Last noticed / occurred with Norton 360 Deluxe version 24.12.9725 on Windows 10 X64 where Norton is disabling all tasks in Task Scheduler.
Only started happening within the last two weeks so I’m not able to say what version I was on when it was working fine other than it was fine with the old version / GUI design - likely v22.23 with the old GUI design.
Have several Task Scheduler tasks running daily and running schtasks command to run them on demand. I suspect a program update / upgrade has occurred and all tasks suddenly became Disabled. If I enable them again manually, they will change to Disabled again.
I have uninstalled v24 twice and all tasks are fine afterwards without Norton and run as expected, they were fine under v22 and many years prior.
I have searched community to see if this has been raised before but nothing matches in this community. I did search elsewhere and closest I could fine was with other AV products that have silent / quiet mode, which Norton used to have before the new program and GUI update. Other users of the other AV products have had success with disabling silent / quiet mode to prevent AV disabling tasks. Silent mode no longer exists in v24, even when Silent Mode existed in v22 I didn’t need to disable it nor add tasks or apps to Silent Mode list of apps.
I also don’t game and game mode is disabled so nothing should be limiting or disabling background tasks.
Definitely something in Norton. Once Norton is uninstalled the tasks remain enabled.
If I reinstall Norton again (using download link from Norton Account - file version 24.12.8365.0 / product version 24.12.9725.1248) the tasks appears to be fine at first but then once LU has updated suddenly the tasks all change to disabled again!
I notice there is a new v25 version / thread but I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced the same / resolution?
My problem wasn’t with the task scheduler but a couple other options kept getting reset so it was a constant game of whack a mole. Got sick of it so I reverted to V22. It’s so stable compared to V24! Will wait if V25 fixed most, if not all, V24’s annoying bugs before I transition to the new version. Sorry I don’t have a solution for your particular problem. Best of luck.
Thanks @Puzzler - I was thinking the same about going back to v22 too and seen a few other users doing the same for the sake of stability for other reasons not relating to tasks.
I would have thought it would only update itself from v22 back to v24 / v25 again once Live Update ran?
Even Program Control under v24 was not how it was under v22.
v22 would tell me browser was wanting to access but with v24 it would show some user unfriendly reverse lookup address.
You’re right about V24 reinstalling but you can prevent that. Follow @SoulAsylum 's instructions below. Also don’t use LiveUpdate. Download virus definition at Broadcom (link at end) and manually install (Intelligent Updater). New def file is published daily.
Yes, but end user shouldn’t have to do a lookup every time you get an unknown DNS name The old v22 prompt told you it was going to Google. That should be made simple for end user.
@SevenOfNine Glad it worked for you. One thing I neglected to mention is to double check all N360’s settings since many or all of your custom settings may have reverted to N360’s default, including program controls and any custom traffic rules.
Hopefully V25 worked out the bugs but it’s not just bugs that annoyed me. Features like Norton Power Eraser and others have been stripped from the new version. There is a standalone free Power Eraser you can download if you need that.