But It is not the error that is an issue, my problem is how to turn off email scanning. I don't get an error with it, I turn it off but it still just goes ahead and scans.
Normally I use a web based email client so email scanning is not an issue. However I have a "group" that I send out a monthly newsletter to in pdf format. This I send out directly from my computer using a Perl script. Rather than send out to ALL of the participants at once ( send all 50 at once and spam bots get in the way ) The script sends the emails out one at a time consecutively. I have run this many times before ( from a UNIX box ) where there was no email scanning. Now running it on my XP based machine Norton is getting in my way.
Run number 1 went something like this.
my script send 50 consecutive personalized notes with a pdf attachment one after another in short order. Norton starts scanning the pdf ( a minute to get through it ) Before it has finished the 1st scan there are 50 others all trying to run concurent to the first
Norton seems okay for a while ( mutlitasking ) but then jams up and stopped sending them and gave me the mailing error.
about 4 of the 50 actually made it through the scan and got sent.
No problem says he... just turn off email scanning for sent messages.
Run number 2 went the same as the first. Turning off email scanning for sent messages did not do a thing it still scanned.
Run number 3 went the same as 2 and 3 This time turned off email scanning totally ( send and receive ) and also turned off Autoprotect. Still it scanned
Run number 4 succeeded. kind of. This time I put a time delay of 90 secs between mailings so that the Norton Scanner just handled one email at a time and this allowed it to run. However with 50+ people on my mailing list.... it took 1 1/2 hours to run.
So the question is... why did turning off email scanning not work. With email scanning turned off for both send and receive, and autoprotect turned off had no effect.
( I did not know what autoprotect did exactly so turned it off because I thought it might be a possible culprit )
The Email scanning feature in Norton product usually does not scan the web based emails. It scans only the emails which are send/receive from Outlook express/MS Outlook. There may be Norton products installed in the ISP’s servers which cause the issue. Have you discussed this issue with your ISP?
No this is a local problem. What I said that might have confused you was that scanning is not a concern for me normally because I use a web based email program.
I get this problem when I mail locally from my computer... and it is a local Norton Pop up that is doing the scanning just as if I were using outlook express or MS Outlook.
To know what version of NIS you are using simply click “Help and Support\About”. Are you talking anout Yahoo web based email? Such as going to Yahoo.com and logging in? This is what I do and it has nothing to do with NIS. Yahoo uses Norton to scan emails and attachements on there end.
No this is a local problem. What I said that might have confused you was that scanning is not a concern for me normally because I use a web based email program.
I get this problem when I mail locally from my computer... and it is a local Norton Pop up that is doing the scanning just as if I were using outlook express or MS Outlook.
Could you clarify for me: You say it is not web-based mail and then at the end you say "as if I were using OE or Outlook"
So what email client are you using?
It is my understanding that Norton email scanning only works with OE (or the equivalent in VISTA) and Outlook so if you are using another email client and are getting what appear to be Norton popups then either you have been infected with one of the well known scams or the popup is not coming from email scanning and so turning off Norton email scanning would not affect it.
Could you clarify for me: You say it is not web-based mail and then at the end you say "as if I were using OE or Outlook"
So what email client are you using?
It is my understanding that Norton email scanning only works with OE (or the equivalent in VISTA) and Outlook so if you are using another email client and are getting what appear to be Norton popups then either you have been infected with one of the well known scams or the popup is not coming from email scanning and so turning off Norton email scanning would not affect it.
See what I'm saying?
From the Norton Help files:
| If email protection is turned on, your email messages are scanned automatically. Norton AntiVirus supports all email programs that
| use either POP3 or SMTP communications protocol.
I am using an SMTP based command line mail program. Something similiar to the unix "sendmail" command. It allows me to automatically send a piece of mail from a script. Norton is not based on high level program ( OE or Outlook ) but on the low level protocols that these programs use ( smtp, pop3 ). So any third party mail program that uses either smtp or pop3 gets intercepted by Norton and scanned.( but switching it off should stop the scan )
So... I go to the norton control center. Click on "email and messaging" This pops up a window which included controls for:
Email Scanning, Instant Messenger Scanning, Work Blocking, Personal Firewall, Privacy Control.
I switch them all OFF. So the whole "email and messaging" section is now OFF.
I now fire of my piece of mail. Norton intercepts it and scans it. ( little pop up window bottom right of the screen ) Symantec... scanning message 1 of 1 ...
The problem is, and the reason I need to switch it off; I am sending a personalized piece of mail to approx 50 members of a group. Because it it "personalized" it has to go out as 50 seperate pieces of mail rather than just one common piece of mail BCC'd to everyone. The mail includes an attachment. Norton takes about a full minute to scan the attachment. So something that should just take a matter of a few seconds to send gets hung up scanning the attachment 50 times for about an hour.
Let's see what Norton have to say -- may take a while so please be patient.
I've had a look at the various HELP files in NIS2009 and played with the controls. The only thing I can think of is, with email scanning turned on with the slider, to individually turn off every checkbox in configure -- you'll learn there is a sequence in that you need to leave the top two ON while turning off the subsidiary ones -- and then go to the earlier screen and turn off with the sliders.
Some of those settings you don't always need depending on your ISP link -- I've got timeouts disabled on my cable network connection.
Sorry not to come up with a complete workaround, except also to totally disable NIS and only upload the email while that is so.
NIS2008 and perhaps 2007 have this same problem. I've had Incoming/Outgoing email scanning disabled for a year and the scanning window always pops up when I 'send' and email. I don't think Incoming messages are scanned because the one time I had that on I could see that activity in the system tray. Now it's only Outgoing messages that trigger the slide-up Scanning window.
Sad to hear 2009 still has the problem. I wonder if they actually test this feature?
NIS2008 and perhaps 2007 have this same problem. I've had Incoming/Outgoing email scanning disabled for a year and the scanning window always pops up when I 'send' and email. I don't think Incoming messages are scanned because the one time I had that on I could see that activity in the system tray. Now it's only Outgoing messages that trigger the slide-up Scanning window.
Sad to hear 2009 still has the problem. I wonder if they actually test this feature?
I'm using Outlook 2003.
The OP in this thread reports long delays during uploading which it would seem reasonable to attribute to scanning.
I can assure you that email scanning was tested during the beta stages of NIS2009 although I don't remember the details of the test program. It was also in Public Beta here and so plenty of "uncontrolled" testing.
If I've a moment tomorrow I'll upload a copy of eicar to myself with email scanning turned off and see what happens ....
Can you show me a screenshot of the scanning window that comes up when you send a message? I don't think we have a window that opens when e-mail is scanned.
...and I just figured out how to suppress it. Aside from the obvious that's already been discussed here - Options/Real-Time Protection/Email Protection and unchecking scanning of incoming/outgoing email - there's one other place to check.
I have the Add-on pack installed which includes Anti-Spam. If you choose to configire it and then look for Email/Scanning, you'll see an option to display a progress indicator when sending mail. When I unchecked this option, the popup was finally suppressed. Kind of odd though that it appeared even though I have Anti-Spam itself turned OFF.
...and I just figured out how to suppress it. Aside from the obvious that's already been discussed here - Options/Real-Time Protection/Email Protection and unchecking scanning of incoming/outgoing email - there's one other place to check.
Ureka. Thanks RH, that was the solution, it works. Thank you very much.
I still don't understand how come it does not work doing it the other way though.
In Summary:
From the Protection Center
Click on Email and Messeging
Click on email scanning and turn it off
Click on worm blocking and turn it off.
does not work
From the Protection Center
Click on "options"
Click on Norton AntiVirus
Click on Email
Uncheck the Scan incoming and outgoing email boxes
I don't know why the first method does not work.... but for now at least my problem is solved.
Thanks again to everyone who responded and helped.
i found this as well heres a link to help the litlte norton boxes start piling up in the lbottom corner and close very quickly... heres the link with the removal tool
also if your norton is upto date, it will catch this. on a full scan... you can cntrl alt delete and end explorer.exe during this it will help stop the pop ups. sorry but i read the posts and this is what i found works... scan sucessfully removed it the tool is still running so no clue if it works.... sorry hope this helps......
It a special version provided by my internet provider Rogers Canada. They provide downloadable, licenced version specially provided to them by Norton...
If I go to the "Norton Protection Center" and click on help..... The "Help About" option actually says
"About Norton Antivirus -- Rogers Yahoo! on line protection"
Selecting this option shows : Norton AntiVirus Version for Rogers Yahoo! High Speed Internet