Questions Regarding SP1 for Ghost 15

I see that SP1 is out now for Ghost 15 but I have a few questions:


1) Is there a list anywhere of issues addressed? Symantec seems to have a habit of not publishing a list of things changed in their Service Packs for Ghost or least no one has ever been able to tell me where to find such a list. It's just a little frustrating becase I like to know if certain issues have or have not yet been fixed so that I know I can use those features with confidence or otherwise avoid them.


2) I'm hoping that the issue with "Copy my HD" has been fixed, but what about the the Boot CD? Installing the SP may address issues for an installed copy of Ghost but what about for the boot CD? If I burn a new custom boot CD after having installed the SP will that place any of the updates onto that CD or is there a new ISO available somewhere to download that includes the SP1 updates?


Thanks in advance to anyone who may be able to answer these questions.


- Hannes

Hi Folks,


Live Update is finding an update, taking Ghost to version


Most likely just routine updates. I'm doing some checking.




OK, guess you need Ghost installed. :)

I had to remove it for a while for other reasons.


I'll let the Guru go first.

Go for the ol disk copy Allen and don't forget Brian's bing disk

Even though the update is around 15Mb it is still just a set of routine updates to Ghost 15.

Well, good news. This Live Update has fixed the Copy Drive issue. Both HDs boot after a partition clone.


The new HD boots straight into Win7. The old HD has a boot menu (both boot choices work)...


Windows 7

Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008/Windows7


Boot from the first entry and the second entry can be removed in msconfig. The boot menu will no longer be present.


Thanks to Erik for applying the pressure.

I wonder if us Current owners can get an updated .ISO of this for use when doing a Cold Image?



I don't know what the update contains. Apart from a a fix for Copy Drive. You can't do Copy Drive from the boot CD. Only from Windows.

Excellent. Thank you all. I'm especially glad to hear about the Copy My Drive fix. I can only assume that if if anything affecting the Boot Disk had been altered that there would have been some sort of instructions for either updating it or downloading a new one.


It still would be nice to have a readme or someplace online that has a list of changes in a SP.


Again, thanks for your help.


- Hannes


gforeman wrote:

I wonder if us Current owners can get an updated .ISO of this for use when doing a Cold Image?


Good question so after the update and you remake the boot disk , is the boot disk updated to the latest version as well or do we have to download a new one ?


After hours and hours of work trying to clone my HDD (Win 7 x64), I'm just exhausted & pissed to see all those threads about the same topic... I'm probably too rational but could it be just POSSIBLE to give us a step-by-step procedure, with real snapshot, from beginning till end, on how to clone successfully a HDD with Win 7 100% of time?


I spent thousands $ on my computer, just bought Norton Ghost 15 + an extra HDD to protect my investment (like I used to do back in the old days with previous version of Windows & Ghost and it worked well BTW) and just can't get any resolution...


If it's because I'm too idiot, please feel free to let me know: I'll be more than happy to ask refund of my Norton purchase. After more than 12 hours of work, it's definitely not worth the 70$ spent to a software that can't do what It used to do so well before.


on how to clone successfully a HDD with Win 7 100% of time?






This has only been possible in the last 24 hours since the uodate was released. I guess your attempts were prior to the update?


How did you prepare the target HD prior to using Copy Drive? That is the major source of error.




routerguy99 wrote:


 is the boot disk updated to the latest version as well or do we have to download a new one ?



We don't know yet if the update has made any changes that affect the boot disk. Copy Drive has nothing to do with the boot disc. Have you found aspects of the boot disk that need changing?


I see that SP1 is out now for Ghost 15 but I have a few questions:


1) Is there a list anywhere of issues addressed? Symantec seems to have a habit of not publishing a list of things changed in their Service Packs for Ghost or least no one has ever been able to tell me where to find such a list. It's just a little frustrating becase I like to know if certain issues have or have not yet been fixed so that I know I can use those features with confidence or otherwise avoid them.


2) I'm hoping that the issue with "Copy my HD" has been fixed, but what about the the Boot CD? Installing the SP may address issues for an installed copy of Ghost but what about for the boot CD? If I burn a new custom boot CD after having installed the SP will that place any of the updates onto that CD or is there a new ISO available somewhere to download that includes the SP1 updates?


Thanks in advance to anyone who may be able to answer these questions.


- Hannes

Here is exactly what I have done:


1) Connect target to motherboard and make sure it's detected by Windows 7; format it.

2) Start Ghost 15 - Download new SP1 (Found by reading posts on forum!)

3) Use "Copy Drive"

4) Select source (C: - 500GB, only 40GB used, std HDD)

5) Select target (D: - New 300GB drive, empty, superfast Velociraptor HDD)

6) Check following options: Boot OS + Copy MBR

7) Start

8) When done, power off PC

9) Remove HDD source and connect target at the exact same position (same SATA connector)

10) Restart - BOOTMGR is missing....


I retried several time these exact same steps by copying both partitions separatly (System reserved + C:) and checking & unchecking options - Same old same old.


I even tried to fix problem by using Windows 7 disk repair, it worked 50% - was able to log in but then blue screen!


I tried to boot from Norton Ghost CD. but "copy drive" is not available (unless I diid not see it?).


In the old days, I used to boot with a DOS floppy, then stating ghost on the floppy, and do copy disk-to-disk; after 15 minutes, everything was done, almost too simple.


Dunno how to check if MBR or any critical data are corrupted or not.


What is wrong with my steps above?



You can't give the new drive a drive letter, the copy needs to be done into unallocated space.

Delete the partition on the raptor and try it again.



Thanks for the details. You have made two fatal mistakes. Fatal as regards preventing Win7 to fully boot.


10) Restart - BOOTMGR is missing....


That means you didn't use "Set drive active (for booting OS)" when you restored the SRP. The SRP is the Active partition, not Win7.


I even tried to fix problem by using Windows 7 disk repair, it worked 50% - was able to log in but then blue screen!


That means you copied into a partition with a drive letter. Win7 has taken the drive letter of that partition rather than the C: drive letter.


I can fix these errors in 30 seconds by using BING but for a first timer you will have less trouble if you delete the SRP and Win7 partitions and reclone into unallocated space.


The Ghost options for SRP are

Primary partition

Set Drive Active

Restore Original Disk Signature

Restore MBR

Resize drive after recover (unallocated space only)  ONLY if you want this option


The Ghost options for Win7 are

Primary Partition


Success this time?




I just noticed I gave you the Ghost options for a Restore, not for a Copy. I must have been half asleep.



The Ghost options for SRP are

Set Drive Active (for booting OS)

Copy MBR

Destination partition type: Primary

Drive letter of None


The Ghost options for Win7 are

Destination partition type: Primary

Resize drive to fill unallocated space (ONLY if you want to)

Drive letter of None


Don't Disable SmartSector copying for either


That looks better.


Hi Brian,


Thx for the info. I haven't succeed yet and I just gave up for today. It's Easter friday and need a brake (*pssshittt* open a beer).


I'll retry later this week but if I really understand well, we must "copy drive" 2 times: one for the SRP, one for W7, and both require different options. Right? This makes sens to me (now!). In the several trials I made, I remember doing that step twice (Copy SRP and then copy W7) but each time I checked the "Copy MBR" option, which probably causes havoc.


Last Q: Where you lose me is for the drive letter... I don't think I can't go around it since it's detected by the OS. The option is grayed out in Norton, and default is "primary" with a drive letter specified.


My point is: I use to ghost my HDD every semester. This means that for any subsequent ghost, when I'll boot up W7 (with 2 HDD connected), W7 will setup already the drive letters and I can suspect here thet everything will be FUBAR!

There is something I don't get by doing a "live" ghost (Cloning HDD while OS is running) and that will probably even worst if W7 detects 2 HDD with 2 boot partitions.... OMG!


This is why I specified my old way of doing it - booting with a DOS floppy and cloning main HDD (running XP) on another one. This procedure makes sense to me since drive letters were allocated by BIOS only, and ghost was sooooooo easy! 1 option to select (disk-to-disk copy) and job was done.


Enough questions for today, need to free up my mind. If you see UFO this week-end, this might be my HDD and my Norton CD that I'll throw out of the window! *LOL*


Happy Easter







Yes, you have to copy each partition separately.


It wouldn't matter if you copied the MBR twice but it is not necessary.


You are correct that Primary partition is greyed out but there is a drop down arrow next to Drive letter. Choose <none>.


You won't need to send your HD into orbit.


After Copy Drive has completed, shutdown and remove the old HD from the computer before the first boot from the new HD. If you let the new OS see the old OS on its first boot, that will create a very interesting situation. With a quite involved fix.





Could you confirm you have done the Live Update. That is essential.