Question about Identity Safe



I changed my password at a site that would always log me in using Identity Safe. Now, with the changed password it will not log me in. I am having to type out my user name and password. I deleted the old login thinking that when I changed the password, I would get the drop down box asking if I wanted to use Identity Safe at this site, I did not . Is there anything I can do so that I do not have to type in my user name and  password each time I visit this site?


Thanks for any help or advice.



You can click on the identity safe and go to manage logins and then go to the respective link (website) in the manage logins page and then you will get the option to change the password for that particular website and then you can save it. And the issue will be sorted out.


You can also Refer to this website and check the feature and the presentation on identity safe.


If any further issue please write here.



Thank you for your reply.


I tried your solution and it still will not automatically sign me in like it used to. Also, my Norton Toolbar does not look like the one in the link you provided. I tried to attach a screenshot but got an error saying that I could not. I will keep trying and will ask at the site if there is something that may be preventing me from using Identity Safe. Just don't get why it would automatically sign me in before.



I believe you already got the option to change the password.. So instead of updating the password what you can do is delete the login, close the browser , open a new page and then try to login to the website again and save the password through the prompt.

Try this and also try logging out and logging in again to see if it works.





I did all of that and still no go. Not only did I close my browser (FF) I rebooted my PC just to cover all the bases. I am not getting the prompt to save the login. I have tried this in IE also just to cover tall of the bases and it will not log me in.


Thank you!



1) Can you please open "Settings"->"Identity Protection"->"Identity Safe Options" UI and check whether the first check box "Securely collect my logins and autofill....." is enabled?


2) Also check whether the URL on which you are facing this issue is not listed under "AutoFill Exclusions" UI, if its listed under it

    then please remove it and try again.




Thank you !!!!


The url of the site I was having the problem with was in "Auto Fill Exclusions".... I deleted it and now it is signing me in with no problems!


Thanks so much!


If I may just ask one more question...I am wondering just how did the site end up in "Auto Fill Exclusions" since it was allowing me to sign in before all of this started?

My guess is that when you changed your password on the site, Identity Safe put the site into AutoFill Exclusions so it wouldn't keep trying to log you in with the wrong (old) password.


BTW, I have been somewhat concerned, in following this thread, over your earlier report that your Toolbar looks different, and won't let you attach a screenshot. Are you using a different version of Norton 360 than v.5 (or are you using Norton Internet Security)? If not, you may want to download and run the free version of malwarebytes, just as a "second opinion" to your Norton, to make sure you don't have a malicious "impersonator" infecting your system and stealing your logins as you update them. This seems unlikely...but apart from a different Norton product or version, a "different-looking Toolbar" is worrisome....

my identity safe has dissapeared how do i restore it

Hi, arorofino,


Welcome to our community!


Please start a new thread for your problem, as this one is likely about to be marked Solved, at which point no one will stop by to try to help you! Having your own thread will also allow us to better track progress on your issue.


When opening your thread, please let us know what browser you are using, including its version, and under what circumstances your toolbar disappeared (did you just upgrade your browser? did you just upgrade Norton?), etc. This will help us more quickly identify what's causing this, and how to fix it.

Thanks for your reply. I do have and use the free version of MBAM and least once a week. I keep getting a error saying that only certain types of files are allowed to attach here. My OS is Vista and I am using my snipping tool to take the screenshot. Is there another way to do this so I can show you what my toolbar looks like? The only way I am allowed to save my screenshots are PNG & JPEG and I am getting that the only files I can attach here are txt, log, and lue. I'm sorry but I don't know how to go about getting or saving those types of shots.


Thanks yet again!I

Use the little "Tree" icon next to the link (chain) in the edit toolbar for posting.


You can find instructions for posting images here:

Sorry but I can try to tell you what it looks like....I have Norton Safe Search and next to that is a white circle trimmed in yellow with a check mark in it for Safe Web with a drop down arrow then next to that is a circle with a lock in it for my Identity Safe with a drop down arrow next to that also. I hope this helps.



Okay I'll try yet again.


Hope this works!


Norton toolbar

It worked; we just have to wait for the moderators to approve the image before everyone else can see it.  Thanks.

Here's another shot with the circle with the check mark in it.

Norton Toolbar.JPG

CarolinaGirl -


The icon for Safe Web changes based on what web site is in the active window.  The circle & check mark is for a site that is Norton Secured (the entire site has been verified by Norton services and is Signed by a certified certificate provider).  The green OK mean the site has been verified as safe by Norton Safe Web functions but not to the level of being Secured.


Is that what you were asking about?

 Good Morning,dbrisendine


I was replying back to DistEd2 because in his /her post it was said that it was troubling that  my Norton toolbar looked different and I was unable to post a screenshot. That's why I posted the shot so he/she could take a look at it to make sure it was actually Norton and not an imposter.


Thank you!

Hi, CarolinaGirl,


I think dbrisendine was providing some explanation for why your Toolbar may have looked different than the one in the example: the icons displayed will differ based on some contextual factors. If that accounts for the differences you observed, then--especially knowing that you have already been running malwarebytes free as a crosscheck--you are almost certainly safe.

Very good!


Thank you both so much for all of your help. I appreciate it!


I guess this case is solved.


Thanks again for all the time that has been spent on this matter.:smileyhappy: