Having many issues with the new V24 so I called tech support. They gave me a link to download old version but before I go to the trouble of all that works, I’d like to know if running LiveUpdate after reinstalling the old version will trigger automatic install of the new version again. If so, reinstalling the old version would just be a waste of time and effort.
Even though I have a lot of time left on my subscription, I’m about ready to jump ship. The new version removed my custom traffic rules when it installed. Also, several option previously available (e.g. network choice is now only private or public. Restricted option is no longer available). Manual LiveUpdate requires administrative permission so a standard user without admin privileges can’t access it. Makes no sense. And scans take a lot longer!
Can you share a copy of that link to the old version? My Winbdows 11 PC currently has both versions on and running together!! I don’t want to lose the old version when I uninstall the new version.
The new one is really not fit for purpose and should be withdrawn.
All: When you revert you MUST disable live updates to keep the version 24.xx from reinstalling. Use the Intelligent updater to keep definitions up to date.
Thanks for posting this. I had to remove 24 and reinstall 22, primarily due to the broken backup on 24. When I clicked on Local Backup, I expected to see my previous backups on my NAS drive drives. Nope! And no apparent way to recover backups made on 22. So now I’m back on 22 which I believe has a much cleaner, user-friendly interface than 24. After reading all of the input on this thread, I am surprised that 24 was installed on my system without my permission to do so.
@ColdnFrosty On the drives where your old backups are look for ARestore and ARestore.loc files. You can use those to recover those backups. In case you cannot find/see those files here is the download link for it. Unzip into your backup drive and run from there.
Download ARestore: http://liveupdate.symantecliveupdate.com/upgrade/ARestore/ARestore.zip
Thanks for this. I’ll try this. Incidentally yesterday I could see and run either versions of 360 both 22 AND 24 from two separate icons!! Today 22 has disappeared. So I tried to do a sync on a small 2.7gb cloud backup. It seemed to take for ever with no idea as to how it was progressing. I restarted the pc an it says I completed the backup 23 minutes ago.
OMG Thank you!!! I just got hit with this new version about a week+ ago and it’s been FRYING my CPU and memory! Browser wouldn’t load for way too long, way too many instances of Nortan running for different reasons, not clean, difficult to navigate, too controlling, a HUGE horrible mess that has been literally destroying my laptop that I can’t afford to replace. Bless your hearts for sharing this!
Okay, this is going to sound a little foolish, but where is the intelligent updater option in the tried and true older version? I’ve been stuck with that horrific update trying to have it not blow up my laptop for the past few weeks and now don’t remember where everything used to be. Live Update is already shut (TYSVM!! ), but where’s the Intelligent Updater so I can turn that on? Again, THANK YOU!!! (((hugs))).
Rut Ro - Nortan has found a way to not allow us/me to save my settings to shut live update permanently. The option is there, you can choose it, but the second you close it, it reverts back again. Same thing with my SafeCam options to ask, saves then reverts back to allow.