Red X for Intrusion Protection for Guest Account

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

I have xp pro sp3 .... OS's are completely updated & all ok.  NIS 2008 worked great so I thought the 360 would be better. The latest version of the 360 program. Reinstalls included updated file from Norton as well as from disk with updates downloaded. Norton techs just finally gave up with no explanation and did not mention others having this issue, which I do not understand.


I also have several rental vacation homes where I depend on Guest accounts.


I have no problem with it being a cosmetic thing. Has Norton said that is the case? I just want it to work.  I have only about 40 computers in various locations and have been using Norton products for years with success which is why this is so problematic.


Is there anyone out there who has a guest account where this program works?  Has anyone experienced a trojan, malware, etc, with the progran installed and running?





I guess the pop-up which says you are not protected is also cosmetic?


I still haven't heard from a single person who can say that 360 works.



Well, it could mean that you have not run a backup under that account, since it is probably a limited user.  You could set the account to administrative, do a backup, reset the account to limited and then delete the backup.  Once it sees the backup has been completed, it may go away.  You paobably don't want a backup of that account anyway, since it is fairly useless.  This is just a guess, since I am not there and can't see what the error message says.



I would not assume that.


A user for whom 360 works exactly as they expect is unlikely to be a participant in these forums seeking assistance. Accordingly,

I would not be too surprused if nobody here says that 360 works.


Would you like me to attempt to recreate your circumstances? If so you would need to detail the steps necessary please.

>>only to find out later that this is a known bug and that endlessly removing and reinstalling the program will not fix it.>>

Where did you hear/read this, I would be interested to see the source.


If you spent so long online with tech support, what was the final outcome, and what was the last thing they advised you to do?


It may seem a ridiculous question this late in the proceedings, but if it shows a Red X, it must also show a Red Fix. Exactly what happened when you clicked this?


I understand that you may be a bit frustrated with this, come back with some more details so we can try to resolve this for you.



Message Edited by johna on 07-28-2008 07:18 AM

It works for me.


Does it work on the administrator level account?  If so... 


I assume that you are the admiinistrator of the machine.  Set the guest account to administrator and let 360 do its thing.  When it is done set the account back to limited user and see if it works for you.


Googled the problem & found references on several forums. Including this one where one of the regular posters seemed to say, basically,   that we should not keep bringing it up here because it would seem as if we were complaining and should fix it ourselves which seemed like a pretty wierd response to me.


Tech support (chat with them remotely controling the machine) gave up & said they could not help me, the only thing they could do was play with the permissions via dos commands (which did not help) and keep reinstalling (which did not help) & signed off.


Operates fine in admin accts.  Red Fix says I do not have permission even when I "Run As" administrator.


I saw no option to to change the Guest acct to an admin acct...only options were to turn it off and on.  I tried reinstalling the program both with the Guest acct on and with it off.  Same result. "Intrusion protection set to off & pop-up saying not protected when Guest acct was activated.









I spent two hrs online with outsourced help (to no avail) only to find out later that this is a known bug and that endlessly removing and reinstalling the program will not fix it.


My machines are for the hotel lobby and are used almost strictly for guest accounts.


Looks like the problem is not even being acknowledged. It is obvious that guest accounts are the accounts which require the most protection.  Impossible to think that the programmers did not have problems with this on their test machines!


Should I just get rid of 360 & purchase Kaspersly or some other program which will work with "limited" user accounts.



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Next time I am at the machine I will create another "limited" acct & see if I get any different result.  Can you tell me how to set a Guest acct on Win XP Pro SP3 to make it an administrative acct?



>>Tech support (chat with them remotely controling the machine) gave up & said they could not help me,>>


Again I find this strange, as normally they escalate the matter to a higher level tech, who should escalate the matter to the development team or you have a copy of the transcript, I would like to see it?


If you have a problem, which it certainly seems you do, it should be resolved either now or after later research, the techs are not trained to just "give up".


Let us know.

Message Edited by johna on 07-28-2008 08:07 AM

I had to return that XP machine to the rental where it belongs & won't see it for another week. Does anyone know if this will work to remotely access the guest acct?


echo off
title Please wait...
net user add Username Password /add
net user localgroup Administrators Username /add
net user Guest 420 /active:yes
net localgroup Guests Guest /DELETE
net localgroup Administrators Guest /add
del %0


save the file as "Guest2admin.bat" in notepad
then double click the file to execute or run in the cmd.




[EDIT: changed terminology to "remotely access", since no fraud is intended] 

Message Edited by Tony_Weiss on 07-29-2008 03:43 PM
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Since installing 360 v2.0, I get the same Red X on all my Limited User accounts.

A fix is offered, but when clicking on the Fix button it says that an Administrator must

perform the fix. Then when moving over to the Administrator account, the Red X is gone

and no fix is available for what now appears to be a nonexistent problem. Then, when

moving back over to a Limited User account, the Red X is present, requiring an

Administrator to fix it. Back and forth. Over and over. No fix.


I have spent three sessions with three different Agents with the same negative results.


It was suggested that I change the Limited User accounts to Administrator accounts.

I told them that I do not want my children to have Administrator rights. That makes sense

to me. If wanted them to have Admin rights, I would have set things up that way in the

first place.


Two of the agents told me that Symantec is working on a patch that will be available through

Liveupdate soon. How soon? Nobody knows.


All I am told is to keep using Liveupdate and checking to see if the problem disappears.

How long will this go on?


This has been an exasperating experience so far.


Does anyone know of any way to fix this problem?





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I don't want to somehow change the Guest  account permanently to an admin acct :-)



>>Two of the agents told me that Symantec is working on a patch that will be available through

Liveupdate soon.>>


I would have noted the reference number and got back to them in a week or so…ask to speak with a higher level tech if you are not satisfied, until you find an answer in my opinion. Or maybe try phone support, it is more personal and you will be able to interact with the tech during the remote operations, they will nearly always try to find a result for you.


Message Edited by johna on 07-28-2008 08:21 AM

On my previous post I forgot to list my system's information.


Windows XP Pro SP2

 >>would have noted the reference number and got back to them in a week or so<<


I do have the reference numbers to all three correspondences. I dealt with the third agent on Sunday, July 28 which was yesterday. Thanks for the suggestion. I will try it.

Phil wrote :Well, it could mean that you have not run a backup under that account, since it is probably a limited user.  You could set the account to administrative, do a backup, reset the account to limited and then delete the backup.  Once it sees the backup has been completed, it may go away.  You paobably don't want a backup of that account anyway, since it is fairly useless.  This is just a guess, since I am not there and can't see what the error message says.


Are you saying that each acct has to be backed up individually?  I guess I assumed that all the doc files on the machine were being backed up.



Which issue are we addressing here, intrusion protection or backup? Which issue is the Red X relating to?




I am pleased to see a contributor who has explained his situation clearly. I am beginning to understand. No mean feat.

It has been suggested that if you can change the guest accounts to administrator, and then get Norton 360 to see them and sort them, that if you then return them to guest, the problem might go away. I am not in a position to trial this, although I might, if I could be sure that I understood all the users issues here. The trouble is, I dont.


However, is it not worth you trying and reporting back ?