Website Loading Issue Since Installed Norton

Maybe, open a support ticket and offer to send debug logs.

I’m curious…what’s your DNS resolver?
Do you run Norton VPN or third party VPN?

since this thread is long…I’ll repost here

I’m using Google for DNS.

I’ll try a support ticket.

How’s it working for you? Are you still experiencing issues? Thanks!

Sorry, forgot: I am not using VPN.

Happy to find this thread. Unhappy Norton seems to be doing nothing. I’ve been having this same trouble for at least 2 months now. Very frustrating. Pages work better if I refresh rapidly rather than slowly re-clicking links or bookmarks. To try isolating this I’ve removed WSL, Hyper-V and disabled IPv6. I don’t use a VPN. Norton, please help asap!
I also have disabled all Chrome extensions. I wasn’t using Norton browser plugin. And why is there a NortonUI.exe process with cmdline including “–type=gpu-process --field-trial-handle=[number]”. I certainly don’t want a trial or experimental version of Norton!


Having the same issue on all computers with Norton installed. If they want to keep subscribers, they better prioritize this bug

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FYI, I contacted Norton Technical support via chat/remote session, who completely uninstalled and reinstalled Norton 360. Immediately afterwards, websites loaded properly, and our online session was closed. However, shortly thereafter, the loading problem returned. I am still experiencing it on multiple computers running Windows 11. Unacceptable that this problem persists this long.

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I have this same issue as well. Has anyone found a solution? Is there an official ticket or bug number tracking the issue? Seems that a security company would not want people disabling their product to workaround a bug they created. :frowning:

Hoping someone comes up with a solution soon. It’s maddening.


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I’m having the same problem, first with Chrome only, so i was using Firefox and Edge wihout any problem, but last week it started with Edge also. I’m a power user, so i need to use the three browsers for different things.
I tried reinstalling lot of times, it works for a while and then the problem returns.

I forgot to say that i also changed my computer with another and the problem appear after a week in the new computer.


I am also having the same issue, along with many others

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I thought disabling the web browser extension for Norton would address the issue, but it does not seem to help. What have others observed? Is there a bug report for this? Is Norton doing anything?


A relative with a complex satellite dish setup to receivers and network ports that sniffs all traffic in order to receive GB of weather data per day also had a problem, and their support group suggested disabling Norton, at which point I saw that Norton had a message saying it had auto-detected their private wired network was a public network and was restricting traffic…

Setting it back to private solved their problem, so I checked my PC out, and it’s got the same setting! Private wired network adaptor is marked as “public network” with special controls in place.

Since changing this setting, I have not experienced the failed loading of web page assets.

Just to expand, what I was seeing was “some elements” failing for the page and under the dev console I could see what they were. They were random and different, so if the CSS failed, page looks horrible, whereas if the JS failed to load, I might get a forever spinning wheel when trying to book an airline ticket…

Why it was blocking random things at random times I don’t know - either something is safe, or it’s not… !!

Absolute utter fail from Norton on this one, and to not even respond to our problems - terrible.

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This is still a huge problem for me, I actually bought a new laptop as I thought my old one was beginning to die as this problem started a few months ago, turns out the bright shiny new one has the same problem after a Smartscan.
I am quite relieved to see its not just me.
Does anyone have any idea if this is being looked at?


I tried to contact Norton. It was more or less a joke. I gave them this URL for details and they said they are not allowed to open the link. They want screen shots. Can everyone post a screen shot of what you are seeing? It sounds like we need to make more noise as they don’t seem to care at this point.


They continue to say it is a conflict with SOMETHING ELSE or that it is an Internet issue, etc. etc. No responsibility being taken by Norton whatsoever. Has anyone else tried to contact them recently?


Same! Brand new machine last week and already having the same problem! :frowning:


Allegedly, they will be having someone from L2 call in the next 2-3 days. We will see.

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I can trace the problem back to when the new version was launched. If I don’t run Smartscan there is no problem and as I say its over two different machines one running Win 10 Pro and on running Win 11 Pro


totally agree. Started with the new 24 version and also after it did some scan that removed files from my browser storage if I remember correctly. Downhill ever since the "up"grade.


fwiw ~
I experienced website loading issue since my initial v24 over-install.
v24 clean install sorted my v24 website loading issues.

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