Software Updater Turned Auto Updater ON without my knowledge!

I had Software Updater set NOT to auto update: Norton decided, without notification, to turn ithat ON, this morning Norton decided to update two apps - I WANT to control this function - NOT Norton that is why i had turned OFF auto Update.
Does this mean you have to check every few minutes to see if Norton has over ridden YOUR settings?
NO notification, no confirmation it had been done, only an entry in history but that does not say what apps had been updated - only found out from Widows Installed APPS.
A week or two ago, happened to open Norton, Updater needs attention, listed 3 apps, turned all OFF as 2 were Windows items. Did not have chance this time NO NOTICATION again .Need a way to turn OFF completely Norton, I do NOT require this & other features, that is why I turn OFF.
In this country I believe this would be termed as being an illegal. Do other Apps interfere with Norton - NO - what gives Norton the right to do it along with changing my Norton settings without notification - case of BIG BROTHER.

Gayathri-R please note & respond
A paying Customer NOT happy.

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