Studio one 6 freeze after installation of Norton

After installation of Norton standard my Studio One 6 project keeps freezing after 1 or 2 minutes.

Did some diagnostics in studio one of loading times with Norton installed vs without. Quite drastic difference.
So I uninstalled norton and it stopped freezing.

Question is, can I make Norton to ignore anything that has to do with this program running?

Norton 360 v22 or v24?

You can add Real-Time exclusions & Scans exclusions.

Just downloaded norton 2 days ago, so the latest.

Norton 360 v22 or v24?

try Settings > About

It´s ver 24

You can add Real-Time exclusions & Scans exclusions.

Learn more about Antivirus settings [here]

Learn more about Norton scans [here]
Exclude files and folders from Norton scans [here]

Perfect, I will install norton again and try out your solution

Hello @Magnus_Pettersson

No notion whether exclusions will sort your scenario.

I’m not familiar with Studio One 6

Note: Norton Ransomware Protection may object to Studio One 6 interacting with Protected folders/files. You may need to Add app permission.

Protect your data from Ransomware threats [here]

Select a behavior mode for Ransomware Protection [here]

So far, when added Studio one to the exclusions, it seems to work. I cross my fingers, and many thanks so far. If the computer starts to freeze again I will notify you. Many thanks so far!

Curious, which exclusion?

Sorry, thru Antivirus exclusions ( Security - Advanced - Antivirus ) I´m a real novice on Norton so bear/beer with me:)

And of course the program freezed right now

Can you add the entire program folder & data folder? to Antivirus & Scans exclusions.

Can you create a work product/project folder and exclude same?

I imagine Studio One 6 touches Protected folders/file types? Correct me?

I added the third party folder of soundtoys to the exclusions as the app seems to be slow in loading in Studio one 6 according to norton. Soundtoys is an add on

Can you create a work product/project folder and exclude same?

Sorry, unexperienced as I am I´m not sure what you mean, but excluding the soundtoys seems to work, I have played my latest project thru the whole song, which is 04:34 and the computer is working so far

Okay…I’ll take that as a good sign.

Hoping your new N360 v24 will settle in and settle down after a while.

Please review N360 Settings to familiarize and set to your preference.

I take that as a good sign as well, I mean, imagine you are working on a project for hours and all of a sudden everything freeze. Well I guess I have to inform soundtoys of the issue. Cheers

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