After getting Norton 360 premeir loaded back in, there are now web sites that internet explorer cannot load. Before reloading these sits worked fine. One of several that won't load is Any reason these may not work anymore???
Hi hvconceptsinc,
I know it's no help to you, but I have no probelm getting to that site using IE9.
Are you getting any Error messages?
One other question. Are all of your network security map settings correct?
Hi hvconceptsinc,
Download latest Virus Definition from
Also run a comprehensive scan.
Please try to go to that website using internet Explorer (No add-ons)
Start-> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Internet Explorer (No add-ons).
And let us know the result.
there is an option in norton 360 premier where you can exclude the website from norton... but by doing this you are allowing that website into your computer without any protection..
open the norton product --> click on settings --> click on firewall --> then click on traffinc rules--> then click on add --> there you will the options to exclude/block the websites/computer --> follow the instruction and that should work
but before that try resetting the firewall and then check , this may work....
open the norton product --> click on settings --> click on firewall -->under general settings --> you will have the option to reset the firewall
also , if you exclude the website , there are chances that if that website has any virus , it will get into your computer , since you are excluding it
pls check with your friends whether that particular website is legtimate one...
Nothing has worked so far but resetting the firewall and then it only worked once. 2coolfishing opened up and worked fine once then after closing it I tried to reopen and same message internet explorer cannot open came up.
May I suggest that you download, install, update and run the Malwarebytes free scanner found here:
It may help. Be sure to psot back with the results. There are other/more/badder tools available.
it gave me the same message when I tried to open the mallware site!!!
Did you followed my suggestion?
OK, from this it seems highly likely that this site has infected your system. Many types of malware will block access to the reputable security software websites (like malwarebytes), to prevent you from bringing more help in to combat them. At this point, it is best to refer you to the recommended forums, where a real malware expert can work with you one-on-one in real time to dig these things out. Some of our best folks here have checked them out to make sure that they are capable, and competent to deal with rootkits and other nasties. Most of them handle tricky Windows problems as well (so, in the event that I am wrong and you are not infected, they will still be able to help you get everything working again).
Just sign up for one of their free accounts--where required--and go to the forums; don't click on any of the ads! Note that some of these forums (like bleepingcomputer) require that once they begin working with you, you not consult any other sources on your infection until it's resolved--and will close your case if you do. This is important, to avoid confusion (and really bad outcomes) resulting from trying to follow several people's advice at once! LOL
Good luck, and please let us know how it turns out!
I did follow your suggestion Subash. Still had no luck..Norton also shows this site as being a safe site also.
Hi do you have any other Browser like google chrome or firefox? If yes please check that site with them or download install and try with them and let us know.
Note that site safety just means that the website itself has not (yet?) acquired a bad reputation for hosting phishing, malware, etc., nor has it been scanned by Norton and found to regularly do so. Bad people load malware on good sites run by reputable outfits all the time, so Norton not having the site flagged as risky doesn't eliminate the possibility of you running across a nasty there; it just minimizes it.
Conversely, of course, just because your computer is exhibiting a symptom (being blocked from security software sites) of a malware infection doesn't mean you necessarily have one--especially since the original symptom you're reporting is being blocked from websites that are not security software sites. It just raises the possibility--and since the recommended forums tend to be pretty good at sorting out complex Windows issues too, I still think that's your best course of action at this point.
Well I uploaded Google Chrome and guess what! Everything is normal for the time being. Is there something I should do now so things stay that way? As you can tell , I'm no computer person at all so all the help is greatly appreciated. Thanks .
Open the Run Window by pressing the windows flag key + r at the same time ->Type inetcpl.cpl ->Advanced -> Reset
This will reset the Internet Explorer settings. Try this then go ahead and check with Internet Explorer and let us know the result.
reset like you said but still does not work!!
Goto Tools -> Manage ad-ons -> and please post a screenshot of the ad-ons screen
Im sorry but I don't understand screen shot?