Website Loading Issue Since Installed Norton

I’m also having this same issue on two PCs running Norton. I have switched browsers, restarted my PC and power cycled my router.

Does anyone else notice that it may work fine for several days and then for no obvious reason, one day essentially nothing will load without a few refreshes. It seems like it is intermittent but disabling when it happens. Sigh. No word back. Norton did not deliver on the promised follow-up from my reaching out to tech support.

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yes, its working fine for some days and after 3-4 days its damaged again. 28/1/2025 no solution yet.

We are also experiencing this issue. It occurs in both Chrome and Edge, and with external and internal websites, and I am strongly suspicious that it’s the same as this issue and Norton is responsible. We are using Norton small business and have been a client for many years. I am interested in finding firm evidence that Norton is the cause, as unsure I have this yet. The problem does indeed seem to go away for a while, then come back and happen several times in a row. It’s also I believe causing instability with certain web-based apps such as Dynamics 365, which experiences errors and then needs to be reloaded. I hope we / Norton can collectively find a solution to this soon as it’s so annoying.

Another one of those wonderful mornings where I have to hit refresh 4-5 times to get a page to load properly. Thanks, Norton, you’re the best!

Scott, I still have the same so this is the week, if I get time, when I leave Norton

…and another user for DECADES about to jump ship - it’s now worst than useless!


I am testing the potential ‘fix’ of having Norton avoid scanning these two directories. I have put this exception in for myself and one other heavily affected user.

“C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache”

(replace username as appropriate).

and here for Edge:

C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.Stable_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AC\INetCache

This is in settings - AV - Exclusions in Norton.

I’ve not had a re-occurance yet, but only put this in place tail end of last week. I’d be interested to hear if anyone else finds this clears up the issue (by preventing Norton interfering in any way with browser cache). If I have the problem again in the meantime I’ll feed-back, else if I go a week perhaps without the issue, I’ll also feed back.

The problem here is this has been intermittent, so think perhaps at least a couple of weeks will need to go by to be sure, however if nothing happens, I’ll put this in for other’s perhaps at the end of the week.

Myself and family are in the same boat on multiple machines (1 PC, 2 laptops). I’ve been a 15+ year customer and am about ready to dump it. Facebook is especially bad.

I am trying this as well. My Edge cache was:
C:\Users<user>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Cache Hopefully this helps until they fix their product. Thanks!! :slight_smile:

tried it, after a week still same problem…