Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Well, sorry to make my first post a problem. I just purchased Norton 360 2.0 about 3 days ago, and was looking forward to using all of the new features. Mind you, I’m not a technical person by any means, but I do alright. This morning, I received the dreaded ‘Symantec Security Framework has stopped working’ error message. I tried to do the right thing, and contacted Symantec Support, 5 times today. I reinstalled, uninstalled, used the Norton Removal tool, reinstalled LiveUpdate, etc. But nothing has worked. Here is the main problem. When I last talked to Symantec Support, I was told that as long as the status of 360 was showing as ‘Green’ I was fine. I have an HP, and HP has an Advisor program that starts at launch. According to Advisor, I have no Antivirus program running on my system. The Symantec Support person said, again, as long as the status is Green, then it is working. He mentioned a conflict with Windows Security as why it did not show as being on my system. Now, to blow your mind, here is the kicker. I went to Symantec’s OWN WEBSITE, ran the Security Check test, and lo and behold, Symantec’s OWN SITE said I had no antivirus software running, while the 360 was showing green. My patience with support has come and gone, and I had the remote access done, but the rep seemed to just about open every menu with no idea what exactly they were looking for. Could anyone please help me, as I have searched forum after forum. If Symantec’s own site is showing I have no virus software, I’m a little nervous. Thanks, to anyone who has the time to help me.
I did get an email response from Symantec, with the following steps:
Step 1: Delete Windows temporary files:
In order to delete Windows temporary files please
click on the web URL provided below.
This document shows how to delete Windows
temporary files.
Title: Deleting Windows temporary files: Manual
Document ID : 2006100212410939
Web URL:
Step 2: Update the virus definition by running
Intelligent Update
In order to download and run Intelligent Update
please click on the web URL provided below.
Title: 'How to update virus definition files
using the Intelligent Updater: Manual Steps'
Document ID: 2006071813095806
Web URL:
Step 3: Perform a full system scan with updated
virus definitions
In order to perform a full system scan using
Norton 360 please click on the web URL provided
Document Title: Scanning your computer for
viruses using Norton 360
Document ID :2006083111082475
Web URL:
I followed the steps exactly. The scan, when done, found nothing except one risk which it fixed on its' own. However, my computer is still not recognizing that there is a virus program installed on it, and neither is Symantec's Website security checker. I just finished the Security Scan on Symantec's site, and it still says my computer is at risk. If anyone can help, please, I would greatly appreciate your time and effort.
I just received the following message, exactly as follows:
Symantec Service Framework stopped working and was closed.
A problem caused the application to stop working correctly. Windows will notify you if a solution is available.
This happened while performing a comprehensive scan.
Another update:
I received an email with these instructions from Symantec Support:
It may happen if some Norton files get corrupted
while installing the program.This issue may
happen because of the abnormal termination of the
In order to resolve the issue we need to
uninstall and the Norton 360 using Norton Removal Tool
and install it gain. To download and run Norton
Removal Tool to uninstall Norton 360 and install
it again please click on the web URL provided
Title:Download and run the Norton Removal Tool
Document ID : 2005033108162039
> Web URL::
To download Norton 360 2.0 version, please click
on the URL below:
Note: Please copy and paste the entire URL
(http://.....) in the address bar of the web browser.
For assistance in installing Norton 360 2.0,
please click on the URL below:
Title: 'Installing Norton 360 2.0'
Document ID: 20071130121310EN
Web URL:
The AntiSpam and Parental Control features will
be available through an optional add-on pack. Once
you complete installing the upgraded version of
Norton 360 2.0, please download and install the
Norton 360 Add-on Pack.
To download and install the Norton 360 2.0 Add-on
Pack, please click on the URL below:
I followed these instructions to the letter, and STILL, my computer, and the Symantec Security Check do not recognize that I have Norton 360 installed on my computer. I still have not heard from anyone on these forums, though I hope to. I also have seen in some posts that there is an Escalation Team for problems, if this persists without any further help, I would hope that perhaps someone from this could contact me due to the severity of the problem.
Now, I just received a phone call from Symantec Technical Support. The gentleman seemed surprised when I told him my issue was indeed not resolved, he said he had to put me on hold, and then the call hung up. Can anyone help me with what is happening?
I called Symantec back to find out who hung up on me. I talked to a woman who looked up my case, and said that everything was fine with my Norton. I said it indeed was not, and then I was hung up on a second time. My system and Symantec Security Check still won't recognize my 360 as being installed. I have now called Symantec over 10 times, had my software uninstalled and reinstalled, and had remote access used 3 times. I have looked all over the web, googled everything possible. Joining these boards was my last resort as Symantec Technical has been no help at all. However, I have gotten no responses on here to my problem which still is not fixed. As I said before, I have seen a few times where people with Symantec problems have been referred to an Escalation team member to fix it. As there is no way to do this on my own, why hasn't my case been referred? I mean, I paid good money for this product to have it work fine on my system. Yet, it does not, and I see many people referring on the web to getting the 'Symantec System has stopped working' error message. I have tried quite a few fixes to no avail. Yet, if Symantec tech support has it in their system that it is working, then no one is willing to do anymore for my problem as they think it is fixed and won't do anything else. When I called again, what did they want to do, but remote access my computer again. Everytime, they look and see to them that all is well. If so, why is Symantec's OWN WEB SITE not showing 360 installed? When I do their own Security Check, they show no virus software installed and in fact RECOMMEND THAT I BUY Norton 360. How bizarre is that, and what do I have to do to get any resolution for this problem? If Symantec is ignoring it by saying all is well according to them, when obviously it is not, now who do I turn to now?
[Edit: a line has been snipped from this post because it references a post that has been removed. Additionally, The context of the post below may seem a little bit out of place without that message.]
However, I have not tried to be too angry or rude on here, hoping that I would get some actual help with my problem. I have noticed on many other boards, when you let your emotions get the best of you, even if it is rightfully so, that the people who CAN actually help you tend to ignore your rants. I just want someone to actually help me. I have even contacted Tony on here directly, who told me to post what is happening in the forum. That technical support actually reads the forum posts. Yet, in all this time, I have yet to hear from someone from Symantec who can actually resolve this. I know I mentioned it before, but why can't the Escalation team, which I have read takes a personal interest in resolving all problems, why can't they contact me instead of the generic tech support person?
For help in a system fault like this you may have to wait until after the weekend when more Norton Staffers will be around. The rest of us are users like you and can only share our own experience.
I'd like to help you but I've no idea where to start when two situations are in conflict as you describe.
Google on your error message indicates that people have had it over a period of time but I didn't spot a single obvious fix.
You said earlier:
<< I previously had Norton Anitvirus 2008 on the system, which I let Norton 360 uninstall for me. >>
I would have made one suggestion: clean up with the Norton Removal Tools and reinstall but in one message you say you got this instruction from Symantec and it did not change what happens.
Do you have any other security applications installed -- firewalls, ad-blockers, AdAware etc? Anythng you can think of that might affect communication between the Norton application and the internet and Symantec in particular?
Here's a message I picked up in a long long thread out in dslreports forum -- no idea if it is valid or not but not difficult to try: Start / Run / Services.msc and look at the entries for Symantec/Norton Services
reply to Jimbo40
Symantec support chat worked fine for me. The analyst told me to check all symantec services (in services.msc). I started the ones that wheren't and check the automatic option.After a reboot the problem was solved. The services they said to verify where:
Symantec Settings Manager
COM Host
Symantec Core LC
Symantec Event Manager
In an earlier message here you replied as if to Tony Weiss, which I suppose means you heard from him privately. Perhaps you better wait until he next comes back on line. But in the meantime you could check out those services.
And here's something else to try:
<< Turn off Identity Safe and Crime Ware and you'll be OK until the problem is fixed. >>
NOTE That some of these suggestions relate to NIS 2008 and I don't know to what extent if any N360 echoes them.
It started a couple of days ago. I tried all of yesterday in fact, on and off the phone from 11 AM till almost 9 at nite. As you did, I found many instances but no fix. I did clean up with Norton Removal before reinstalling with no luck. I have no other security installed, in fact, I upgraded to 360 from Norton Antivirus.
The only reason I mentioned Tony was that I was at my wit's end, and saw who he was on the forum. I figured why not contact him directly, as I had no other idea where to look after finding no help from Technical. He responded very quickly, and was helpful. He told me what to post that I had done so far on here, and mentioned that people from Symantec do read the posts. I have just been very nervous having my system running for over a day now with no confirmation that I am actually protected from viruses.
But thank you for responding, and I just changed the settings for services.msc as you mentioned. I am going to try a reboot and see what happens.
Hi figureguy,
I have also seen this "Symantec Service Framework"-error message, but only after an installation
of N360 v2 and totally a day or two. From there on no error messages.
Kurt, I have now seen it twice. Once when it was originally installed, and once after a reinstall.
I did try to set the services to start and on automatic with a reboot, but still my system and Symantec cannot recognize the software.
Thanks again, I tried the reboot after starting the programs and setting them to automatic. No go, but I appreciate the help. Also, I looked on Symantec's site, I see how to stop Crime Ware in NIS 2008, but there doesn't seem to be an option for it in Norton 360 V.2.
Hi figureguy,
I'm going to flag this thread for Tony to review on Monday. Please be aware that Tony's first response when he is contacted directly simply has to be "post in the forum." If we did not respond that way, he would be a one man tech support channel. On the other hand there are quite a few Symantec Employee's in various capacities monitoring these forums daily, and participating where they can.
If you would kindly PM me your case number, I would like to have someone see if they can run down what is occuring with regards to the 'hangups'. Perhaps your call is being transfered and the clicks are misleading. The PM (Private Message) icon is in the upper right hand corner of the page and looks like this .
Hi figureguy,
You wrote:
"Kurt, I have now seen it twice. Once when it was originally installed, and once after a reinstall."
Have I understood you right, when saying you have had this error message totally x2 ?
When your answer is "YES", this is because of instabillity in your system after installation.
This instabillity will last for some hours to 1 - 2 days, depending on your system configuration.
The other questions I can not answer.
You need help sorting them out by pro´s from Symantec.
I just sent you a PM with the information you ask for. I would appreciate any help I can get on this, as this has been quite frustrating over the past couple of days.
Actually, I had the product installed and running fine for 3 days. No hangups, no error messages, nothing. Then, I had the first error message the other day. After that, I noticed that my HP Advisor, which comes with my HP computer and monitors at startup, always checks the status of your online security. It had been fine every morning, showing Norton as being installed and my computer being secure. When my wife turned it on the other morning, she noticed that HP Advisor was showing the status as being 'critical.' Then I knew I had a problem.
After uninstalling and reinstalling, according to Symantec's instructions, the system still would not recognize the software when it did after the original install. Then I received the error message again. On a whim, I went to Symantec's site. Before, I would periodically use the security check to doublecheck my protection status. It would always show green, and tell me which version of a Norton product I had installed. When it completed the check, and said that there was no Antivirus installed, and then directed me to buy Norton 360, that is when I realized something was very, very wrong.
But to make a long story short, after the initial install, the software worked fine for a few days right off the bat, and the system recognized it immediately.
Hi figureguy,
Have you got any other Norton products installed on your system ?
If the answer is "NO", consider using a Symantec removal tool at the following url:
If the answer is "YES", this tool will remove/uninstall nearly all Norton product.
Before performing a removal, be sure you have all installation files and activation keys at hand to
be able reinstall all Norton products you originally had installed.
I am using a Backup and Recovery software and performing backups twice a week and
found that such a software helps keeping me away from situations you have discribed.
It happends with increasing frequency today, mainly because of computer systems
configurations getting more and more complex/complicated.
By using a backup-file made before the trouble started, I can just by recovering get out
of very many problems.
Not all !!!!!
To make things easier in future for you, consider to have such a Backup and Restore software
installed on your system.
I am using Norton Save and Restore.
Please use the removal tool I have discribed above.
There seems to be something happend to N360, that can not be overwritten by a
The only other Norton I had was Anitvirus, which was uninstalled by 360 V.2. I actually have uninstalled and re-installed twice now, using not only the Norton Removal Tool, but something Symantec told me to use called Budump, I believe. Both times I used both to uninstall, and still not working.
Funny thing, I am using a back up and restore, the feature that is in Norton 360 V.2. itself. Heh, the program that isn't working right is also the one that backs up and restores my files. Sigh.
I figure it can't hurt, so I am going to try one more uninstall today, if not, then I am lost as to what to do next.
Hi Figureguy
I have just spent over an hour typing you a great big long reply.
When I clicked to post it - It Disappeared!
Give up my friend - Before you permanently damage your computer
Symantec know all about : Symantec Service Framework Stopped Working
They just aren't admitting it!
If Symantec would admit to this problem - And Fix it!
I would go back to using Norton 360 v 2 in a Flash!
But Like I said in my first post ( The one that disappeared ) ...
Norton 360 v 2 is like a beautiful cake laced with arsenic
My Computer is ....
HP m9070
Vista Home Premium ( With SP1 Installed )
Core 2 Quad
500 GB Hard Drive
And Here Is My Story....
Symantec should be ashamed of themselves!