\Volume{94fb01a6-85b8-11dd-b5b9-001e900ad516}
PDBoot: Trying to open the volume again with force open handles to close.
PDBoot: Volume is not dirty
PDBoot: Failed to open volume using DefragFS (32,742).
PDBoot: \DosDevices\Volume{94fb01a6-85b8-11dd-b5b9-001e900ad516}
PDBoot: Could not gain exclusive access to drive D:\ (32).
There is a possible driver conflict. (D:\)
PDBoot: Calling: NtShutdownSystem
DefragFs: Received Illegal Open, failing with error 0xc00000a2.
Name: '\VSM000.IDX'.
DesiredAccess: 0x120116.
Disposition: 0x3.
Options: 0x8020.
Origin is system process -- probably ExWorkerItem
DefragFs: build16. NT Version: Major=0x5, Minor=0x1, Build=0xa28, CSD=Service Pack 3 (free).
DefragFs: Built Aug 25 2008, 09:57:39.
DefragFs: BOOT start. Date: 9/25/2008, Time: 17:10:47.78 GMT.
>Defrag32 File Log:**********************************
DefragFs: build16. NT Version: Major=0x5, Minor=0x1, Build=0xa28, CSD=Service Pack 3 (free).
DefragFs: Built Aug 25 2008, 09:57:39.
DefragFs: BOOT start. Date: 9/25/2008, Time: 18:48:31.62 GMT.
DefragFs: Received Illegal Open, failing with error 0xc00000a2.
Name: '\WINDOWS\LastGood'.
DesiredAccess: 0x110080.
Disposition: 0x1.
Options: 0x204022.
Origin is system process -- probably ExWorkerItem
DefragFs: Received Illegal Open, failing with error 0xc00000a2.
Name: '\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\SRTSP\SrtETmp'.
DesiredAccess: 0x110001.
Disposition: 0x1.
Options: 0x1021.
Origin is system process -- probably ExWorkerItem
DefragFs: Received Illegal Open, failing with error 0xc00000a2.
Name: '\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\EENGINE\EPERSIST.DAT'.
DesiredAccess: 0x12019f.
Disposition: 0x1.
Options: 0x60.
Origin is system process -- probably ExWorkerItem
DefragFs: Received Illegal Open, failing with error 0xc00000a2.
Name: '\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\EENGINE\ERASERUTILREBOOTDRV.SYS'.
DesiredAccess: 0x110180.
Disposition: 0x1.
Options: 0x20.
Origin is system process -- probably ExWorkerItem
DefragFs: Received Illegal Open, failing with error 0xc00000a2.
Name: '\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\EENGINE\EPERSIST.DAT'.
DesiredAccess: 0x12019f.
Disposition: 0x1.
Options: 0x60.
Origin is system process -- probably ExWorkerItem
DefragFs: Received Illegal Open, failing with error 0xc00000a2.
Name: '\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\NIS\1000000.07D\Cat.DB'.
DesiredAccess: 0x12019f.
Disposition: 0x3.
Options: 0x60.
Origin is system process -- probably ExWorkerItem
PDBoot: No active pagefile on drive.
PDBoot: Boot-time defrag status: Completed
PDBoot: Volume is not dirty
PDBoot: Failed to open volume using DefragFS (32,642).
PDBoot: \DosDevices\Volume{94fb01a6-85b8-11dd-b5b9-001e900ad516}
PDBoot: Trying to open the volume again with force open handles to close.
PDBoot: Volume is not dirty
PDBoot: Failed to open volume using DefragFS (1005,767).
PDBoot: \DosDevices\Volume{94fb01a6-85b8-11dd-b5b9-001e900ad516}
PDBoot: Could not gain exclusive access to drive D:\ (1005).
There is a possible driver conflict. (D:\)
PDBoot: Calling: NtShutdownSystem
DefragFs: build16. NT Version: Major=0x5, Minor=0x1, Build=0xa28, CSD=Service Pack 3 (free).
DefragFs: Built Aug 25 2008, 09:57:39.
DefragFs: BOOT start. Date: 9/25/2008, Time: 18:49:56.62 GMT.
If anyone else is having the same issue with PerfectDisk not boot defragging a second harddrive or a second partition on a harddrive, Raxco has a fix available that appears to work. I tried it on 3 different computers and it allowed the different harddrives/partitions to be successfully boot defragged.
If you contact support at Raxco, Susie Colon was very helpful in asking questions, sending me files to log boot errors, and finally sending me the file that has the fix in it.
Mat, anyway you can post how this was fixed without us having to contact texh support? thanks
Hi Dschachm:
They sent me a fixed/updated DefragFS.sys (it goes in the windows > System32 > Drivers folder.
I can send it to you, but they might have a 'better' fix or update since then.
If you could post it or email it to me that would be great, i would love to take a look at it. Thanks in advance.
[edit: removed email address per the Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service. - Please contact dschachm through private message]
Hi Dschachm:
It can be downloaded from this link: {removed}
If Symantec doesn't want me to put the link here, maybe they can contact Raxco so Raxco can provide a link here.
[edit: Please link to the web page that the file can be downloaded from, and not to the file itself.]
Thanks for that file. Unfortunately, still getting blue screen crashes. Extremely frustrating!
System drive is C:
Program files are on D:
Archive storage are on E:
C: - E: on one physical drive
F: Page File and temp
G: Storage
F: & G on second physical drive
Did you install the patch from Raxco? Worked for me.
I installed the build 64 patch and then after that the patch supplied by the gentleman here in this thread. I get a blue screen just before hitting 100% on "Analyze" of Drive C: Happens all the time.
The patched worked for me on both my drives. Did you over write your old file when you replaced it with the one from Raxco? Have you tried running a CHK disc?
Yes, I overwrote the original file and as a last resort after it failed many times, overwrote the same older version found in the Perfectdisk program files directory. So, no chance the old file was used.
There's nothing the matter with my drive and this issue came only immediately after installing NIS 2009. In fact, I defragged my hard drive just before installing NIS 2009.
There is an obvious incompatibility still. BTW, blue screen crashes also when I run analyze on my D: partition.
The file doesn’t go in your Perfectdisk directory it goes into System32 folder. I have PD 2008 build 64 on both my pc’s with NIS 2009 and no errors.
Please read the info I posted more closely...I already did that.
Perfectdisk 2008 build 64 with NIS 2009 and blue-screens all over the place here